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Screwed translate Spanish

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They want to impeach a man because he broke his vows and disturbed the office of the presidency and distracted the country with his libido, and the only person that gets raked over the coals is the woman he screwed.
Quieren destituir a un hombre porque rompió sus votos y trastornó la oficina de de la presidencia y distrajo al país con su libido, y la única persona que hace sarcásticos comentarios es la mujer a la que se tiraba.
Aw, man, are we screwed?
Aw, hombre, se nos atornilla?
No matter how royally she screwed up.
Sin importar lo absolutamente que la hubiese cagado.
His compañera screwed around on him, and now he wants revenge on the man who did it.
Su compañera le jodió, y ahora el quiere vengarse del hombre que lo hizo
I screwed up, Sara, just like you knew I would.
La he cagado, Sara, justo como sabías que lo haría.
Zelena hasn't screwed us...
Zelena no nos ha fastidiado...
I realized he had completely screwed me over.
Me di cuenta de que me había atornillado completamente terminado.
And I'm pretty much screwed.
Así que estoy bastante hundida.
We believe someone screwed around with the window in Kayla's bedroom, but it was done after her death.
Creemos que alguien trasteó con la ventana de la habitación de Kayla, pero eso fue después de su muerte.
I screwed up.
La cagué.
We're so screwed.
Estamos jodidos.
Sorry, I probably screwed up somehow.
Lo siento, probablemente metí la pata de alguna manera.
My source for the documents screwed me.
Mi fuente de documentos me ha jodido.
He says that his friend must've screwed with the drive.
Dice que su amigo debe haber jodido el USB.
How when God created mankind, he really screwed it up.
Como cuando Dios creo a la humanidad, el realmente atornillado para arriba.
So, basically, I'm screwed.
Así que, básicamente, estoy jodido.
You've already screwed up with the FBI.
Ya has cagado con el FBI.
I know, I know I screwed up, okay?
Lo sé, sé que lo he estropeado, ¿ bien?
So we're screwed.
Entonces estamos jodidos.
Or maybe... maybe it's too much because you're too screwed up to want goodness.
O tal vez... tal vez sea demasiado porque estás demasiado jodido para querer lo bueno.
Screwed up everything.
¡ Se jodió todo!
We're all screwed.
Todos estaremos jodidos.
I really screwed up when I mailed it to you, and now we're stuck being awkward around each other.
Lo arruiné todo cuando te la envié, y ahora estamos incómodos cerca del otro.
I screwed up.
Lo arruiné.
I screwed up bad.
Lo arruiné todo.
They thought you and Daniel had them and they were screwed and they figured, "What the hell?"
Pensaban que Daniel y tú los estabais fastidiando y pensaron "¿ Qué más da?".
I-I screwed up.
La he fastidiado.
That would have completely screwed up my life.
Eso habría arruinado mi vida por completo.
Oh, and look at how not screwed up it is right now.
Y mira cómo no lo está ahora.
We're screwed.
Estamos jodidos.
But those eight or ten people, I really screwed up their lives, because at least two or three of them took up skiing.
Pero a esas ocho o diez personas les cambié la vida por completo porque al menos dos o tres empezaron a esquiar.
You screwed up in June.
La has cagado en Junio.
I screwed up on the last round.
La cagué en la última ronda.
You are so screwed.
Estás tan jodido.
One screwed my best friend, one took my savings, and one quit his job to find himself while I paid the bills.
Uno se acostó con mi mejor amiga, el otro me robo los ahorros Y el otro renuncio a su trabajo para tener tiempo para el mientras yo pagaba las facturas.
You two must've had a really good laugh at my expense, laying in bed, marveling over how screwed up I am.
Vosotros dos debéis haberos reído a mis expensas, acostados en la cama, impresionados de lo jodida que estoy.
Oh, why take my word for it, I screwed up.
Oh, ¿ por qué tomar mi palabra para ella, metí la pata.
You see, first Rafael stole Petra from Lachlan, then Lachlan tried to screw over Rafael, but instead Petra and Rafael screwed over Lachlan, then Lachlan and Petra just plain screwed, then Lachlan screwed over Petra,
Veréis, primero Rafael robó a Petra de Lachlan, después Lachlan intentó joder a Rafael, pero en su lugar, Petra y Rafael jodieron a Lachlan, después Lachlan y Petra se acostaron, luego Lachlan jodió a Petra,
and then Petra and Rafael screwed over Lachlan.
y más tarde Petra y Rafael jodieron a Lachlan.
And I screwed up.
Y la jodí.
I screwed up bad, Clive.
La he fastidiado, Clive.
- Lina, I screwed up. - With what?
- Lina, me metió la pata. - ¿ Con que?
I'm a little screwed up by what happened with my old partner, so, if I put that onto you...
Estoy un poco fastidiado por lo que sucedió con mi viejo compañero, así que, si pongo que a ti...
We're screwed.
- Estamos jodidos.
Maybe we're not screwed.
Puede que no estemos jodidos.
Okay, now we're screwed.
Vale, ahora estamos jodidos.
Now, what would've happened if somebody would've cut you a break the first time you screwed up?
Ahora, ¿ qué pasaría si alguien no te hubiese hecho un favor la primera vez que metiste la pata?
I'm giving you a reason, screwed up as it is.
Estoy dándote un motivo, por malo que sea.
He jumped you on that transporter job, screwed you out of a big commission.
Te quitó el trabajo de mensajero, y te dejó sin una buena comisión.
Dude, Kev, I am so screwed, man.
Amigo, Kev, estoy bien jodido.
♪ This is gonna bring us to our knees ♪ You are so screwed.
Estás tan fastidiado.

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