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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / That sounds about right

That sounds about right translate Spanish

229 parallel translation
That sounds about right.
Eso parece correcto.
Yeah. That sounds about right.
Sí, algo así.
- That sounds about right.
- Supongo que sí.
That sounds about right.
- Se oye mal.
That sounds about right.
Sí, más o menos.
That sounds about right to me.
Suena familiar.
That sounds about right.
La historia me es familiar.
Jim, that sounds about right.
Jim, parece correcto.
That sounds about right.
Tiene sentido.
That sounds about right.
Sí, cree usted bien.
- Yeah, that sounds about right.
- Sí, sí. Parece muy lógico.
That sounds about right.
Eso parece perfecto.
That sounds about right.
Suena bien.
Yeah, that sounds about right, it still doesn't remove the smack from your girl's bag.
Pero sus chicas llevaban la droga.
That sounds about right.
Eso suena bien.
Well, that sounds about right.
Bueno, eso suena razonable.
- That sounds about right.
- Típico de Pacey.
- That sounds about right.
- Me lo puedo imaginar.
That sounds about right.
Me parece aproximadamente correcto.
- That sounds about right.
- Suena más o menos bien.
That sounds about right, not that it's any of your business.
Es aproximadamente correcto, aunque no le concierne.
That sounds about right.
Me parece que está bien.
- That sounds about right.
- Me lo imaginaba.
That sounds about right.
Eso suena correcto.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Sí, parece justo.
That sounds about right.
Parece ser lo correcto.
That sounds about right, except the part about me directing a big movie.
Eso suena bien. Lo que no me convence es lo de la película.
That sounds about right.
Eso suena bastante aproximado.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Es lo que siempre hago.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Sí, más o menos ese número.
- That sounds about right.
Eso es correcto.
- That sounds about right.
- Eso suena bien.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Me parece que sí.
- Okay, that sounds about right.
- Está bien, eso suena correcto.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Sí, suena bastante convincente.
- That sounds about right.
- Más o menos.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Sí, así es.
That sounds about right.
Sí. Tal vez sí.
That sounds about right.
Eso parece casi correcto.
Eighteen hours, that sounds about right.
Dieciocho horas, eso suena correcto.
Yeah, yeah, that sounds about right.
Sí, sí, eso concuerda.
That sounds about right.
Sí, estoy de acuerdo.
- That sounds about right.
- Sí, más o menos.
Even you talk about it, you're so worked up it sounds more like you're the one that got dumped, right? Yeah?
Cuando hablas de eso, te aflijes tanto que parece que fuiste tú el abandonado, ¿ no?
I didn't take a head count, but that sounds about right.
No conté uno por uno, pero parece ser así.
That sounds about right.
Encaja muy bien.
That sounds just about right.
Eso suena bien.
Because that's how I feel about this right now, and I know as stupid as that sounds as strategy, like, I feel like I've been going through it a million times in my mind.
porque esas son las ganas que tengo ahora mismo, y se que asi parezca una estrategia estupida, osea, siento como si he estado pensandolo como como un millon de veces en mi mente.
Hey, that sounds like a movie, like, Something Not Right About Glenda.
Parece el título de una película. "Algo pasa con Glenda" con la cámara moviéndose...
That sounds about right.
Eso suena a cierto.
That sounds right to me. And what about this pig's heart, and the note?
¿ Y qué hay sobre el corazón de cerdo y la nota?

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