Sober up translate Spanish
664 parallel translation
You better sober up if you're going to go through with this.
Es mejor recuperar la sobriedad si lo que vas a seguir adelante con esto.
If consulting hours aren't held soon, the patients will sober up on their own.
Si las consultas no se realizan pronto, los pacientes se desembriagarán por sí mismos.
- I know, I know, but go on put some food in you and sober up.
- Lo sé, pero mejor... Viejo tonto.
Then Moore will have enough time to sober up.
De acuerdo. ¿ Está Moore sobria?
You've gotta sober up. I wanna talk to you.
Cuando se te pase la borrachera, hablaremos.
When you sober up, come in and talk to me.
Cuando se te pase la borrachera, ven a hablar conmigo.
Sí, pero se le pasará el efecto de la bebida... y voy a tener que emborracharla de nuevo.
Sober up first.
Desemborráchate lo primero.
Suppose I go sober up some of my guests?
Iré a quitarle la borrachera al algunos invitados.
Just sober up and stay sober, or I'll confiscate your liquor.
Serénese y permanezca sobrio, o confiscaré su licor.
Look me up next week when you sober up.
Ven Ia semana próxima, sobrio.
I dont want your conscience to bother you in the morning when you sober up.
No quiero que tu conciencia te atormente cuando recobres las sobriedad.
You've got to sober up and get back to the field.
Recupera la sobriedad y vuelve al yacimiento.
When you two fellas sober up you can call me at my hotel.
Cuando estén sobrios llámenme al hotel.
Sober up.
A despabilar.
Ah, sober up will you.
¡ Estás borracho!
What's the next line? You wait till I sober up. You'll be sorry.
No sé como sigue, espera a que esté sereno, te arrepentirás
- To the beach, to sober up.
- A la playa, a dormirla.
Now, Athos, please, sober up, for heaven's sake.
Athos, por favor serénate.
It's no use waiting for her to sober up.
Ha estado bebiendo desde que nos casamos.
Sure took you a long time to sober up.
De seguro te tomo tiempo ponerte sobrio.
Took time to sober up.
Tardé en recuperarme.
But once he has his coach at the coach stand, he'll sober up.
Pero en cuanto tenga su coche en el punto, se quitará el vicio.
There's lots of coffee. Oh, my dear Dr. Schratt, you sober up with more grace than anybody I ever saw.
Mi querido Dr. Schratt, se pone sobrio mejor que cualquier otra persona.
Would you rather sober up at home or in jail?
¿ Prefieres ponerte sobrio en casa o en la cárcel?
May someone smash in his ugly mug, so that you'll understand and sober up.
Que le rompieran la crisma, a ver si así caías del burro.
I must sober up first.
Debo despabilarme primero.
As if he suddenly becomes sober, his drunken eyes cleared up.
Entonces, se le pasó la borrachera al instante.
I hope the responsibilities of marriage will sober you up.
Espero que las responsabilidades conyugales te hagan sentar cabeza.
Look, he... he... Find out where this would be octopus'bunks so you can lock him up until he's sober.
- Encuentre el camarote de este pulpo para que pueda encerrarlo hasta que esté sobrio.
I'm trying to sober her up.
Intento mantenerla sobria.
Give them some black coffee. That'll sober them up.
Pues dales café solo y se les pasará.
One squint at Aunt Katherine would sober anybody up.
Un vistazo a la tía Katherine serenaría a cualquiera.
Sober them up.
- Despabílalos.
I'll take you home and sober you up.
Te llevaré a casa y esperaré a que estés sobrio.
Tal vez si traigo café, se ponga sobrio.
¡ Pónte sobrio tú mismo!
I guess I better take Fred to the jail and let him sober up there. You go ahead.
- Sigues usando la mano, ¿ eh?
Try to act sober. There's a policeman up there.
Intente parecer sobria, hay un policía allí.
- Goodnight, sleep tight, wake up sober.
- Buenas tardes, ¡ no bebás mucho!
Ever since them gamblers took over the River Queen, we ain't been doin'nothin but serving'em drinks... and then serving'em coffee to sober'em up.
Desde que esos jugadores se apoderaron de este barco... no hacemos más que servirles tragos... y después servirles café para despejarlos.
I'll try and sober him up.
Intentaré que se le pase.
That is to sober you up!
¡ Eso es para desembriagarlo!
And if that wasn't enough to sober me up, the sight of my children did.
Y si eso no fuera bastante para serenarme, la mirada de mis niños lo hizo.
Would you like to come over and bathe and shave him again and sober him up?
¿ Quieres venir a ducharle, afeitarle y quitarle la borrachera?
And I don't see how you can stay sober if you think that's your kid up there.
No sé cómo os mantenéis sobrias si creéis que es vuestro hijo.
Lock him up till he's sober.
Enciérrenlo hasta que esté sobrio.
They'll sober him up, that's the important thing.
Lo despejan, eso es lo que importa.
Sober them up and take them to the pirate ship.
Espabílenlos y llévenlos al barco pirata.
Now... why is it that when a man goes to great effort and expense to get drunk, his friends, instead of respecting this endeavor, do everything they can to sober him up?
¿ Por qué cuando un hombre hace un gran esfuerzo para gastarse su dinero emborrachándose,... sus amigos, en vez de respetar su esfuerzo, intentan que esté sobrio? - ¿ Por qué?
They're trying to sober him up with coffee now.
Incluso creyó que le estaba ayudando.
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