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She does that translate Spanish

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Yeah, she does that so that the intruders think that there are guys rumbling with knives and stuff.
Sí, lo hace para que los intrusos piensen que hay tíos peleando con navajas y eso.
There's no way she does that if I hadn't given her my awesome pep talk.
Nunca hubiera hecho eso si no le hubiera dado mi maravilloso discurso.
If she does that, that means we won't get our money.
Si lo hace, significa que no conseguimos nuestro dinero.
She does that.
Es lo que hace.
She does that once in a while, to get away from her boyfriend.
No, ella... hace eso de vez en cuando. Para alejarse de su novio...
- She does that too early.
- Siempre se adelanta.
Lex, you shock me every time that you do some of these things vocally that you do because... she does have this kind of a whisper / sexy voice, and then all of a sudden this note will shoot out of there. Yeah.
Lez, tu voz e sorprendió siempre que haga esas cosas vocalmente, porque tenes esa voz sensual y que susurra y que esa voz crece.
She wanted to know all of the secrets in the "how to be successful" handbook, and, sadly, that does not exist.
Ella quería saber todos los secretos del manual de "como ser exitosa" y desgraciadamente ese manual no existe.
He goes to all her wine tastings and poetry readings, and she does things to his penis that he can't do to himself.
Él va a todas sus catas de vino y lecturas de poesía, y ella le hace cosas a su pene que él no puede hacerse a sí mismo.
Does she know about that day?
¿ Ella sabe lo de ese día?
I'm a fighter. I'm not going down without a fight and I definitely know that I deserve it more than Danielle and I definitely know that I want it way more than she does.
Soy una luchadora, no me iré sin pelear y sé que me lo merezco más que Danielle y lo quiero más que ella.
Okay, well, holding back the fact that she got arrested two months ago does not mean that she's lying to us today.
Bueno, bien, omitiendo el hecho de que fue arrestada hace dos meses no significa que nos esté mintiendo hoy.
But does she have a hundred satellites that can spot a peanut from space?
¿ Pero tiene cientos de satélites que pueden encontrar un maní del espacio?
- Does that mean she's getting better?
- ¿ Eso significa que está mejor?
He does feel that she's the one person in his life who brings him happiness right now.
Siente que ella es la única persona en su vida que le hace feliz ahora.
She kinda does that now.
Ahora hace eso.
And all President Kang does is smile like a fool, doing everything that she tells him to.
Y todo lo que hace el Presidente Kang es sonreír como tonto... haciendo todo lo que ella le dice.
I knew she'd eventually run ; that's what she does.
Sabía que finalmente habría de correr, eso es lo que hace.
She does has certain physical and facial characteristics that evolution has deemed to be more alluring to prospective mates, yes.
Tiene ciertas características físicas y faciales que la evolución ha considerado más atractivos para posibles parejas, sí.
Oh, but if she does want that plastic surgery option, tell her not to go to my mom's guy because her belly button is up to here.
Pero si ella quiere la opción de la cirugía estética, dile que no vaya al médico de mi madre... porque su ombligo llega hasta aquí.
She does have that inspiring quality.
Ella sí tiene esa cualidad inspiradora.
Does she resent you for that?
¿ Te guarda rencor por eso?
Ignore all that... you tell me... does she look like Moon Moon Sen?
Asi que no me vengas llorando, diciendo mamá salvame, sálvame, ayudame ayudame
Her nan does the cleaning at Crickley Hall, that's how she knew about us.
su monja hace la limpieza en Crickled hall asi es como nos conocio.
What does the judge expect her to do now that she didn't do before?
¿ Qué espera la jueza que haga ahora que no haya hecho antes?
I don't know what any of this diamond talk means, but it's a little scary that she does.
No se nada de los que esta charla de diamantes significa, pero da un poco de miedo que lo haga.
I thought it was clear that we were playing by my rules. She should take advice from those who know best. - She does.
Cuando tuve que rescatarla en Ocaña, creí que quedó claro que se jugaba con mis normas, debería dejarse aconsejar por los que saben.
Okay. Oh, um... Does the company that she work for, are they, uh... are they up on the North Shore?
Bien. ¿ La compañía para la que trabajaba... está en el puerto Norte?
Nellie's done something to give herself permission to be somebody that she does not feel comfortable with, which is sexy.
Nellie hizo algo para permitirse ser alguien con la cual no se siente cómoda, lo cual es ser sexy.
How does she do that?
¿ Cómo hace eso?
But she took charge, like she does, and asked me out and from that day to this there's not been one single day that we've been apart.
Pero se hizo cargo, como siempre hace, y me pidió una cita y desde ese día hasta hoy no ha habido ni un solo día en el que hayamos estado separados.
Mother's plagued with visions that she'd rather not see, but for our sake, I'm glad she does.
A madre la acosan visiones que preferiría no ver, pero por nuestro bien, me alegra que lo haga.
Don't I always say that? She does.
Siempre te lo digo ¿ No?
- looking the way she does in that dress- -
- La manera que le sienta ese vestido...
Ugh, yeah, like, that does... she... we go and get it done, guys.
Ugh, yeah, o sea, eso si... ella... Vamos a que nos hagan la depilacion, chicos
That she does.
Eso cree.
Why does she keep saying that?
¿ Por qué sigue diciendo eso?
The fact that you think it's funny, the fact that you think she's to be mocked, does you no credit.
El hecho de que usted piense que es divertido, de que crea que uno se debe burlar de ella, no le hace honor.
she doesn't do schedules, but I'm sure that a medical practice does.
no sigue los horarios, pero estoy segura que la medicina si lo hace.
Yeah, well, she does kinda have that whole Linda Blair head-spinning thing going on there.
Sí, bueno, ella tiene algo parecido a todo aquello de la cabeza giratoria de Linda Blair por ahi.
Use magic... that's what she does.
Usar magia... eso es lo que ella hace.
How does she find that ring every time?
¿ Cómo logra descubrir tu anillo siempre?
She does not need you to do that.
Ella no necesita que hagas eso.
How does she know about that?
¿ Cómo sabe eso?
I'm saying that Taylor does not have much longer to live, and once she dies, Lucinda inherits everything, and you'll never be able to prove that she had anything to do with it.
Estoy diciendo que Taylor... no le queda mucho tiempo de vida... y una vez que ella muera, Lucinda lo heredará todo... y usted nunca podrá probar... que ella tuvo algo que ver con esto.
She said, it's an electric current that does something.
Me dijo, es una corriente eléctrica que hace algo.
Well, does that mean she's still sick?
Bien, ¿ eso significa que aún está enferma?
Why does she keep saying that?
- ¿ Por qué sigue diciendo eso?
Does she want people to know that my dad cheated on her?
¿ Quiere que la gente sepa que mi padre la engañó?
Okay, is it just me, or does that woman obviously know more than she's telling us?
Bien, ¿ es cosa mía, o esa mujer obviamente sabe más de lo que nos dice?
She should stay out of things that she does not understand.
Debería alejarse de las cosas que no entiende.

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