Then don't go translate Spanish
1,630 parallel translation
Why don't you go ahead and whip out that tiny teddy, and then we're gonna think up a fun safe word, okay?
Por qué no te preparas para mostrarme ese osito de peluche, y luego podríamos pensar en una palabra más divertida seguramente, ¿ ok?
This idea of yours is a no-go, because i don't like waiting around for 2 months while a judge determines exactly what a special master can do in this case and then maybe lose the hearing.
Esta idea suya no es viable porque no me gusta esperar dos meses a que un juez determine qué puede hacer un Oficial Especial en este caso para después perder la audiencia.
Well, why don't we just go by ourselves, then?
Bien, ¿ Por qué no vamos nosotros, entonces?
Because if you don't change who you are then you won't go to heaven.
Porque si no cambias lo que eres no irás al cielo.
Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and he follows then go to your dad.
Ten mucho cuidado que no nos vean, espera a que ella salga corriendo y el siga, entonces ve con tu padre
So then why don't you go out with him? - You can do something tonight.
Entonces, ¿ por qué no sales con él?
- Don't go, then.
- Entonces no vayas.
Hey, why don't you go hang out in the pool house, and then I'll come out as soon as I finish up here?
Oye, por qué no vas a la casa de la piscina... Y luego iré tan pronto como termine aquí. Podríamos hablar.
So, don't go, then.
Bueno, entonces no vayas.
Why don't you go spend 4 years in med school and then let me know if it's the right diagnosis?
¿ Por qué no vas 4 años a la universidad y luego me dices si es el correcto?
Until then, we don't go near it.
Hasta entonces, no te acerques a ella.
Why don't I go first? And then Michael can just steal what I say.
Bien, ¿ por qué no lo hago yo primero, y luego Michael puede robar lo que diga?
But if you want to stay where people respect you, where you're the king, then don't go.
Bien. Pero si quieres quedarte donde la gente te respeta, donde tú eres el rey entonces no te vayas.
Why don't you go and feed it to a rabbit? And then stuff the rabbit with bacon and deep-fry it?
¿ Por qué no se la das a un conejo, luego lo rellenas con tocino y luego lo fríes?
Come back here! If you don't go, and you don't go, then I'm not gonna go, and I wanted to go! And - and - and
Si tú no vienes... si tu no vienes... entonces yo no voy.. y yo quería ir y Alice y Dana lo tienen claro porque nadie va
I mean, you just don't ice some guy and then go home put your feet up and watch QBC!
Quero decir, ¡ tu no matas a un tipo y despues te vas a casa a ver la televisión!
Then don't go.
Entonces no te vayas.
Dad, look, I don't know what kind of trouble you're in but if you have to go, then go.
Papá, no sé en que tipo de problemas estás metido, pero si tienes que irte, entonces vete.
Well, then why don't we go to the gift shop and see maybe if they have cards,'cause then we could play gin or I could do some sleight of hand for you guys.
- Yo también. Entonces, ¿ por qué no vamos a la tienda de regalos a ver si tienen cartas? Porque así podríamos jugar al gin o les podría hacer algunos trucos de magia.
Well, you don't have to go to Greece, then.
Tú tampoco irás a Grecia.
Look, I don't want to be one of those moms that never sees her kids, but I also don't want to be one of those moms that stays at home but then resents her kids'cause she wishes she was working so she could go to an office and feel bad about not being at home with her kids.
Mira, no quiero ser una de esas mamás que nunca ve a sus hijos... pero tampoco quiero ser de las que se quedan en casa y luego resienten a sus hijos porque desean estar trabajando y así podrían estar en una oficina y sentirse mal por no estar en casa con sus hijos.
For the screw, and then sometimes they top it off with tequila and call it a slow comfortable screw with a mexican, or bacardi and it's a puerto rican, but I don't go for all that light shit.
Y a veces le pones encima tequila y le llamas un lento y confortable sexo con una mejicana o bacardi y es puertorriqueña pero yo no quiero esa mierda suave.
Now, if that means I gotto breathe down your neck morning, noon, and night so you don't go cowboy again, then that is exactly what I am gonna do.
Si eso significa que tengo que estar sobre tu cuello mañana, tarde y noche para que no te desmadres de nuevo entonces eso es exactamente lo que voy a hacer.
Why don't you go clean up, and then we can hang out and get to know each other better?
¿ Por qué no te cambias, y salimos para conocernos mejor?
If you're gonna go off and marry someone you don't even know, then we can't be together anymore
Si solo te vas a ir y casarte con alguien que ni siquiera conoces, entonces no podemos estar juntos.
'Cause then I'll have to go to your party, which I don't want to do.
Por que entonces tendria que ir a tu fiesta, a la que no quiero ir.
Why don't go ahead and explain it to me then, Admiral?
¿ Por qué no me lo explica entonces, Almirante?
- Then why don't you go?
- Entonces porque no vas?
Why don't you tell me what you need... ... then you can go enjoy your day off by spreading sunshine and cheer to others.
Porque no me dices lo que necesitas entonces puedes ir a disfrutar tu día libre y contagiar alegría a los demás.
