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Tano translate Spanish

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And I'm gonna let an irishman, a Jew, and a wop win.
Y dejaré que ganen un irlandés, un judio y un'tano'.
Because the Fiorengo... split in two branches :
Curzé y Pierandrei. Tano, Beneamataet Dolores. ¡ Ah, Dolores!
Tano, Beneamataet Dolores. Ah, Dolores! She who married...
Se trata de una Curzé, se casó con el hermano del marido de Elena.
Tano Gallinella...
¡ Tano Gallinella!
Tano, you know lam innocent!
Tano, tú sabes que soy inocente.
Tano, you fear the Americans because their medicine is stronger than yours!
Tano, les temes porque su medicina es más fuerte que la tuya.
Listen to Tano, the wise one!
Que escuchase a Tano, el sabio.
Tano gave him the poison because you wanted to become the new chief!
Tano lo envenenó para que tú fueses el nuevo jefe.
You and Tano are the guilty ones!
Tano y tú sois los culpables.
She was caring for my father when Tano and Maranka came with the poison!
Ella cuidaba a mi padre cuando Tano y Maranka le envenenaron.
Tell them the truth, that Tano and Maranka gave him the evil medicine that killed him!
Diles la verdad. Que le dieron la medicina maléfica que lo mató.
May the gods curse you and Tano and Korey!
¡ Que los dioses te castiguen a ti, a Tano y a Korey!
I'll tell you who poisons their simple minds. It's Tano, their witch doctor.
Tano, el hechicero, es el que envenena sus mentes.
I'm glad to see you. After Tano's orders forbidding the natives to come here
Pensé que no volvería a verte después de la prohibición de Tano.
That you have come to help our people.
Tano no ha podido ayudar a mi mujer Dori.
Tano could do nothing for my wife Dori.
No sabe cómo curar la peste ni las marcas de su cara.
Talk to as many of your people as you dare and get them to come here for treatment in spite of the danger.
Tano no tiene medios para curar la peste.
Tano has no medicine to cure the plague.
Muchos no confían en Ud. Desde que murió el padre de Kimo.
There are many who do not trust you since Kimo's father died, Doctor.
Pero si fue Tano quien le dio el veneno.
But it was Tano who gave him the poison medicine.
Kimo dijo lo mismo antes de que le matasen.
However, the new chief, Maranka, and his witch doctor Tano, forbid the natives to come here.
Los que lo hacen arriesgan sus vidas.
Not evil, like Tano!
The 4th day after 2 full moons... so has the spirit told me.
Recuerda, Tano, que Korey también debe morir.
He would take Naomi to be his wife.
Tano y Maranka planean matarles.
Yes, Tano and Maranka are planning to kill all of you.
Has desafiado el tabú del jefe al venir.
Did Nargu tell you I betrayed Kimo and caused his death?
Son malvados. Tano y Maranka.
They are evil, Tano and Maranka, both of them.
Por eso quieren echarles.
No, it took days or weeks before they had strength to run around.
¿ Te refieres a Tano y los nativos?
You mean, Tano and the other natives?
Y lo destrozaron todo, como unos niños enfadados.
Tano, why didn't you destroy the Tabanga with medicine?
Los Americanos lo liberaron antes de que pudiese.
Does anybody know where the Tabanga is now?
- Tano y sus hombres lo buscan.
Tano blames you for taking the Tabanga from the ground.
Tano les culpa por haber liberado al Tabanga.
Yes, it looks like a honeymoon and back to the States for them.
Ahora sabemos que la magia americana es mejor. Necesitamos a otro hechicero para reemplazar a Tano.
Gypsy, Gypsy. Gypsy!
Tano, Tano. ¡ Tano!
- Gypsy.
- Tano.
¡ Tano!
Gypsy, come here!
¡ Tano, ven aquí!
Smell Gypsy, smell.
Huele, Tano, huele.
Smell, Gypsy, take a good smell.
Huele, Tano, huele mucho.
Now let's go to Mass and at the exit, Gypsy will sniff out all the people in town.
Ahora vamos a misa, y a la salida Tano olerá a todos los del pueblo.
- Gypsy!
- ¡ Tano!
Gypsy, Gypsy!
¡ Tano, Tano!
Gypsy, come here.
Tano, ven aquí.
Smell, take a good smell, Gypsy.
Huele, huele mucho, Tano. Huele mucho.
Take a good smell, Gypsy.
Huele mucho, Tano, huele mucho.
- Tano Gallinella.
- Tano Gallinella.
Before the former chief died and son was killed, the natives came to us for treatment.
Pero Maranka, el nuevo jefe, y Tano les han prohibido venir.
He's a good man.
No malvado como Tano.
- Where's Maranka?
Tano, ¿ por qué no usas tu medicina para destruirlo?

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