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There were two of them translate Spanish

246 parallel translation
In the call she said that there were two of them
En la llamada decia que eran dos
There were two of them.
Fueron dos.
- There were two of them, weren't there? - Yes, Mr. McCoy.
- Eran dos, ¿ verdad?
- They said there were two of them dead.
- Dijeron que hay dos muertos.
There were two of them.
Eran dos.
I did not know that there were two of them.
Es que yo no sabía que fueran dos.
There were two of them or he could have handled them,
Fueron dos tipos, si no se las hubiese arreglado. ¿ Verdad, papá?
He hit him on the head. There were two of them.
¡ Le golpearon en la cabeza!
There were two of them. One of them had a cosh.
Eran 2 hombres, 1 llevaba una pistola y me dijo : "cállate o te arrepentirás".
Yes, there were two of them.
Sí, fueron dos de ellos.
There were two of them.
Eran dos de ellos.
I want to know the name of the other one, there were two of them.
Ahora quiero saber el nombre del otro, eran dos.
The paper said there were two of them and you got them both.
El diario dice que fueron dos hombres y que los mataste.
- There were two of them?
- ¿ Así que eran dos?
Listen there were two of them.
Escucha había dos de ellos. Podemos seguir el rastro del número de matrícula.
There were two of them.
Había dos de ellos.
- By then, there were two of them.
- Para entonces, había dos.
( Steed ) There were two of them, I think. Jumped me from behind.
Han sido dos, me han atacado por detrás.
But I guarantee that I would be even sorrier if there were two of them.
Pero te garantizo que lo sentiría aún más si fueran dos muertos.
It seems there were two of them.
Parece que eran dos.
I swear I saw them, they went this way. There were two of them.
Los he visto con mis propios ojos, se han ido por ese camino.
I guess there were two of them.
Creo que le pusieron dos nombres.
There were two of them, I think.
Deben haber sido como las dos,
I told you there were two of them.
- Te dije que había dos de ellos.
There were two of them, chief.
Había dos de ellos, jefe.
Kaliya told us there were two of them, Samba.
Kaliya nos dijo que había dos de ellos, Samba.
There were two of them there didn't write a line.
Había dos y no escribieron ni una línea.
- And how she moved! - There were two of them.
Cómo se movía la condenada.
There were two of them, both wild and ferocious as wolves.
Había dos de ellos, ambos salvajes y feroces.
Now if there were two of them....
Pero si fueran dos...
There were two of them.
- Eran dos... - ¿ Sólo?
There were two of them... and one came up and took my arm... and said, "Hey, girlie, you're having a busy day."
Eran dos. Uno se acercó, me cogió del brazo y dijo : Vaya, tienes un día muy ajetreado.
I said there were two of them.
Ya les dije que eran dos.
There were two suitcases. I've only got one of them.
Eran dos maletas y nadie me ha dicho qué ha pasado con la otra.
Are you sure there were only two of them?
¿ Estas seguro que fueron dos de ellos?
There were the two of them, and me.
Eran ellos dos, y yo.
- Were there two of them or not?
- ¿ Eran dos, sí o no?
What were the two of them doing there?
¿ Y qué estaban haciendo ellos dos?
There were many against the two of them.
Eran muchos contra ellos dos.
There were two more of them down there.
Había dos más abajo.
You see, there were two men hiding in the house. One of them knocked you over the head.
Verá, había dos hombres escondidos en la casa, uno de ellos le golpeó en la cabeza.
After all, there were two attempts on the prince's life and both of them failed.
Hubo dos atentados contra la vida del príncipe y ambos fallaron.
We know there were at least two of them.
Sabemos que por lo menos fueron dos.
There were two of them.
- Eran dos.
There were just two of them...
Había solamente dos de ellos...
There was a brief skirmish and two of them were killed.
Hubo una escaramuza y dos de ellos murieron.
There were, I think, two of them.
Eran dos.
I was lucky, I worked in the kitchen... there were some strange situations... all these guys... really straight... two of them became my friends.
Trabajaba en la cocina. Una potra. Cuando los otros estaban de faena, yo untaba de mantequilla los panecillos.
Big women, six-two, six-three. There were 12 of them.
Mujeres enormes, 1.88, 1.90.
There were two previous repairs and a five mil policy on both of them.
Lo habían reparado dos veces y había una póliza por $ 5 millones.
Those five old men were sitting there... two of them dressed in silk morning gowns.
Esos cinco viejos estaban ahí sentados... dos de ellos vestían batas de seda.

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