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Skip it translate Spanish

1,106 parallel translation
So you just skip it.
Skip it. I'll do without.
Me las arreglaré sin medias.
You were preoccupied, so after a couple of tries, I decided to skip it.
Tú estabas preocupada, así que decidí dejarlas para otra ocasión.
─ No. ─ Then, skip it.
- No. Entonces no digas eso.
- Skip it.
- Déjalo.
- I... Skip it.
- Skip it.
- Olvídalo.
Skip it.
Let's skip it.
Why skip it?
¿ Por qué?
Ah, skip it. You got a bit of paper?
Gracias Angus, mucho gusto Sr. Douglas.
As a matter of fact, the young man didn't impress me favorably, if I may say so. You may not, but we'll skip it.
Lo vi cuando aterrizamos, y esa fue la última vez.
Look, Gus, if this is just a social get-together, why not skip it?
Mire, Gus, si esto es sólo una charla social... ¿ por qué no lo dejamos?
If anything annoys him, skip it.
Si algo le molesta, cambie de tema.
- Skip it?
- ¿ No hacerlo?
Skip it, Bruno.
Déjelo ya, Bruno.
Oh, skip it, Miriam.
Déjalo ya, Miriam.
- Skip it.
- ¡ Olvídalo!
Skip it.
Well, I'm afraid you'll have to skip it this time.
Pues temo que tendrán que olvidar eso.
Uh, couldn't you just skip it, just this once?
¿ Podría saltárselo esta vez?
I said we'll skip it for tonight.
- ¡ He dicho que lo dejemos por hoy!
Let's skip it.
Skip it.
- Why don't we just skip it?
- ¿ Por qué no lo dejamos?
I think I'd better skip it today, huh?
Será mejor que no vaya.
I wonder if some evening you'd mind- - Skip it.
- Si no tiene inconveniente...
The news is all bad, so we'll skip it.
Son malas, me las callo.
Skip it!
- Skip it.
- No te preocupes.
I'll skip it.
Creo que paso.
- Told you. Skip it.
- Se lo dije, saltéselo.
Let's skip it.
Dejémos el tema.
I guess I'll skip it tonight.
Creo que esta noche paso.
- Skip it,
- Olvídalo.
Skip it.
Skip it, Prof. Skip it.
Déjelo, profesor. Déjelo.
Oh, we won't skip it.
Creo que sí iremos.
- Skip it.
- Déjelo así.
Skip it, baron.
Ahórreselo, Barón.
Well let's have it. Only skip laying the blame on me.
Pues dilo, pero no me eches la culpa...
- Then don't let's skip it.
Entonces no hay que perdérsela.
If you're making it easy for brackett to skip so you can get her for a few grand...
. Si dejas huir a Brackett para quedarte con ella, te pillaré.
We'd skip school to see it.
Nosotros saltaríamos la escuela para verlo
All right, Skip. I won't push it.
Bueno, Skip, no insistiré.
When I read about it in the papers, I had to see ya, Skip.
Cuando lo vi en el periódico, tenía que verte, Skip.
Skip told me to bring it right to you.
Skip me dijo que se la trajese.
Do you know what was on that film when Skip lifted it from your purse?
¿ Sabía lo que contenía esa película cuando se la robaron?
I came here to help you out. That's the way Skip wanted it.
He venido a ayudarles porque me lo pidió Skip.
Get rid of it, Skip. Get rid of it.
Deshazte de la foto.
Well, let's just skip it.

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