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There is one other thing translate Spanish

180 parallel translation
There is one other thing.
Pero hay un pero...
" There is one other thing I got to tell you...
" Tengo que contarte otra cosa,
- Oh, there is one other thing, sir.
- Oh, hay otra cosa, señor.
Perhaps there is one other thing.
Tal vez haya otro asunto.
Yeah, John, there is one other thing.
Sí, John, otra cosa.
Oh, there is one other thing, mr pelham.
¿ Me va a llevar con usted? ¿ Llevarla a usted?
Oh, there is one other thing.
Hay una cosa más.
Uh, Lieutenant, before you go, there is one other thing I'd like to show you.
Teniente, antes que se vaya, hay otra cosa que me gustaría mostrarle.
Oh, there is one other thing. How did your husband get involved with Mr. Janus?
Una cosa más. ¿ Cómo se asoció su marido con el Sr. Janus?
There is one other thing, sir.
Hay una cosa más, señor.
Uh, there is one other thing.
Una cosa más.
Oh, there is one other thing.
- Oh, y otra cosa.
Bernard, there is one other thing.
Bernard, otra cosa más.
And there is one other thing.
Y hay algo más.
Yeah, there is one other thing.
Sí, hay una cosa más.
– No, there is one other thing, Terry.
- No, hay una cosa más, Terry.
- There is one other thing, General.
- Hay otro asunto, general.
There is one other thing Wellington seeks.
Hay otra cosa que interesa a Wellington.
There is one other thing.
Hay otra cosa.
Well, there is one other thing, you know, besides the wallpaper.
Bueno, hay algo más, aparte del papel pintado.
There is one other thing.
Queda otro asunto.
There is one other thing that you might want to consider, Mr. Garibaldi... and that is, a man can become a threat... to the very cause he professes to believe in.
Hay otra cosa que quizá podría tomar en consideración, Sr. Garibaldi... y es que un hombre puede volverse una amenaza... para la propia causa en la que dice creer.
Uh... there is one other thing.
Hay una cosa más.
There is one other thing.
Aún hay otra cosa.
There is one other thing we could do, Delenn.
Hay otra cosa que podríamos hacer, Delenn.
There is one other thing.
Hay una cosa más que deberías saber.
There is one other thing I want you to know.
Hay otra cosa que quiero que sepas.
- There is one other thing.
- Una cosa más.
There is one other thing Mr. President
Hay otra cosa Sr. Presidente.
Before we leave, though, there is one other thing we should cover.
Antes de irnos, hay algo en lo que debemos pensar.
There is one other thing might be worth swinging by to take a look.
Hay otra cosa, pero podría ser peor si echamos un vistazo.
- There is one other thing.
- Hay otra cosa.
There is one other thing, though, the lollipops- -
Hay otra cosa, los chupetines...
There is one other thing.
Hay una cosa mas.
There are two schools of thought about that mink. One is that a syndicate bought it, and the other is that Mark Loving shelled out for the whole thing.
Hay dos escuelas de pensamiento al respecto, una la compró un grupo sindicado, y por la otra Mark Loving soltó toda la pasta.
Now, one other thing : Is there any physical evidence fingerprints, blood on your clothes?
Hay algo más. ¿ Existe alguna evidencia física...
There's only one thing more terrible than what we have done, and that is to leave each other.
Sólo hay una cosa más terrible de lo que hemos hecho y es el separarnos.
Oh, there is just one other thing.
Oh, sólo hay una cosa más.
But there is one thing : rats and mice hate each other.
Mas hay una cosa : las ratas y los ratones se odian.
Oh, of course there is one other thing.
Claro que hay algo más.
Being your mommy was one thing, but there are other things too and this is what I have to do.
Ser tu mamá es una cosa, pero también hay otras y esto es lo que debo hacer.
There is one thing I'd like to know, is how do you communicate across time with the other splinters of yourself?
Hay una cosa que me gustaría saber, y es ¿ cómo se puede comunicar a través del tiempo con las otras partes de ti mismo?
There is one other thing...
Nos vemos en el tribunal.
Ma'am, there is just one other thing, and I wouldn't even begin to bring it up... except for this funny mix-up over the bodies.
Sra. Vernon, hay otra cosa. Jamás la hubiera mencionado de no ser por ese extraño cambio de cadáveres.
Actually, there is one thing. I kind of made plans with this other friend of mine,
- Entonces, todo arreglado.
MEL : I don't know if there are angels out there... other than the 25 of us in uniform... but I know there is one thing I won't do.
No sé si más ángeles allá afuera aparte de nuestro equipo de 15 en uniforme.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sí, yo soy Daniel", y se entabla, ¿ eh? , "mucho gusto", y se entabla lo que puede llegar a ser... bueno, siempre y cuando se llame Esther, si se llama Alicia sigue viaje, tampoco se entera, por más que uno le diga Esther....... una vez venía caminando una, le dije "Esther" se dio vuelta y me dijo "yo me llamo José Luis", y no se entabló nada porque a mí no me va ese tipo de, ese tipo de ni ese tipo ni ningún tipo, quiero decir, no es lo mío, a mí me educaron mis padres de una manera y yo he sabido responder a esa educación, honrando, honrándola, digamos, me educaron en la libertad de poder pensar lo que me dé la gana, pero sí, las cosas se hacían de una forma ; también había que poder respetar a los demás, porque cada cual podía hacer de su vida lo que se le diera la gana, ¿ no?
I've always maintained that there's no such thing as a platonic relationship between a healthy man and woman, unless one of them is gay and the other is neutered.
Siempre he creído que no puede existir lo platónico... entre un hombre y una mujer, a no ser que uno sea homosexual y el otro asexuado.
- There is one other thing. - Make it brief.
- Que sea breve.
But we have no other recourse, in view of their evasive tactics. There is, of course, one thing you could do, Bob, although it would take time.
En este momento no tenemos mas opción contra esas tácticas... a no ser que se te ocurra algo, Bob.
Now, there is one other slight thing.
Ahora, hay otra cosita.

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