Lilly swore to me that she'd never go back to him, but then... one day, that punk snaps his fingers, and... all of a sudden it's like... Like we don't even know each other anymore.
Lilly me juró que nunca volvería con él, pero entonces un día, un simple chasquido de los dedos de ese idiota y de repente fue como si ya no nos conociéramos.
But don't ya go visit your aunt there now and then?
¿ Pero no vas de vez en cuando a visitar a tu tía en la ciudad?
Ok, honestly, I don't understand why you can't go to Mexico for a week... and just be like "I love you", or whateveryou say to her... and then like "I'll see you in a week."
No veo por qué no puedes ir a México por una semana... decirle que la quieres o lo que sea que le dices... y quedar de verla una semana después.
You can buy this place, and then we don't have to go anywhere.
Puedes comprar este lugar, y entonces no nos iríamos.
Why don't we take a look inside Lorna's bag, and then maybe you can go.
¿ Por qué no me deja revisar la maleta de Lorna? Luego podrá irse.
You know, why don't you just go throw Kate's mask overboard... and then just go dive for it again?
- Sabes, ¿ por qué no arrojas la máscara de Kate al agua otra vez y vas a buscarla al mar?
If you don't want that, then go to the mountains and study!
¡ Si no quiere eso, entonces vaya a las montañas y estudie!
If you don't love me, if you're not nice to me, then piss off to the garden and go and eat some worms!
Si no me amas, si no eres amable conmigo, entonces cabrear al jardín y ir a comer algunos gusanos!
Then why don't you just run off and go find him?
Entonces ve a buscarlo.
- I'll tell you but don't say that I suggested this some hoodlums some hoodlums who can break into the apartment in any way either by breaking down the door or a wall the point is they should occupy it... and then you go in... and live in it normally
- Se lo diré. Pero no diga que yo sugerí esto. Algunos vagabundos.
Like... you've gotta promise you don't go back to jail. And if... you promise that, then... all right, then, yeah, fuck it, I'II marry you.
Tienes... que prometerme que no volverás a la cárcel.
You don't go along, then Johnny don't trust you and he's coming after you and you sure as shit don't want Sonny Truelove knocking at your door.
Si no sigues el plan, Johnny ya no confiará en ti y vendrá a buscarte... y estoy seguro de que no quieres a Sonny Truelove llamando a tu puerta.
If I don't go to detention, then I can't go to class, and then I can't graduate.
Si no voy a detención, no puedo ir a clase y no puedo graduarme.
Well, if it's so weird, Why don't you go introduce yourself to him, then?
Si es así de extraño... ¿ porqué no vas, y te presentas?
Hey, guys, why don't you go show Mommy your toys, and then Grandma can rest a little bit? Okay?
Oigan, ¿ por qué no le muestran sus juguetes a mamá y así la abuela puede descansar un poquito?
We're going to lose the championship and then the team's over because of you... so don't go fucking talking to me about the team, all right?
Vamos a perder el campeonato y luego el equipo se va a deshacer por tu culpa así que no me hables del equipo.
I don't care. But then you steel yourself, and you go back to wherever it is you've got that bitch stashed, and you finish what you've started.
Pero ve a donde tienes a esa perra y termina lo que empezaste.
If I don't have a sponsor, then I can't go on the tour.
Si no tengo patrocinador, no puedo ir de gira.
Then why don't you go to your village and meet everyone and come?
por que no te vas a tu pueblo y cumples con todos y vuelves?
And if you don't go there then they will come here.
Y si usted no va allí, entonces van a venir aquí.
But if I can't have Sally Kendoo then I don't want to go on living.
Si no puedo tener a Sally, no quiero vivir.
Then why don't you go ahead and tell one of your stories.
Entonces por qué no sigues y nos cuentas una de tus historias.
then don't 282
then don't be 19
then don't do it 28
don't go far 26
don't go yet 54
don't go to sleep 22
don't go there 232
don't go out 31
don't go 1905
don't go anywhere 259
then don't be 19
then don't do it 28
don't go far 26
don't go yet 54
don't go to sleep 22
don't go there 232
don't go out 31
don't go 1905
don't go anywhere 259
don't go home 28
don't go outside 18
don't go breaking my heart 18
don't go that way 22
don't go away 144
don't go overboard 17
don't go back 22
don't go in there 160
don't go up there 21
don't go down there 24
don't go outside 18
don't go breaking my heart 18
don't go that way 22
don't go away 144
don't go overboard 17
don't go back 22
don't go in there 160
don't go up there 21
don't go down there 24
don't go with him 20
don't go in 44
don't go too far 74
don't go near him 17
don't go back there 16
don't go on 20
don't go out there 61
good 48980
google 74
good night 12775
don't go in 44
don't go too far 74
don't go near him 17
don't go back there 16
don't go on 20
don't go out there 61
good 48980
google 74
good night 12775
good morning 12476
go on 13820
goodbye 8643
gonzo 57
gore 42
gout 25
gomez 119
go ahead 10567
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goran 103
go on 13820
goodbye 8643
gonzo 57
gore 42
gout 25
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goran 103