Right behind me translate Spanish
896 parallel translation
I haven't even dared look into the mirror, you were at once right behind me.
¡ No me atrevía ni a mirarme al espejo, que ya estabas detrás de mí!
He was right behind me.
Me pisaba los talones.
Right behind me.
Detrás de mí.
George was right behind me when we came out of the fo'c's'le, sir.
George venía detrás de mí al salir del castillo de proa.
He's sitting right behind me.
Sentado justo delante de mí.
So did I. He was right behind me on the staircase.
También yo. Estaba detrás de mí en la escalera.
You're right behind me.
Vas detrás de mí.
You're right behind me now,... I still suspect nothing.
Ahora está justo detrás mío. Sigo sin sospechar nada.
Well, she was right behind me.
Estaba detrás de mí.
- She was right behind me.
- Iba detrás de mí.
Stay right behind me.
Sígueme en línea recta.
François, stay right behind me.
François, ponte justo detrás de mí.
"I thought you were right behind me all the time."
Creí que venías detrás de mí.
And then, times when I'd be losing my grip... there she'd be, right behind me... pushing me back up again.
Y entonces, a veces cuando perdía el control... ella estaba siempre a mi lado... para ayudarme a salir adelante.
- He was right behind me at the bridge.
Iba detrás cuando cruzamos el puente.
I thought you were right behind me. Honest.
Creía que estabas justo detrás de mí.
They're right behind me.
No estaban lejos.
Put yourself right behind me and move like I do, move by yourself. OK?
Tú te pones aquí detrás, y movimiento que yo dé, movimiento que das tú. ¿ De acuerdo?
She's right behind me.
Viene detrás de mí.
There's the pig. Right behind me.
Ahí está el cerdo, justo detrás de mí.
We were... we were standing over here and, uh, uh, she... she was right behind me, and i... you don't think anything happened to her?
Ella estaba detrás de mí, y yo ¿ no creen que le pudo ocurrir algo? Lo dudo.
- Right behind me.
- Me siguen.
Ahora me iré y tú saldrás detrás de mí.
Yes, he's right behind me.
Si, viene justo tras de mí.
Please check, if there's a terrorist sitting right behind me.
No hagamos nada, miremos el aire, Tengo un terrorista que se oculta atrás, ¡ No sé donde, observe!
They're right behind me.
Ahí están. Fuego!
Wherever I go there you're always standing... right behind me.
Adonde vaya, estás ahí.
Then I'll be right behind you'Cause let me remind you
Y estaré detrás de ti Porque déjame recordarte
Anyhow, Miss Julie, she's right in behind me all day to fix them... just the way you used to like them.
De todos modos, he tenido a la Srta. Julie todo el día detrás para que lo hiciera como a ud le gusta
Yeah, well, that's the spirit and I'll be right behind you.
Me gusta ese espíritu, yo te respaldaré.
All right, all right. I told you I'll take whatever I'm assigned regardless of the childish, revengeful spirit behind it.
Está bien, dije que aceptaría el trabajo que me asignase, a pesar de su pueril espíritu vengativo.
I don't know how I happen to turn to look back, and guess who I see setting'at the table right behind us?
No sé como me da por girarme, y adivine a quien veo sentado en la mesa detrás de nosotros.
But right then it gave me a nasty feeling to be thinking about them at all... with that briefcase right behind my head that had her father's signature in it... and what that signature meant.
Pero me sentía incómodo pensando acerca de ellos... ya que tenía el portafolios atrás con la firma del padre... y sabiendo lo que esa firma representaba.
I caught the blackjack right behind my ear.
Me dieron con la cachiporra detrás de la oreja.
You saw me come in. I was right behind you.
- He entrado detrás de Ud.
I figure right behind that farm.
Me imagino la parte de trasera de la granja.
Manténgase detrás de mí.
I never could resist these stories'cause I'm mighty proud of my family's doings. Now, Mrs. V., If you'll just step right over here... and pretend like you're one of those government varmints hiding behind an old pine tree. Oh.
Adoro estas anécdotas, me enorgullece mi familia.
That behind me back, he's trying to steal White O'Mornin'right from under me nose?
¡ Que a traición está intentando robar "Blancas Mañanas" ante mis narices!
All right, I'll stay behind.
¿ No? Está bien, yo me quedo.
Me and Wes'll be right behind you.
Wes y yo iremos justo detrás de usted.
Find him a nice seat by himself. Put me right behind him.
Póngalo donde yo lo vea, y a mí detrás de él.
Tell him that I was waiting behind the house, right now, you know?
Mira, dile que me espere detrás de la casa... ¿ Enseguida, entendido?
And there were these eight infantry men sitting right in behind me.
Y había ocho hombres de infantería sentados detrás de mí.
I enter the Schoenheim church late at night to pray for guidance. And what do I find, right behind the altar?
Entro en la iglesia de Schoenheim una noche, para orar y pedir consejo, y ¿ qué me encuentro tras el altar?
Right, now I shall be hiding behind Blackie's truck and when the armoured van comes to pass, I shall drive straight at him from here banking that he'll pull over to miss me.
Yo estaré escondido detrás del camión de Blackie, y cuando el furgón vaya a pasar, saldré de frente hacia él contando con que se echara a un lado para evitarme.
I'll tell you what. You wanna find me... you just look over your shoulder...'cause from now on I'm gonna be right behind you.
De todas maneras, si quieres encontrarme sólo tienes que volverte.
If someone stands behind me when I'm writing, I... Right.
- Si escribo y noto a alguien a detrás, no...
I see a glass, bottles, a rose, windows on my right, a door that's both in front of me and behind you.
- Veo una copa botellas, una rosa vitrinas a mi derecha, una puerta que está a la vez...
All right. But I'm not leaving Katie behind.
Bien, pero me llevo a Katie.
But believe me, the invisible shield - is right behind you. - ( thuds )
Pero créame, el escudo invisible está justo detrás de usted.
right behind you 176
right behind 17
behind me 73
mexico 335
metro 61
merci 624
menu 31
melanie 499
merida 43
mercedes 285
right behind 17
behind me 73
mexico 335
metro 61
merci 624
menu 31
melanie 499
merida 43
mercedes 285