She told you that translate Spanish
2,215 parallel translation
Oh, she told you that, did she?
Ah, ¿ eso le dijo ella, entonces?
She told you that she wanted to go steady with me?
¿ Te dijo a ti que ella quería ser mi novia?
She told you that?
¿ Te lo dijo?
She told you that I was coming over?
¿ Ella te dijo que iba a venir?
Yeah, and then she told you that I called you a walking hard-on in a fire helmet.
Si, y te conto que te llame calentón ambulante con casco de bombero Si.
She told you that she didn't touch anything but Ed's body
Ella te dijo que no tocó nada excepto el cuerpo de Ed
And she told you that?
¿ Ella se lo contó
She told you that crap.
- Le contó esa basura.
She told me to tell you that she's sorry, but she couldn't make it.
Me dijo que te dijera que lo lamentaba, pero no podía ir a cenar.
Then she told me that she was dead, and I said, " No, you're lying.
Y dijo que estaba muerta. Y le dije que estaba mintiendo.
Do you think she should have told her best friend that her husband was cheating?
¿ Crees que debería haber dicho a su mejor amiga que su marido la estaba engañando?
She said that you were in love with her, and that you told her that you wanted the two of you to be together.
Dijo que estabas enamorado de ella y que le dijiste que querías que los dos estuvierais juntos.
She told us you were off to see "that whore mistress of his over in flatbush," and when she confronted you about it this morning, you told her that you went into the city because the store alarm was going off.
Dijo que fue a ver a "esa zorra de Flatbush", y cuando se lo reclamó esta mañana, le dijo que había ido a la ciudad pues se disparó la alarma.
Would it help if I told you that I offered her my heart, and she kinda stomped on it? !
¿ Ayudaría si te digo... que le ofrecí mi corazón, y ella como que lo pisoteó?
She told me that the last time she remembered feeling that way was the day before she met you and Walter at the Cortexiphan trials.
Me dijo que la ultima vez que recordaba sentirse asi fue antes de verlos a ti y a Walter en las pruebas del Coretexiphan.
Maybe that's what she told you, but they've been secretly seeing each other for months.
Tal vez eso es lo que te dijo, pero han estado viendose durante meses en secreto.
I had a dream that she came into this room, stole my flu medicine, told me not to tell you, and then disappeared through that hole in the wall.
Soñé que entraba en esta habitación me robaba el medicamento, me decía que no te dijera nada y desaparecía por ese agujero en la pared.
Is that what she told you?
¿ Eso es lo que ella te dijo?
You know, she once told me that she wasn't making me feel guilty.
Sabes, que una vez me contó que ella no estaba haciéndome sentir culpable.
She told me that she was modeling, you know?
Me dijo que estaba modelando, ¿ sabes?
So, Berg, I was talking to Cheryl and she told me that a friend of hers went to high school with you.
Así que, Berg, estaba hablando con Cheryl y me dijo que una amiga suya fue al colegio contigo.
Right before she died, your wife told a witness That you were the one who attacked her.
Antes de morir, tu mujer le dijo a una testigo que fuiste tú quien la atacó.
She told me to tell you that.
Ella me dijo que te lo dijese.
That's what she told you?
- ¿ Éso es lo que le dijo?
She told me she would kick my pale, pockmarked ass if I brought you home by now And I believe that crazy little bitch too.
Me dijo que patearía mi culo pálido y granujiento si te llevo a casa ahora, y también me creo lo que dice esa putilla chalada.
Sorry, I don't know who told you that, but you've no idea what she told us or not.
No sé quién le ha contado lo que ha dicho esta mañana, pero Vd. no sabe lo que nos ha dicho.
And she told you to put on that uniform?
¿ Y te dijo que te pusieras ese uniforme?
When I called, they told me That you had spoken to her just before she died.
Cuando llamé, me dijeron que habías hablado con ella justo antes de morir.
From a story that you already told Marie and you think that she hasn't told Hank?
¿ De una historia que ya le has contado a Marie y crees que no se la ha contado a Hank?
She told me the stuff to buy and--and she told me that you needed tenderness and caring and- - and another thing.
