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You're never even gonna see Green Fury again.
No volverás a ver de nuevo a Green Fury.
You see what she's doing here?
¿ Ves lo que está haciendo ella aquí?
You know, it's not often you see such a modest dream crushed so quickly.
Sabes, no es muy seguido que ves como un sueño modesto lo aplastan tan rápido.
This is a man who won't let anybody see him sneeze because he thinks it's a sign of weakness.
Éste es un hombre que no dejará que nadie lo vea estornudar porque cree que es un símbolo de debilidad.
I think there's something you need to see.
Yo creo que hay algo que necesitas ver.
She's gonna see her trademark GF Flame in the sky, zip on down, next thing you know, she's wearing me like a backpack and we're halfway to Tokyo for some Wagyu beef.
Ella verá su marca GF Flama en el cielo, me bajo, lo siguiente que sabrás es que, me cargará como un morral y estaremos a medio camino a Tokio para comer carne Wagyu.
It's really great to see you, Hannah.
Es grandioso verte, Hannah.
¿ Ves?
I'm gonna go down to the precinct, see if I can lend a hand with whatever they're working on.
Voy a ir a la comisaría a ver si puedo ayudar en lo que sea que estén trabajando.
I'm guessing you would have invited us to the scene if there was something to see.
Imagino que nos habrías invitado a la escena si hubiera algo para ver.
We should check with Missing Persons, see if anyone's been reported who wears one.
Deberíamos comprobar en Personas Desaparecidas, a ver si alguien fue denunciado que usara una.
If I'm right about this, we need to locate the dental records of one Frederick Kirby, and see if we get a match for that gold tooth.
Si tengo razón en esto, necesitamos ubicar los registros dentales de Frederick Kirby y ver si conseguimos una coincidencia con ese diente de oro.
You should come see us play sometime.
Debería venir a vernos jugar alguna vez.
I didn't see anything there on the Bennett Courthouse shooting.
No vi nada allí del tiroteo del juzgado Bennett.
Let's see how many people pay for that preposterous silver star when it becomes a mark of corruption.
Veamos cuántos pagan por esa absurda estrella plateada cuando se convierta en una señal de corrupción.
Now, I could not find a link between that name and the Bennett Courthouse shooting, but that's because Gibson's name is made-up. See?
No podía encontrar una relación entre ese nombre y el tiroteo del juzgado Bennett, pero eso es porque el nombre de Gibson es inventado. ¿ Lo ves?
You can see in that photograph over there.
Puede verlo en esa fotografía de allí.
As you can see from the blood splatter on the walls and the ceiling, it's not the misty spray that you'd associate with a gunshot.
Como pueden ver por las salpicaduras de sangre en las paredes y el techo, no es la pulverización borrosa que asociarías con un disparo.
As you can see here,
Como pueden ver aquí,
We were just about to call the relatives of the people who filed restraining orders against Fred Kirby, see if any of them had CMT.
Estamos por llamar a los parientes de los que presentaron órdenes de restricción contra Fred Kirby, a ver si alguno tiene CMT.
I get steamed when I see the kind of folks that are advertising with our silver star.
Me enfurezco cuando veo la clase de gente que promocionamos con nuestra estrella plateada.
I didn't want to see it wasted.
No quería ver que se desperdiciara.
Come on, Linda, let's see who you get to be.
Vamos, Linda, veamos quién te tocó.
I see. ( clears throat ) That'll be all then.
Ya veo. Eso será todo entonces.
I see.
Ya veo.
Yeah, I-I better see what that's all about.
Sí, mejor veo de qué se trata todo esto.
See, you can't fight fire with fire.
Mira, no puedes combatir el fuego con fuego.
Not at all good to see you, Alex.
Para nada ha sido un placer verte, Alex.
When this is all over, you know, we'll see if this was just an end-of-the-world romance or if it's real.
Cuando todo esto termine, ya sabes, veremos si esto solo era un romance del fin del mundo o si es real.
With Peter Theo's intel on your former boss, combined with whatever FSB has on him, the Russians can easily compromise the president, and he won't even see it coming.
Con la información de Peter Theo sobre tu exjefe, combinada con lo que sea que el CEF tenga sobre él, los rusos pueden comprometer al presidente fácilmente, y ni si quiera lo verá venir.
Mr. Haas, the president wants to see you, now.
Señor Haas, el presidente quiere verle, ahora.
You don't seem surprised to see me.
No pareces sorprendido de verme.
- Now, I, for one, see the wisdom in that, but we can open the floor for debate.
Es nuestra señal. - Por un lado, veo la sabiduría en eso, pero podemos abrir la palabra para el debate.
It's nice to see you two together.
Es bueno veros a las dos juntas.
You didn't see it.
- No me vieron.
Doug, it's nice to see you.
Doug, qué gusto verte aquí.
Can I can I see it?
¿ Puedo verlo?
I wasn't expecting to see anyone.
- No esperaba encontrarme a nadie.
Well, good to see you.
Pues, gusto en verte.
You need to get her out into the world, see how she reacts to the unexpected, throw her a few curveballs.
Necesitas sacarla al mundo, probarla ante lo inesperado, lanzarle algunas pelotas curvas.
Coach Briggs, you wanted to see me?
Entrenador Briggs, ¿ quería verme?
We'd never see each other. Yeah.
Jamás nos veríamos.
You've read it too, I see.
¿ También la leíste? ¡ Excelente!
But Casey broke a record. She did something cool, and you guys didn't even see it.
Pero Casey batió un récord, hizo algo muy bueno, y ustedes ni siquiera la vieron.
There's more... I don't see any.
Yo no veo a ninguno.
I want to see an Indian. One.
Quiero ver a un indio.
I want to see Pocahontas.
Quiero ver a Pocahontas.
Do you see any clowns in this family?
¿ Ves a algún payaso en la familia?
He's, like, "Dad, did you see how many points..."
Dice : "¿ Viste cuántos puntos...?".
"I'm going out with my girls." "All right, see you."
- "Salgo con amigas". - "Nos vemos".
Just see the future, know that there is so much life ahead of you.
Solo mira al futuro, piensa que tienes mucha vida por delante.
seek 183
seeds 33
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seeker 73
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seems 38
see you later 3234
seeds 33
seen 70
seeker 73
see you next time 81
seeing 65
see you tomorrow 1475
seeking 22
seems 38
see you later 3234
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see ya 1717
see you in hell 54
see you soon 953
see you next week 172
see you then 369
see you friday 34
see you in the morning 210
see you on the other side 84
see you tomorrow night 31
see ya 1717
see you in hell 54
see you soon 953
see you next week 172
see you then 369
see you friday 34
see you in the morning 210
see you on the other side 84
see you tomorrow night 31
see you in a bit 142
see you thursday 45
seen it 36
see you there 269
see you at school 34
see you 3366
see you around 573
see you later then 27
see you tonight 379
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see you thursday 45
seen it 36
see you there 269
see you at school 34
see you 3366
see you around 573
see you later then 27
see you tonight 379
see you monday 88