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Stamper translate Spanish

235 parallel translation
The Stamper Oil stocks, drink your milk, went up 14 points today.
Las acciones de Stamper Oil, tómate la leche, han subido 14 puntos.
Now, Wilma Dean, Bud Stamper could get you into a whole lot of trouble.
Wilma Dean, Bud Stamper podría meterte en un apuro.
Now, Deanie you tell Bud Stamper to bring you home earlier after this especially on school nights.
Bueno, Deanie... dile a Bud Stamper que te traiga antes a casa después de... esas noches de estudio especiales.
Wilma Dean and the Stamper boy are in love.
Wilma Dean y el chico de Stamper están enamorados.
Bud Stamper isn't stuck on himself at all.
Bud Stamper no es nada egoísta.
Ginny Stamper is too low for the dogs to bite.
Ginny Stamper tiene muy poca clase y ninguna moral.
Mrs. Stamper had to go out there and get her, take her to a doctor.
La Sra. Stamper tuvo que ir a buscarla y llevarla a un médico.
Mrs. Whitcomb lives across the street from the Stampers and she knows everything that goes on in their house.
La Sra. Whitcomb vive enfrente de los Stamper... y sabe todo lo que pasa en su casa.
I just wish that Bud Stamper had a little more gumption.
Quisiera que Bud Stamper tuviera más agallas.
- Hello. I'm Ace Stamper.
- Hola, soy Ace Stamper.
This is my wife, Mrs. Stamper.
Mi mujer, la Sra. Stamper.
Mr. Stamper, the perfume is coming in.
Sr. Stamper, llega el perfume.
I hate Bud Stamper.
Odio a Bud Stamper.
I'll bet the Stampers are feeling good these days.
Son buenos tiempos para los Stamper.
Saw young Stamper driving this afternoon.
He visto al joven Stamper conduciendo esta tarde.
A long-distance call from New York for Mr. Stamper.
Una conferencia de Nueva York para el Sr. Stamper.
I must say, Mr. Stamper, I do not feel that the boy should remain in school here.
Sr. Stamper, debo decir que no creo que su hijo deba seguir en la universidad.
- I don't think that's it, Mr. Stamper.
- No creo que sea eso, Sr. Stamper.
Mr. Stamper?
¿ Sr. Stamper?
Mr. Stamper!
¡ Sr. Stamper!
Now the Stampers are almost extinct in this town.
Ahora los Stamper están casi extintos en esta ciudad.
Keep her away from Bud Stamper.
mantenedla alejada de Bud Stamper.
I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Stamper.
Encantado de haberle conocido.
I got Leland Stamper!
¡ El cabrón de Leo Stamper!
And then here comes Leland Stamper.
Y aquí está Leo Stamper, el urbanita,
Gave up on her years ago, when she ran away to Oregon with this fast talking old widower by the name of Henry Stamper.
Desde el día que se fue de Oregón con un leñador que tenía cierto talento para hablar con las mujeres : Henry Stamper.
We're a little shorthanded. See, we could use every last Stamper we can get a hold of.
Nos arriesgamos a encontrarnos con un...
I'm Leland Stamper. Billy Bejesus.
- Me llamo Leo Stamper.
Boy, I sure bet the boys would like to see all you Stamper folks out there when that gets underway. That's swell.
Será un picnic divertido, y a los compañeros les gustaría que estuvieseis allí.
The proud Stampers!
El orgullo de los Stamper.
And never give a God damn inch. That's the old Stamper motto, isn't it?
Nunca dejamos el trabajo a medias.
Had a baby in me then. I had Hank's baby, a Stamper...
Esperaba el hijo de Hank Stamper...
Stamper, you want a little football?
- ¿ Un poco de rugby?
OK, Stampers, up and at'em.
¡ Vamos, Stamper, a trabajar!
Now, listen to me, Hank Stamper.
Escúchame, Hank.
They'll float by that Stamper house. They're going to drown out there.
Más allá de la casa de los Stamper, se ahogarán.
I think Stamper just rented a tugboat from Omomosa.
Hank acaba de alquilar un remolcador a la madre Olson.
Now, you get Sorenson, Evans, and Biggie Newton and you tell them to get their ass over to the Stamper house right this minute!
Entonces, ve a buscar a Swanson y a Billy Newton, ¡ y diles que se muevan hasta la casa de los Stampler!
Me han dado un navajazo porque uno de los guardias me ha marcado el muslo con el sello fronterizo ".
- Stamper will give you a list.
Stamper te dará una lista, si tu no conoces ninguno. Sí.
- Oh, yes. I think I'll make this one a private chat, Stamper.
Creo que hablaré con él en privado, Stamper.
I'll get Stamper to fix it.
- Ya lo sé. Haré que Tim Stamper se ocupe de ello.
Tim Stamper, MP for Shotover. Hard right.
Tim Stamper, un miembro del Parlamento de Shotover.
Stamper here.
Soy Stamper.
- Tim Stamper.
- Tim Stamper.
- I think Texas just gave her one.
Tim Stamper, un miembro del Parlamento de Shotover.
[chuckles] You're 15 points behind in every poll.
Despacho del jefe de grupo. Soy Stamper.
- Who is she?
- ¿ Quién es ésa, Stamper?
- Stamper wants to know the batting order.
- Stamper quiere saber el orden de bateo.
Stamper, Stoker...
Stamper, Stoker...
Can we do anything for him, Stamper?
¿ Podemos hacer algo por él, Stamper?

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