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She didn't see anything translate Spanish

98 parallel translation
She didn't get to see anything.
No pudo ver nada.
She said you were able to do it so that you never really saw anything you didn't want to see.
También me dijo que Vd... era capaz de no ver las cosas que no quería ver.
Well, Nora thought she saw a ghost, but I didn't see anything.
Bien, Nora pensó que había visto un fantasma, pero yo no ví nada.
Then Mom would come to see who it was. She'd been wondering why she didn't hear anybody say anything.
Mamá bajaría a ver quién era porque estaría preguntándose por qué no había oído hablar a nadie.
And she didn't see anything.
Y ella no veía nada.
She didn't see day light for 8 month. It's forbidden. She's forbidden anything but bread and water.
Todo se le ha prohibido, excepto el agua y el pan.
She maintains she didn't see anything.
Dice que no vio nada.
She didn't see anything.
Ella no ha visto nada.
She didn't see anything.
Ella no vio nada.
She said she didn't see anything.
Dijo que no había visto nada.
She didn't see anything.
No vio nada.
My roommate Kathy was there, but she didn't see anything.
Mi compañera de cuarto, Kathy, estaba conmigo, pero no vio nada.
Well, if your sister didn't see anything, why's she running so hard?
Si no vio nada, ¿ por qué huye?
I didn't see anything, so... if she thinks he's alive, then maybe he is alive.
Yo tampoco. Si ella cree que está vivo, quizá lo esté.
We didn't see anything strange or weird. She went on walking and then she said
Yo te aclaro que nosotros no vimos nada sobrenatural ni nada raro, ella sigue caminando y en un momento expresa :
I mean, you heard Jackie, she didn't see anything.
Ya escuchó a Jackie, no vio nada.
She said she'd seen a man in the garden. I didn't see anything.
Dijo... que había visto a un hombre en el jardín.
I mean, Madison didn't see anything. she was asleep.
Madison no vio nada, estaba dormida.
Didn't you tell my client that if you had anything to do with it, she'd never see her kids again?
¿ No le dijo que si estuviera en sus manos ella nunca volvería a ver a sus niños?
- She didn't see anything.
No vio nada.
She didn't see anything.
Ella no vio nada. Me aseguré de eso.
- I told you she didn't see anything.
¡ Te dije que no vio nada!
I didn't see anything. Laura went upstairs. She started screaming.
Laura subió las escaleras empezó a gritar.
He / she looks, it is well, we have a body, we have some rakes... and a lot of people that didn't see anything... because they fear to say something, the friends, well... then...
Mira, está bien, tenemos un cuerpo, tenemos unos rastros... y mucha gente que no vio nada... porque temen decir algo, los amigos, bien... entonces...
Didn't he / she see anything else?
¿ No vió nada mas?
You didn't see her face, you didn't hear anything she said?
- No le viste la cara, no oíste nada de lo que ella dijo?
She didn't believe the Mayor wasn't involved, so she asked me to go on a date With him to see if I could get him to do or say anything incriminating, okay?
No creía que el Alcalde fuera inocente... y me pidió que saliera con él... para ver si decía o hacía algo que lo incriminara, ¿ de acuerdo?
Jackie was with me, but she didn't see anything.
Jackie estaba conmigo, pero ella no vió nada.
She didn't see anything either because it was night time.
No vio nada por que era de noche.
How would she see anything, if she didn't live on Motta Coqueiro's farm, but on Carrapato's?
¡ Mentira! Cómo pudo ver algo, si no vivía en la hacienda de Motta Coqueiro... sino en la hacienda Carrapato?
She didn ´ t see his face and he didn ´ t say anything.
No le vio la cara y él no dijo nada.
Don't worry, she didn't see me do anything newsworthy.
No te preocupes. No me vio haciendo nada fuera de lo normal.
- She didn't see anything.
- Ella no vio nada. - ¡ Cállate!
She didn't have anything to see.
Ella no tuvo nada que ver.
So the epilepsy would explain why she didn't see anything.
La epilepsia explicaría porqué no vio nada.
I know that he / she didn't have anything to see with him, I know.
Yo sé que no tuvo nada que ver con él, yo lo sé.
The newspaper said she didn't see anything to distinguish that.
El periódico dijo que estaba asustada o algo así.
Kit, she didn't see anything, but I swear she's got some kind of fucking crazy idea that I'm having an affair with Kelly.
Kit, ella no vio nada. Pero, te lo juro, ella tiene una especie de puta idea loca de que tengo un lío con... con Kelly.
She was flying her kite and didn't see anything.
Estaba jugando con la cometa y no vio nada.
She didn't see anything, but her daughter says there was a big
Ella no vio nada, pero su hija dijo que había un adulto...
She didn't see anything, man.
Tío, ella no se ha dado cuenta.
She didn't see anything?
¿ Vió algo?
- She didn't see anything.
No vió nada.
The neighbor didn't see anything, but she did notice Ashley's car was missing.
La vecina no vio nada, pero avisó que el coche de Ashley había desaparecido.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Jackie, and I understand how it looks, but you'll see - she doesn't change anything.
Siento no haberte contado acerca de Jackie, y entiendo como se ve esto, pero verás, ella no cambia nada.
It's a case I'm working on, she didn't see anything.
Es un caso en el que estoy trabajando, ella no vio nada.
So I guess the landlady didn't see anything, but she definitely heard Brandon out here caterwauling the other day.
Entonces supongo que la casera no vio nada pero ella definitivamente escuchó a Brandon afuera aullando el otro día.
She didn't see that as immoral or anything.
No lo vio como inmoral ni nada.
Well, we got the woman who owns the car, but, uh, she didn't see anything.
Bueno, tenemos a la mujer propietaria del coche... Pero, no vio nada.
She didn't actually see Jimmy do anything.
Ella en realidad no vio a Jimmy haciendo nada.
She said she didn't see anything, but this would have hijacked every single video system.
Ella dijo que no vio nada, pero esto ya había pirateado cada uno de los vídeos del sistema.

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