Stop him translate Spanish
13,217 parallel translation
- Then stop him before he gets a chance.
Entonces, deténgalo antes de que tenga la oportunidad.
With Dance being reborn, Jekyll's the only one can stop him.
Si resucitan a Dance, Jekyll será el único que pueda detenerle.
So, maybe the blackmailers found out that he was talking to I.A. and decided to stop him.
Quizá los extorsionadores descubrieron que estaba hablando con Asuntos Internos y decidieron pararle.
I know what Lane did to me, and I'm gonna stop him from doing it to somebody else.
Sé lo que Lane me hizo, y voy a evitar que se lo haga a cualquier otra persona.
Stop him!
¡ Detendle!
You have to stop him.
Le tiene que parar.
So now that we know he's the ghost, how do we stop him?
Ahora que sabemos que es el fantasma, ¿ cómo lo detenemos?
I mean, looks like he's tied to the costumes, which means the only way to stop him is to burn them.
Bueno, parece que está atado a los disfraces, lo que significa que la única manera de detenerlo es quemarlos.
You couldn't stop him.
No, Su Majestad dice la verdad. No tiene modo de detenerlo.
I have to stop him.
Tengo que detenerlo.
- Stop him.
Oh, we got to stop him.
Oh, tenemos que detenerlo.
And how many more people are gonna die if we don't stop him.
Y cuánta gente más va a morir si no le detenemos.
He won't stop, so I have to stop him.
No se detendrá, así que tengo que detenerlo.
We have to stop him.
Debemos pararle.
Somebody stop him!
Alguien deténgalo!
We don't stop him, more people are gonna die.
Si no lo detenemos, más personas morirán.
So, no matter how hard this might be... we need to split up, find him, and stop him... no matter what it takes.
Así que, no importa lo difícil que sea... Tenemos que separarnos, encontrarle y detenerle... Cueste lo que cueste.
If we can blast him back through the rip he came out of, we just might be able to stop him before his weirdness spreads across the entire globe.
Si lo lanzamos de vuelta a la grieta de la que vino, tal vez podríamos detenerlo antes de que esa rareza llegue a todo el mundo.
There's no one in this world that can stop him.
No hay nada en este planeta que pueda detenerlo ahora.
No. Instead of delaying the inevitable, I say let's work together and stop him.
En vez de retrasar lo inevitable, trabajemos juntos para pararle.
Good news is, we're all going to band together and stop him.
Las buenas noticias son que nos uniremos y vamos a detenerlo.
Did you try to stop him?
¿ Intentó detenerlo?
I tried to stop him, but he was blasting Taylor Swift and couldn't hear me.
Traté de detenerlo, pero él estaba a todo volumen Taylor Swift y no me podía oír.
But after Dobson took the shots at the two of you today, I knew I had to stop him.
Pero después que Dobson les disparó a ustedes dos hoy, sabía que tenía que detenerlo.
very dangerous. Please stop him.
Por favor haz algo.
We tried to stop him, but he went back.
Intentamos detenerlo, pero él regresó.
I will stop him. Yes.
Yo lo detendré.
If he hadn't fallen asleep at that rest stop, his daughter might still be with him.
Si no se hubiera dormido en ese área de descanso su hija seguiría con él.
How can we stop Groot without hurting him?
¿ Cómo podemos detener a Groot sin lastimarlo?
Stop his heart and you'll put him down for good.
Detenga su corazón y acabará con él para siempre.
Then you stop Hyde getting anywhere near that Calyx, and then kill him too.
Después evite que Hyde se aproxime a ese Cáliz y luego lo mata también.
April, you can stop selling him.
April, puedes parar de venderle.
It doesn't stop him.
Nada lo detiene.
I couldn't answer, but I couldn't stop looking at him either.
No pude responder pero tampoco pude dejar de mirarle.
Can you stop him?
¿ Puedes pararlo?
He had students stop calling him "Dave"
Los estudiantes dejaron de llamarlo "Dave"
That might be the only way. - But maybe we should stop him.
- No deberíamos.
We'll stop by your place later to check on him and to pick up the tainted Utopium.
Pasaremos por tu lugar para comprobar su estado y recoger el Utopium contaminado.
I was supposed to pick him up he's at the bus stop at Western and Third, waiting for me.
Se supone que lo recogería. Está en la parada de autobuses en la tercera Oeste, esperándome.
Next thing he knows, people stop being afraid of him, so the Outfit puts X enforcer out to pasture with a counterfeit check scheme.
Lo siguiente que sabe es que la gente deja de temerle... entonces la Organización pone un matón X a pastar con una estafa de falsificación de cheques.
I told him to stop.
Le dije que se detuviera.
I just... I just wanted him to stop hurting you.
Solo... solo quería de dejara de hacerte daño.
Did you ask him to stop? - No, I didn't.
¿ Le pediste que parara?
All right, if having dinner with him will stop this cavalcade of flowers,
Muy bien, si cenando con él se detendrá esta cabalgata de flores,
I just grabbed some shots of him walking towards us, but he didn't stop, and came closer and closer.
Grabé algunas de ellas tomadas en nuestro camino, pero él no se detuvo, llegó más y más cerca.
You give him this, and it will stop.
Denle esto, y se detendrá.
They work him non-stop.
Le hacen trabajar sin parar.
I've asked you to please stop calling him that.
Te pedí por favor que dejes de llamarlo así.
Oh, they're still trying to stop the internal bleeding from the gunshot wound. But if he pulls through, all his friends are all pointing the finger at him.
Oh, ellos están intentando todavía detener le hemorragia interna provocada por la herida de bala, pero si sale de esta, todos sus amigos están apuntando su dedo hacia él.
I think you've got to stop making excuses and start seeing him for the bastard that he really is.
Creo que deberías de parar de inventar excusas... y empezar a ver de verdad lo bastardo que es.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
stop it 13041
stop here 153
stop talking to me 36
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
stop it 13041
stop here 153
stop talking to me 36
stop the car 663
stop lying 140
stop crying 318
stop right there 656
stop laughing 101
stop it now 137
stop talking 690
stop the bus 85
stop complaining 83
stop talking nonsense 52
stop lying 140
stop crying 318
stop right there 656
stop laughing 101
stop it now 137
stop talking 690
stop the bus 85
stop complaining 83
stop talking nonsense 52
stop the presses 25
stop yelling at me 54
stop screaming 73
stop fighting 156
stop saying 98
stop running 76
stop right now 76
stop that 1063
stop this 362
stop them 234
stop yelling at me 54
stop screaming 73
stop fighting 156
stop saying 98
stop running 76
stop right now 76
stop that 1063
stop this 362
stop them 234