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Shut her up translate Spanish

769 parallel translation
She had to be shut up, and somebody shut her up pretty.
Había que callarla, y alguien la calló para siempre.
If that was a dame, you couldn't shut her up that easy.
Si fuera una mujer, te costaría más callarla.
And you tried to shut her up with that 5,000.
Y Ud. intentó callarla con los 5000 dólares.
Shut her up or I'll go crazy!
¡ Que se calle o me volveré loco!
The only way I can shut her up is to sit down and write.
Sólo calla cuando me siento a escribir.
That canary, we got to shut her up.
Tenemos que hacer que esa tipa se calle.
- That shut her up like a clam.
- Se quedó bien calladita.
- Shut her up, for God's sake.
- ¡ Haz que calle, por Dios!
- Shut her up.
- Ve a ver.
Then whitey, he shut her up.
Entonces Whitey, la calló.
- I'll shut her up.
Lo voy a cerrar.
Can someone shut her up? - I'll go.
- ¿ Alguien puede callarla?
I killed her to shut her up.
La maté para que se callará.
Shut her up. Shut her up!
Que se calle. ¡ Haced que se calle!
- Shut her up!
- ¡ Que se calle!
Shut her up, please.
Hagan que cierre la boca, por favor.
Suzanne the nun - the leading role, was based on Marguerite Delamarre... whose father shut her up... in a convent at age three..
Suzanne Simonin, "La Religiosa" recuerda a Marguerite Delamarre cuyo padre, para aumentar su fortuna, internó en un convento a los tres años.
So you promoted her to shut her up.
¿ Le conseguiste el puesto en la dirección para que cierre el pico?
And if you don't shut up, I'll insist that Jenny Go and live with her mother-in-law.
Y si tú no te callas, insistiré en que Jenny viva con su suegra
You know I don't go over so good with her kind. Aw, shut up.
No gusto a las mujeres de su clase.
- You shouldn't have called her a plaything. - Shut up!
¿ Por qué dijo que Marie era un juguete?
But if you shut a person up in one room for years on end you can't very well expect to find her bursting with life and vigor.
Pero si se encierra a una persona durante años en una habitación no se puede esperar que esté llena de vida.
You can't get mad at me. We've been through too much together. You don't know anything about her, so shut up!
Puede que aún no me quiera, pero no está enamorada de otro.
She'll shut up like a clam if she thinks we're examining her.
Se cerrará en banda si cree que la estamos examinando.
Shut up about her! Or I'll tear that jaw out of your face.
Deje de hablar de ella o le partiré la mandíbula.
If it'll shut you up, she's on her way to Europe.
Para que te calles, va de camino a Europa.
We were shut up with her for seven months near Jordaan Siding.
Pasamos 7 meses encerrados con ella en Jordan Sighting, en un blocao.
Well, then tell her to shut up about those stars.
Entonces dile que deje de hablar de estrellas.
And if he murdered his wife and strangled his children... and ran off to Australia with her it still wouldn't be anything to do with you, so shut up.
Y si él mata a su mujer e hijos y huye a Australia con ella, no es asunto suyo.
Ah, shut up, Sylvia. You know it's no good arguing with her.
Déjalo, sabes que no sirve de nada discutir.
Give her a break. Why don't you shut up.
- ¡ Cállate de una vez!
Shut up, the contractor included her in the show
Cállate, el contratista la incluyó en la función.
- I told you to shut up about her.
- Dije que no la mencionaras.
- Tell her to shut up.
Dígale que se calle.
Please, Solange, make her shut up for God's sake. Please!
Por favor, Solange, hazla callar por Dios. ¡ Por favor!
Tell her to shut up.
dile que se calle.
On Saturday, when your wife asks where you've been tell her : "Getting my portrait done." She will have to shut up!
Así, el sábado, cuando su mujer le pregunte de dónde viene dirá : "Vengo de hacerme un retrato"
Shut up! I told you I'd kill you if you touched her!
Os mataré si volvéis a molestarla.
She'll only shut up if I bring her some.
La única manera de hacer que se calle es traerle algún dinero.
Can somebody help her to shut up!
¿ Pero no hay ninguna que le haga callar?
We thought we'd give her a baby bottle or a "How To" book, or things like that. Oh, shut up.
Le daremos un biberón o un libro de consejos o cosas así.
- Shut up, we finally manage to bring her in.
- ¡ Cállate, por fin conseguimos hacerla entrar
That's too bad, since her man - But I better shut up.
Qué mala es, ya sé que su hombre...
Tell her to shut up. Tell her!
Dile que se calle, vamos.
- Shut up Josele, her mother is there.
- Cállate Josele, que está la madre.
Don't you shut her face up?
¿ Puedes cerrarle la boca?
Go, sit by her side and shut up.
Escucha. - Sí.
Shut up, we'll do what we like with her
Cállate, haremos lo que queramos con ella.
Make her shut up.
¡ Háganla callar!
Make her shut up.
Háganla callar.
Anyway, I have nothing to say for a physician who's so jealous of the competition he has to ask her to marry him. Come here and shut up.
Ven aquí, y cállate.

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