So it's you translate Spanish
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Yeah, uh, so, when he comes home, I'll give the signal, you guys drop the bomb, and boom... it's your fault.
Sí, así que, cuando venga a casa, os daré una señal, y vosotros soltáis la bomba y bom... es vuestra culpa.
It's good to see you doing so well.
Me alegra que te vaya bien.
Oh, it's so good to see you, too.
También es bueno verte.
Just, it's on him now, so I need you to surprise him because he's, he's too controlled now.
Ahora depende de él, así que necesito que le sorprendas porque está demasiado contenido.
- Maybe it's just not your turn yet. - You're so impatient.
Quizas no es tu turno.
I've been trying to be more attractive, but it's just so hard, you know, because of my genetics.
Intento ser más atractivo, pero es difícil, por mis genes.
It's not my fault Kyle didn't want to have sex with you. Maybe if you weren't so obnoxious to the taxi driver.
No es mi culpa que Kyle no quisiera tener sexo contigo
Life is meant to get boring as you get older so it's not so disappointing when you die.
Se supone que la vida se pone aburrida cuando envejeces.
Betty's in Honolulu, which, you know, now I say it out loud it doesn't sound so bad, but you get my point.
Betty está en Honolulu, lo que ahora que lo digo en voz alta, no suena tan mal, pero entiendes lo que quiero decir.
It's a radio telephone, so you can speak with him.
Es un radio teléfono, para poder hablar con él.
It's beautiful, thank you so much.
- Es precioso, gracias de verdad.
It's so weird you're playing my mom.
Es muy raro que hagas de mi madre.
So it's time to decide who the fuck you want to be.
Entonces también sabes que es el momento de decidir quién coño quieres ser.
But there's a deal now, and Don Pietro said we have to respect it, and so do you, okay?
Pero ahora hay un acuerdo. Y Don Pietro ha dicho que, como lo tenemos que respetar nosotros, tenéis que respetarlo vosotros también. ¿ Entendido?
Look, I shouldn't even be telling you this, but this whole Graznyole thing, it's not part of the puzzle you're working on, so just...
Mira, ni siquiera debería estar diciendo esto, pero todo esto Graznyole, que no es parte del rompecabezas que está trabajando, por lo que sólo...
So do you think it's possible, what James is trying to do?
Entonces, ¿ piensa que es posible lo que James trata de hacer?
Think about this, I'm like, you know, it's actually not the writer's fault that this show is so awful.
Piensen en ello, esto como, sabes, no es culpa del escritor en realidad que este programa sea pésimo.
Well, it's here waiting for you, so whenever you want to come in, just pick it up.
Aquí lo estará esperando. Puede venir a buscarla cuando quiera.
Yeah, well, you know, all dopeness aside, we're called Southern Scribes, not Southern Pop Culture, so it's a bit of a, you know...
Sería genial. Si bien es genial, la tienda se llama Southern Scribes. Y no Southern Pop Culture.
You know what? It's just it feels so good in the moment.
Es lo que me sale en el momento.
That and meetings, so for what it's worth, you did the first step.
Así que, por si te sirve de algo, ya hiciste el primer paso.
I know what it's like to so desperately want to correct an injustice that you are driven to violence.
Sé lo que es ansiar el corregir una injusticia tanto que te conduce la violencia.
You picture how you want to be and it's so wonderful and flawless but you can't ever live up to that picture you imagined.
Te imaginas cómo quieres ser y es maravilloso y perfecto... pero nunca puedes estar a la altura de esa imagen que ideaste.
It's just, you know, she's recovering from surgery, so every time it's her turn, I still get up and see how she's doing, which makes her feel guilty, so then she tries to come and help when it's my turn,
Solo es que se está recuperando de la operación, así que cada vez que es su turno, aún sigo levantándome a ver cómo está, lo que la hace sentir culpable, así que luego intenta venir y ayudar cuando es mi turno,
You know, it's nice to get to know someone that Jules is gonna be spending so much time with.
Es bonito poder conocer a alguien con quien Jules va a pasar tanto tiempo.
Yeah, I think that's, you know, what makes it so easy for me to go full weirdo.
Ya, creo que es eso lo que hace que sea tan fácil ponerme en plan rarito.
I want to go home, but I know you'll just be there now, so it's like- -
Quiero irme a casa, pero sé que ahora tú estarás allí ahora, así que es como...