Me dijo... las cosa para comprar... y me dijo que necesitas... ternura y cuidados y... otras cosas.
Told him to leave you alone because she knew that you used to work for him.
Le dijo que te dejara en paz porque sabía que trabajabas con él.
She told me that you were the one who left... Because you still have feelings for me.
Ella me dijo que fuiste tú el que se fue, porque todavía tienes sentimientos por mí.
I thought teachers were supposed to listen, but you're not very good at listening, are you, Miss Raton? Because I told you Peggy does not have a boyfriend and that if she did I would know about it.
Pensé que los maestros sabían escuchar pero parece que no es su caso... porque como dije, Miss Raton, Peggy no tiene novio.
Many things have changed since that far-off time in 2004 when my M1 and I kissed for the first time on the grass at Welkom, when she looked straight in my eyes and told me, "I love you!"
Muchas cosas han cambiado desde esa época lejana en el 2004, cuando mi M1 y yo nos besamos por vez sobre la hierba en Welkom, Cuando ella miró fijamente a los ojos y me dijo : "¡ Te amo!"
Is that what she told you?
¿ Es eso lo que te dijo?
Do you know what the girl told me? That if we don't intervene, she'll go to the media!
Montalvano la muchacha dijo que si no intervenimos rápido... se dirigirá a los periodicos y la televisión.
She didn't tell me that she told you about my baby.
No me dijo que te había contado de mi bebé.
That she could have told you Chris would fuck it up.
Que podría haberte dicho que Chris arruinaría todo.
So I told them about, you know, that... that necklace she always wears, that little butterfly necklace?
Así que les hablé de, ya sabes, ese... ese collar que siempre lleva, ¿ ese pequeño collar de la mariposa?
I told her that she deserves better than the way you've been treating her.
Le dije que se merece algo mejor que la manera en que la tratas. Y aún lo pienso.
Just because you haven't told anybody that she's dead, doesn't make her not dead.
Sólo porque no le has dicho a nadie que está muerta, no significa que no esté muerta.
Told her to finish her law degree and pull her life together, and then you took that newfound confidence she had, and you turned it against her.
Le dijo que terminase su licenciatura en derecho y que vivirían juntos, y después cogió toda esa nueva confianza que ella tenía, y la volvió en contra de ella.
But she told me something - - that she knew we were different, and that'd probably never change, but, you know, we had to put that behind us.
Pero ella me dijo algo... que sabía que éramos diferentes, y esto, probablemente, nunca cambie, pero tenemos que dejar esto atrás.
- She told you about that?
- ¿ Te ha contado eso?
Isn't that what she told you?
¿ No es eso lo que ella te dijo?
- She told you all that?
¿ Ella les dijo todo eso?
I told you, I don't think she wrote that note.
Te dije que no creo que se haya ido.
I told you, this is all a part of some agenda, that if she doesn't think that we understand it, she's gonna keep making her point over and over and over again until we do.
Ya te dije, que todo esto formaba parte de un plan, que si llega a creer que no lo entendemos, ella seguirá manteniendo su punto de vista, y lo volverá a hacer una y otra vez hasta que lo entendamos.
Oh, she just told Dr. King that you didn't have enough experience to run your own lab.
Sólo le dijo al Dr. King que no tenías suficiente experiencia para encargarte de tu propio laboratorio.
You people got me thinking about that damn gun and all the mess it's caused, so I went to see Dawn, and she told me she told you she gave that gun to her cousin Bobby, who passed.
Ustedes me hicieron pensar en esa maldita pistola y en los problemas que ha causado así que fui a ver a Dawn y me dijo que les había contado que le dio la pistola a su primo Bobby, que murió.
Okay, of course that's what she told you.
Bueno, claro que eso es lo que ella te dijo.
she told me 344
she told me everything 40
she told you 103
she told me that 29
she told us 16
she tried 35
she tell you that 16
she tried to kill me 33
she turned me down 20
she turned 16
she told me everything 40
she told you 103
she told me that 29
she told us 16
she tried 35
she tell you that 16
she tried to kill me 33
she turned me down 20
she turned 16