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Don't tell me you're starting to grow a conscience.
No me digas que te dio un ataque de conciencia.
Even more dangerously, we're on the threshold of starting a new Cold War. Larsen :
Y más peligroso aun, estamos a punto de otra Guerra Fría.
He's starting to get scared.
"¿ Crees que estoy de broma?" Entonces empieza a acojonarse.
Okay, I won't let you down starting now.
Está bien, no te defraudaré a partir de ahora.
"Jack Hunter stood poised on the starting block," his head down, and his young muscles tense.
" Jack Hunter quedó haciendo equilibrio en el estribo con la cabeza gacha y sus jóvenes músculos tensos.
It's starting to turn again.
- Sí, pero queda un problema.
- [giggling] Looks like the next match is starting.
Parece que empieza la próxima pelea.
You were starting to smell like the middle class, Son.
Comenzabas a oler como la clase media, hijo.
First, that's not what quid pro quo means and second, I don't think starting a war is a very good idea.
Primero, "quid pro quo" no significa eso, y segundo, iniciar una guerra no es buena idea.
[grunts ] [ exclaims ] [ screaming] I'm starting a war!
¡ Estoy iniciando una guerra!
[rumbling continues] I... I'm starting to feel... gassy.
Estoy sintiendo... un poco de gases.
Okay, I'm starting to feel dizzy.
Bueno, me estoy mareando
I'm starting to think you're just a giant banana.
Estoy empezando a creer que eres solo un enorme plátano.
♪ Feel the burning starting to rise ♪
Siente el fuego, empieza a quemar
Starting out in Vegas, we'll head 125 miles west on US 160, through the mountains and valleys across state lines into California, deep into the heart of Death Valley.
Empezando en Las Vegas, recorreremos 125 millas al oeste por la ruta 160, cruzando montañas y valles, por las líneas estatales hacia California, al centro del corazón de Death Valley.
Starting with the motor, and then everything kind of grows, you know, organic-looking, I guess.
Comienzo con el motor, y después es como que todo saliera, ya sabes, mirada-orgánica, supongo.
You're starting to believe this might work, which means this really is your last chance to turn back.
Estás empezando a creer que esto podría funcionar, lo que significa que esta es tu última oportunidad para volver atrás.
The belt found in the tunnel... that particular style was only sold in five stores starting in'95.
El cinturón encontrado en el hormigón... Ese diseño en concreto solo se vendió en cinco tiendas desde el'95.
It's starting again, isn't it?
Está volviendo a suceder, ¿ verdad?
- I helped him with his business when he was starting out.
- Yo le ayudé con su negocio cuando estaba empezando.
You were starting down a bad road, Cam.
Estabas empezando a ir por el mal camino, Cam.
Well, we're starting again.
Volveremos a empezar.
Things are starting to get interesting, right?
Las cosas empiezan a ponerse interesante, ¿ verdad?
All right, everyone, we're starting over.
De acuerdo, todos, comenzaremos de nuevo.
This is starting to feel real.
Esto empieza a parecer real.
Young people are not moving out of their parents'homes at the ages we would expect. They're not buying cars, they're not buying homes, they're not starting small businesses.
Los jóvenes no se van de la casa paterna... a la edad que se espera, no compran autos, no compran casas, no empiezan negocios.
Prior to starting FMT, my... the mental side of it, the anxiety and the depression were so bad that I don't think I ever could have got there with...
Antes de empezar con esto, el lado mental, la ansiedad y la depresión eran tan malas, que jamás hubiera logrado llegar aquí...
I'm starting to like it.
Está empezando a gustarme.
I was actually starting to believe that you cared about this case, but the only thing that you care about is putting it to bed as quickly as possible.
De hecho, comenzaba a creer que en realidad te importaba este caso, pero lo única cosa que te importa es terminar con esto lo más rápido posible.
Six pages, and I didn't even do that thing where I try to make it longer by starting every sentence with
Seis páginas, y ni siquiera hice esa cosa donde trato de hacerlo más largo al iniciar cada frase con...
Starting right now, no one may go outside under any circumstances.
A partir de ahora, nadie puede salir a la calle bajo ninguna circunstancia.
It's a new trend that I am starting.
Es una tendencia nueva que estoy empezando.
It's starting with five laparoscopic ports to simultaneously access both the liver and kidney tumors.
Comenzado con cinco incisiones laparoscópicas simultáneas para acceder a los tumores del hígado y riñón.
[Mauer] In the mid-1980s, we were already starting to embark on a war on drugs and then all of a sudden, along comes this new drug, crack cocaine.
A mediados de los 80, ya había empezado la guerra contra las drogas. Luego, de repente, llega una nueva droga, el crack.
Then starting from today, I'm gonna be doing something very public from 2 : 00 to 4 : 00.
Entonces a partir de hoy, haré algo muy público desde las dos hasta las cuatro.
Yeah, well the amount of things you're not telling me are really starting to pile up.
Sí, pues las cosas que no me estás diciendo están empezando a amontonarse.
Well, in that case, there's another show starting in about 15 minutes.
En ese caso, hay otra obra que empieza en unos 15 minutos.
Yes, that's starting...
Sí, eso empieza...
I ask if he's okay, and he says it was just the stress of the trial starting the next day.
Le pregunté que si estaba bien, y dijo que era solo el estrés del juicio que empezaba el día siguiente.
Starting about a month ago.
Empezó hace un mes.
Oh. Starting tomorrow, you're both walking CHA vertical foot patrol in the Lathrop homes.
Empezando mañana, ambos estarán caminando patrullaje a pie de la autoridad de casas en los hogares Lathrop.
Even that synthetic shit is starting to smell good.
Hasta esa porquería sintética está empezando a oler bien.
In the old house and thinking about fixing it up. And I'm starting to think like...
Cuando estaba en mi antigua casa pensando en repararla, empecé a pensar que...
You get to decide your own future starting right now.
Puedes decidir tu propio futuro comenzando ahora.
You know, I'm starting to think I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone.
Comienzo a pensar que te extrañaré cuando me vaya.
I was starting to worry.
Empezaba a preocuparme.
Now her vision is starting to return.
Ahora está comenzando a recobrar su visión.
I'm starting my surgical residency here.
Estoy empezando mi residencia de cirugía aquí.
- We're starting a family.
- Estamos empezando una familia.
You're my starting point.
Eres mi punto de partida.
I was starting to think I wasn't going first round, man.
Pensé que no iría en primera vuelta.
starting today 94
starting with you 38
starting over 33
starting tomorrow 111
starting right now 37
starting with 39
starting now 197
starting tonight 30
starting at 23
starting compressions 19
starting with you 38
starting over 33
starting tomorrow 111
starting right now 37
starting with 39
starting now 197
starting tonight 30
starting at 23
starting compressions 19
start 326
started 37
starts 18
starter 51
start a new life 38
start your engines 41
start over 169
start now 30
start the car 139
start walking 49
started 37
starts 18
starter 51
start a new life 38
start your engines 41
start over 169
start now 30
start the car 139
start walking 49