Um, so Alessandra would love to thank you, but, um, she's on vocal rest for the concert tonight, so I'm gonna say it for her.
A Alessandra le encantaría agradecerle, pero guarda la voz para el concierto de esta noche, así que voy a decirlo por ella.
It's just something that happens sometimes, and not even that often sometimes, so you have nothing to worry about whatsoever.
Es algo que pasa a veces, y ni siquiera tan a menudo, así que no tienes nada de qué preocuparte.
You know, the name was Atelier Papa Crenn, so it's a pretty natural way of thinking about the name.
Se llamaba Atelier Papa Crenn así que fue natural elegir ese nombre.
So four or five days, you have chicatanas in the year, and that's it.
Solo se encuentran cuatro o cinco días al año.
So, it's true you can get into the phone and turn the camera on?
Entras y activas la cámara.
It's just been so much, you know?
Es demasiado, ¿ sabes?
I play chords and I know what it's gonna sound like before I press the keys down. And so you just... it becomes repetitious, there's no way around it.
Cuando me siento al piano, toco notas y sé qué cantar... sé cómo va a sonar antes de tocar las teclas.
* When you turn So long and Lovely It's hard to believe
♪ No pasa nada, no pasa nada ♪ ♪ Has salido tan largo y tan bien que cuesta creer ♪
And, so I go away and then I come back in and it's different. You don't mind if I put this back under the...
Total, que me voy, y cuando vuelvo, todo está distinto.
So that you wake up, and, yeah it's...
¿ A que sí? Y cuando te despiertas...
It's your birthday, so you get to go first.
Es tu cumpleaños, así que serás la primera.
I mean, it's so convoluted, I just kept reading the same paragraph over and over again, trying to figure out what the heck you were saying. Oh, no.
Quiero decir, es tan complicado, que sólo seguí leyendo el mismo párrafo una y otra vez tratando de averiguar qué diablos estabas diciendo.
Your grief's so large, it will not matter what you do to this limb.
Tu pena es tan grande, no importará lo que le hagas a este miembro.
It's... so, you talked to my... boss?
Es... ¿ así que hablaste con mi jefe?
So, you never know what it's like to be alone.
Para que nunca sepas lo que es sentirse solo.
[Julien ] Don't worry, Mom and Dad, your son is here to rescue you, so you can leave the kingdom because, clearly, it's far too dangerous for you to hang around here and uh... [ snoring]
No se preocupen, mamá y papá, los rescataré así pueden marcharse de este reino, porque es claro que es muy peligroso para ustedes y... ¡ Estos no son mis padres!
Um, and then of course, you know, most of them end up dying, so it's very... it's tragic, you know?
Y la mayoría termina muriendo, así que es muy trágico.
- So it's like, you know...
- Es como, ya sabes...
Some people think it's too barren and it's not, you know, not for everybody, but to me it's so amazing.
Algunas personas piensan que es demasiado estéril y no lo es, saben? no para todos, pero para mí es tan increíble.
It's so you won't come to any harm.
Para que no sufras ningún daño.
It's so sad you think that's what belief is.
Es triste que pienses que así es la creencia.
So, if Daxamites are as bad as you just apparently said they were, then it's no wonder this guy is trying to kill the President, right?
Entonces, si los daxamitas eran tan malos como dices que aparentemente eran, entonces no es sorpresa que este tipo quiera asesinar a la presidenta, ¿ o sí?
So, I guess it's just a coincidence that the type of belt you owned wound up in concrete made by your company.
Entonces, supongo que es una casualidad que el cinturón que compró acabara en un hormigón hecho por su empresa.
I wanted to show you what's good about this life so you wouldn't want to destroy it.
Quería enseñarte lo bueno que tiene la vida para que no quisieras destruirla.
so it's your fault 19
so it's done 19
so it's a win 16
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's true 182
so it's done 19
so it's a win 16
so it's over 58
so it's up to you 22
so it's 240
so it's fine 24
so it's like 40
so it's okay 41
so it's true 182
so it's official 29
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
so it's not 23
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
so it's my fault 51
so it's settled 30
so it's possible 18
so it's not 23
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103
it's your life 157
it's your problem 44
it's your favorite 51
it's your fault 367
it's your last chance 40
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your call 289
it's your lucky day 103
it's your life 157
it's your problem 44
it's your favorite 51
it's your fault 367
it's your last chance 40