Switched at birth translate Spanish
135 parallel translation
We think he may have been switched at birth.
Creemos que lo han cambiado cuando nació.
I may not have been switched at birth but I should have been.
Quizá no me intercambiaron al nacer, pero deberían haberlo hecho.
You know, you must've been switched at birth.
Ya sabes, te han debido de cambiar al nacer.
So they weren't switched at birth.
No las cambiaron al nacer.
Plus, I don't want him to get switched at birth with one of those babies that doesn't speak english.
Además, no quiero que me lo vayan a cambiar por uno de esos bebés que no hablan ingles.
How do you live a normal life once you find out you were switched at birth?
¿ Cómo vives tras averiguar que te cambiaron al nacer?
I was switched at birth with Madison Sinclair?
¿ Me cambiaron al nacer con Madison Sinclair?
Malcolm, it's times like these I'm certain you weren't switched at birth.
Malcolm, en momentos como éste estoy seguro de que no te cambiaron en el nacimiento.
i think i was switched at birth.
Creo que me cambiaron por error cuando nací.
lisa shayne's case should be dismissed because the statute of limitations has expired for both her and her mother, carla but were you ever informed that you were switched at birth?
El caso de Lisa Shayne debería ser cerrado porque ha prescrito tanto para ella como para su madre Carla... ¿ pero usted nunca se enteró de que había sido cambiada cuando nació?
Gaby learned the truth about her daughter being switched at birth.
Gaby supo la verdad sobre el cambio al nacer su hija.
Previously on Switched at birth...
Anteriormente en Switched at Birth...
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...
Anteriormente en "Switched at Birth"...
There it was... switched at birth.
Y ahí estaba... intercambiadas al nacer.
That our daughter was switched at birth.
Que a nuestra hija nos la habían cambiado al nacer.
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...
Anteriormente en "Switched at birth".
You didn't hear how Bay was switched at birth with a deaf girl?
¿ No oíste cómo Bay fue cambiada por una niña sorda al nacer?
You do know the difference between switched at birth and separated at birth, right?
¿ De verdad sabes la diferencia entre cambiadas al nacer... y separadas al nacer, verdad?
Previously on "Switched at birth"...
Anteriormente en "Switched at bith"...
Previously on "Switched at birth"...
Anteriormente en Switched at Birth...
Crazy idea... we could tell everybody our daughters were switched at birth and this seemed like a good way to get to know them.
Una idea loca... podemos decirle a todo el mundo que a nuestras hijas las intercambiaron al nacer y que ésta parece una buena manera de llegar a concerlas.
Nobody is buying this friend thing and I'm sure the stories she's making up to fill in the blanks are way worse than switched at birth.
Nadie se cree lo de la amistad y estoy segura de que las historias que se inventa para rellenar los huecos son mucho peor que ser cambiada al nacer.
Previously on Switched At Birth.
Anteriormente en "Switched At Birth".
Previously on "Switched at birth"...
Anteriormente en "Switched at Birth"...
Previously on "Switched at birth..."
Anteriormente en " "Switched at birth..."
She's that mom who found out her daughter got switched at birth and and her life was like shattered.
Ella es esa madre que se entero que su hija fue cambiada al nacer y su vida se hizo añicos.
Previously on "Switched at birth"...
Anteriormente en "Switched At Birth"...
Previously on "Switched at birth"...
Anteriormente en "Switched at birth"...
"of the switched at birth family" books can there be out there?
"de la familia cambiadas al nacer" puede haber ahí fuera?
Previously on "Switched at birth..."
Anteriormente en "Switched at Birth"...
Which I love but... sometimes I would like to be known as something other than the girl who was switched at birth.
Que me encanta pero... a veces me gustaría ser conocida como algo más que la chica que fue cambiada al nacer.
How many "Real story" "of the switched at birth family" books can there be out there?
¿ Cuántos libros sobre la "Historia real... de la familia cambiadas al nacer" puede haber ahí afuera?
- Previously on "Switched at Birth"...
- Anteriormente, en Switched at Birth...
What about the fact that the girls were actually switched at birth?
¿ Y qué pasa con el hecho de que las chicas fueron realmente cambiadas al nacer?
16 years ago, their daughters were switched at birth in this very hospital.
Hace 16 años, sus hijas fueron cambiadas al nacer justo en este hospital.
- Previously on switched at birth...
- Anteriormente, en Switched at Birth...
Previously on "Switched at Birth."
Anteriormente en "Switched at Birth" :
Previously on Switched at Birth.
Anteriormente en Switched at Birth.
Previously on "Switched at Birth"
Anteriormente en "Switched at Birth"
Previously on "Switched at birth..."
Anteriormente, en "Switched at birth..."
You know, I think your readers will relate to the challenges I've faced even if their children weren't switched at birth.
Sabe, creo que sus lectores se identificarán... con las cuestiones siendo realistas... incluso si sus hijos no fueron cambiados al nacer.
Previously on "Switched at birth..."
Anteriormente en "Switched at birth"...
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...
Anteriormente, en Switched at Birth...
Mom, do you know how nice it was to not be the girl who was switched at birth just for a few weeks?
Mamá, ¿ sabes lo bonito que fue... durante unas semanas, no ser la chica... a la que intercambiaron al nacer?
Previously on Switched at Birth...
Anteriormente en Switched at Birth...
Uh, for being switched at birth.
Eh, por haber sido cambiada al nacer
Yeah, well, here's to being switched at birth, and getting a food truck to compensate for the damages.
Si, bueno, aqui estamos las chicas cambiadas al nacer y tenemos una camioneta de comida. para compensar los daños y perjuicios
Actually, I think that this could be a great idea. Can't wait for more "Switched at Birth"? My hearing daughter at a deaf school?
En relidad creo que eso podria ser una gran idea ¿ Mi hija oyente en una escuela de sordos?
"Great block party. " By the way, one of our nurses may have switched your baby at birth. Try the dip. "
Estupenda fiesta, por cierto, una de nuestras enfermeras cambio a su hijo durante el nacimiento, prueba el aderezo
Yeah, this whole switched-at-birth thing has actually been pretty tough on me.
Sí, todo eso de cambiadas al nacer... fue realmente duro para mí.
I'm afraid with this whole switched-at-birth thing you might feel like an exhibit at a zoo.
Me da miedo que con todo esto del cambio al nacer... puedas sentirte como si te exhibieras en un zoo.
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birth 62
birthday girl 46
birthday party 19
birthday boy 48
birth certificate 31
birthdays 69
birth certificates 16
birth control 18
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