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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She does not

She does not translate Spanish

2,356 parallel translation
No, she does not.
No, ella no.
No, she does not, but I do.
No, ella no, pero yo sí.
She does not need to see this.
No necesita ver esto.
Oh, well, that's too bad, because my friend Norah here has a very strict personal and professional policy where she does not date her students...
Pues qué pena, porque mi amiga Norah tiene una política personal y profesional muy estricta según la cual no sale con sus estudiantes...
Yet she does not know you.
Pero ella no lo reconoce a usted.
She does not drive.
Ella no conduce.
She does not.
No Io hace.
She does not get a party favor.
No le den regalo.
She does not get a dog!
¡ No se llevará un perro!
She is a lucky girl. - She does not have a mother.
- Era afortunada - ¿ No es cierto?
She does not ask my advice on matters of the heart. If she did, she would not have chosen you.
No me consulta sobre asuntos del corazón o no estaría contigo.
She does not care for weakness in others.
A ella no le importa la debilidad en los demás
She does not turn round. but I know that she knows I'm there.
No se gira, no veo su cara pero siento que la conozco.
She does not recognize anyone.
Ya no reconoce a nadie.
She's my counterpart and she does not... I repeat, does not need the cachet that a visit like this would bring.
Es mi homóloga y no... repito, no necesita el caché que puede aportar esa visita.
She does not.
No, ella no.
She does not know how much we suck.
No tiene ni idea de lo malos que somos.
She does not want to live across the world.
Ella no quiere vivir al otro lado del mundo.
She does not have orthostatic hypertension.
Ella no tiene hipertensión ortostática.
Ida says she does not like knitting, crocheting, gardening, cooking fancy food, excessive housework, or artsy hobbies.
Ida dice que no le gusta tejer ni el crochet la jardinería, la cocina sofisticada hacer mucha limpieza de hogar, pasatiempos artísticos.
I understand that she does not bragged about it Whence do you know this?
Entiendo que no ella no lo haya dicho. - ¿ De dónde saca estos datos?
She does not wanna see you die, Alex.
Ella no quiere verte morir, Alex.
She does not believe in you.
No cree en ti.
We are special agents who find and neutralize dangerous artifacts, and if she does not use Jimi Hendrix's tremolo bar to bend the pitch on those strings right now, this place will go crazy enough to shut down the power grid on the eastern seaboard.
Somos Agentes Especiales que encuentran y neutralizan artefactos peligrosos, y si ella no usa la barra Tremolo de Jimmy Hendrix para doblar la tonalidad de esas cuerdas ahora mismo, este lugar se volverá tan loco como para apagar toda la red eléctrica del litoral este.
She does not answer my calls.
Ella no responde mis llamadas.
But she does not know that I saw her.
Pero no sabe que la vi.
She does not trust outsiders.
Ella no confia en los forasteros
She said to check on preparations. I am her student and I'll do my royal duty. But the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.
- Ella ordenó revisar los preparativos, y lo haré como es mi deber real, pero el destino de Ecuestria no depende en que yo haga amigos.
But she lodges south does she not, at Hill House?
Pero ella vive al sur, ¿ verdad? En casa de Sir Arthur Hill.
It doesn't concern me if she does or not.
No me concierne si ella lo dice algo o no.
She's not a goat so why does she eat stuff like that all the time?
Ella no es una cabra así que, ¿ por qué come así todo el tiempo?
Hey, my Ha Ni will not fail the interview, but even if she does, it's great that at least she got through the first round.
Ey, mi Ha Ni no fracasará en la entrevista... pero incluso si lo hace, es fantástico que al menos logró la primera ronda.
And take care not to get angry if she does something wrong or makes a mistake.
Y ten cuidado de no enojarte si ella hace algo malo o comete un error.
She said that the policy does not care but today, in Algeria, everything is political.
Usted ha declarado que la política no le interesa pero hoy, en Argelia, todo es política.
So, she was like, "The solar system's sun does not revolve around the Earth."
Dijo : "El sol del sistema solar no gira alrededor de la Tierra".
She always does it and it's not funny!
¡ Siempre lo hace y no tiene gracia!
What does she not wish to see?
¿ Qué es lo que no desea ver?
Just because woman presents you with a smile Hello to you or says is, the more does not mean that she wants to fuck you!
Sólo por que una mujer te sonríe o te saluda no quiere decir que te quiere culear.
She does not answer. It's good.
va a ir, Oscar.
Not by-by requesting for special pillows, Or-or food, but... For doing what she does best :
No por, por pedir almohadas especiales, o comida, si no... por hacer lo que mejor sabe hacer : cantar.
What does it matter if she lives or not?
¿ Qué importa si vive o muere?
But since she comes from a traditional family, her family does not let her to study in that field.
Pero como procedía de una família tradicional, los suyos no le permiten que estudie eso.
This location does not match our main character, Maryam... since she's from a lower class.
La locación no se condice con el personaje principal, Maryam, ya que es de extracción humilde.
It does not mean that she's gone.
No significa que esté muerta.
I thought teachers were supposed to listen, but you're not very good at listening, are you, Miss Raton? Because I told you Peggy does not have a boyfriend and that if she did I would know about it.
Pensé que los maestros sabían escuchar pero parece que no es su caso... porque como dije, Miss Raton, Peggy no tiene novio.
We must quarantine the guest house so the fever she carries does not spread to the monastery.
Debemos poner en cuarentena la casa de huéspedes... así su fiebre no contagiará al resto del monasterio.
Your Honor, if Ms. McDowell does not have the diamond necklace, then she'll be okay with me opening her safe-deposit box.
Señoría, si la Srta. McDowell no tiene el collar de diamantes, entonces estará de acuerdo en que abra su caja de seguridad.
She does not think much of esotericism.
- Simplemente se encuentra un poco más esotérica.
This, when she does the splits, I am not telling you!
Cuando hace el espagat, es increíble.
She does have her own home, even if she's not there much.
Ella tiene su propia casa, incluso si ella no está allí mucho.
Who does whatever she thinks you want her to do! Hey! Not fair, man.
No es justo, hombre.

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