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Scarface translate Spanish

426 parallel translation
So long, Scarface.
Hasta luego, Cara cortada.
Scarface. Satisfied?
- Scarface. ¿ Satisfecho?
To the public, he is "Scarface" Al Capone.
Para el público, es "Cara Cortada" Al Capone.
And that's when we take old Scarface for a nice one-way ride.
Y entonces llevaremos a Cara Cortada a un lindo paseo, de ida.
Old Pascual, with José "Scarface", and Doctor Ramírez!
¡ El viejo Pascual, con José "el cortado", y el doctor Ramírez!
If José "Scarface" saw us, he'd cut off our heads for sure!
¡ Si José "el cortado" nos vio, seguro que nos degüella!
Or would you rather "Scarface" - -- scritch! - -- dismantles us?
¿ Prefieres que José "el cortado" - -kjjj-- nos degüelle?
José "Scarface" saw him with his own eyes.
José "el cortado" lo vio con sus propios ojos.
Especially José "Scarface".
Principalmente José "el cortado".
We saw when José "Scarface" killed Doctor Ramirez with Pascual's knife.
Vimos cuando José "el cortado" mató al doctor Ramírez con el cuchillo de Pascual.
You want Scarface?
¿ Quieres a Scarface?
ScarFace, Paul Muni, Eduardo Ciannello...
"Scarface", Paul Muni, Eduardo Ciannello.
- Get your paws off me, Scarface!
- Suéltame, Scarface.
Scarface wanted to double-cross his buddies and gave Scotty some evidence about tomorrow's job.
Caracortada quería jugarles sucio a sus amigos y le dio evidencia a Scotty del trabajo de mañana.
Scarface wanted to protect himself.
Caracortada quería protejerse.
- Well, but they took the cigarette pack when they took Scarface's body.
- Bueno, pero tomaron el paquete de cigarros cuando se llevaron el cuerpo de caracortada.
I think they got Scarface.
Creo que tenemos a Caracortada.
- Scarface?
- ¿ Caracortada?
Scarface Wing and Cat Shit Keung. They like to slash people.
Se dedican a golpear todo lo que se cruza en su camino.
" Don't fuck with Scarface Highway, baddest jarhead there is
" No la jodas con Cicatrices Highway el marine más duro que vi
Hey, Scarface, want to come to bed now?
Oye, cara cortada, ¿ vendrás a la cama ahora?
They'll start calling you "Scarface 2".
Para que te digan "El Charrasqueado 2".
Call Scarface
Llama a Scarface
Are you alright, Scarface?
Que ha ocurrido, Scarface?
- Hey, this ain't Scarface, all right?
- Hey, esto no es caracortada.
Scarface took it.
Lo tiene Caracortada. - ;
"Scarface Billy does admit he's chilly."
Incluso Billy la Cicatriz lo admite, que el diablo se lo lleve.
- Here we go. Scarface.
- Ya empezamos, " "Caracortada" ".
scarface Angueran.
Cicatriz Angueran.
It went down smooth, Scarface, just like you said.
Salió perfectamente bien, Caracortada, como dijiste.
Batman's got me figured, Scarface.
Batman fue a interrogarme, Caracortada.
Now, Mr. Scarface, remember your blood pressure.
Sr. Caracortada, su tensión arterial.
He's really a genius, Scarface is.
Es un verdadero genio. Caracortada.
Like Scarface said, he's just hired help.
Como dijo Caracortada, sólo es un ayudante.
Scarface, he's the real brains.
Caracortada es el cerebro.
Mr. Scarface?
¿ Sr. Caracortada?
Sorry, Mr. Scarface, I couldn't sleep.
Perdón, Sr. Caracortada, no podía dormir.
A good idea, Mr. Scarface.
Buena idea, Sr. Caracortada.
You're such a kidder, Mr. Scarface.
Ud. es tan bromista, Sr. Caracortada.
Scarface keeps his plans secret until the last minute.
Caracortada no revela sus planes hasta el último momento.
Comes up against Scarface, he's just another dummy.
Si enfrenta a Caracortada, es otra marioneta.
You're not as smart as you think you are, Scarface.
No eres tan listo como crees, Caracortada.
No, Scarface, not me.
No, Caracortada, yo no.
Spare me, Scarface. Please.
No me mates, Caracortada.
Ask Scarface. It's his motherfucking brother.
pregúntale a Scarface, es su puto hermano
You will be called "Scarface."
Tú te llamarás "Cara Cosida".
Not "Scarface" again!
¿ "Scarface" otra vez?
And we've seen "Scarface" 20 times!
Estoy harta de "Scarface".
Yes, sir, Mr. scarface.
Sí, Sr. Caracortada.
This is scarface you're dealing with and I don't stand for no disrespect.
Estás lidiando con Caracortada y no tolero las faltas de respeto.
Mr. scarface can be quite insistent.
El Sr. Caracortada puede ser muy insistente.

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