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They're doing it translate Spanish

1,155 parallel translation
They're doing a computer backup. I'll get it in a couple of days.
Están haciendo un back up. Me lo darán en un par de días.
They're doing it out of goodness.
Lo hacen de buena voluntad.
They pretend they're not doing anything to attract a woman, even when it's the most important thing on their minds.
Les gusta fingir que no hacen nada para atraer a una mujer aunque muchas veces sea lo único que tienen en mente.
That hill will be a very strong position once it's fortified which is what they're doing right now, sir.
Esa colina será una posición muy fuerte una vez fortificada que es en lo que se están empeñando en este instante, señor
And them not even knowing they're doing it.
Y ni siquiera ellos saben lo que están haciendo
Oh, they're doing it!
¡ Oh, están haciéndolo!
They're just doing it to show off.
Lo hacen solo para exhibirse.
Maybe they're not doing it.
Algo anda mal.
You said that they would try to change your mind, and now they're doing it.
Dijiste que iban a tratar de cambiar nuestras mentes, y ahora lo están haciendo.
They're doing it all wrong.
Lo están haciendo mal.
My left hand don't know what my right hand is doing before it does it, and they're my hands, man!
La izquierda no sabe lo que hace la derecha y son las manos mías.
- They're doing it now.
- Están reunidos.
I mean, they're your parents, and you don't do anything. Why's this stranger doing it?
Digo, son tus padres y tú no haces nada. ¿ Por qué ese extraño lo hace?
Look, they're doing it.
Mira, ellos también.
They're all doing it.
Todo el mundo lo está haciendo.
Annie's doing great. Now, the contractions are still irregular, but they're getting kind of intense, so it could take just a few more hours.
Pero las contracciones son irregulares, bpodria tomar algunas horas mas.
I don't know why they're doing it. I don't know why they're trying to frame me.
- No sé por qué quieren incriminarme.
- Test it again. - They know what they're doing.
- Que lo analicen otra vez.
They're doing it.
Lo están haciendo.
They're doing it occasionally, we have the honor of doin'it full time.
Ellos lo hacen ocasionalmente nosotros tenemos el honor de hacerlo siempre.
If I am doing it right, then they're not just about my life, but about your life, too.
Si lo hago bien, no serán solo de mi vida sino de la tuya también.
They're smuggled by people who have no idea they're doing it?
Entonces los diamantes son introducidos por personas que no saben que lo hacen.
Hopefully, it'll make the Klingons think twice about what they're doing.
Espero que los klingons se lo piensen dos veces.
They're doing it to us again.
Nos lo están haciendo de nuevo.
You know, I really hope some day that you learn that sometimes what it seems like people are doing isn't what they're really doing.
Espero que algún día sepas que a veces, lo que parece que la gente hace, no es lo que hace.
- Why do you think they're doing it?
- ¿ Por qué crees que lo hacen?
- They're doing it now.
- Lo harán ahora.
They're doing it, then?
¿ Ah, sí?
And when I hear what they're doing in Russia... when I hear that one man can't own another man... use him up and replace him when he breaks... it's gotta be better. It's just gotta be.
Y cuando oigo lo que hacen en Rusia, que no puedes poseer a un hombre, usarlo y cambiarlo cuando se rompe, tiene que ser mejor.
They're only doing it because I made a complaint.
Lo hacen porque he puesto una denuncia.
They're doing it for the pleasure.
Lo hacen por placer.
They're people who are... who are making it happen, who are doing it.
Son personas que están, que hacen que pasen, que lo están haciendo.
And if they're interested, they'll be doing it with me.
Y si están interesados van a estar haciéndolo conmigo.
It is a motivating force, it gives people who want to do evil, want to commit murders, a reason to do what they're doing.
Es una fuerza motivadora. Les da a aquellos que quieren hacer el mal, que quieren asesinar, una razón para hacerlo.
People don't like it cos they don't understand Yoko but I love the bit where they're doing the...
A la gente no le gusta porque no entiende a Yoko, pero me encanta cuando están...
Probably the only reason they're not doing it on time is cause some jack off from the environmental movement has moved into the cage with them.
Probablemente, la única razón por la cual no están cogiendo, es porque algún imbécil del Movimiento Ambientalista se mudó a su jaula con ellos.
They're doing it tonight.
Ellos lo van a hacer esta noche.
They're doing away with chiefs, that's what it means!
Están eliminando a los jefes, eso quiere decir.
They're doing it to me again.
Ya me la han vuelto a jugar.
Whatever it is, they're doing it awfully close to Bajoran space.
- Están muy cerca del espacio bajorano.
The bombing of the churches in Birmingham, with the death of the little girls was just an act of terrorism in my judgment, and those are the many ways, as we know today, the hardest ones to resolve and the cruelest, because they don't care who it is that gets killed, as long as there's some symbolism in what they're doing.
Las bombas en las iglesias en Birmingham, junto a la muerte de las niñas fue a mi juicio sólo un acto de terrorismo, y esas son las muchas maneras, como sabemos, las más difíciles de resolver y las más crueles, porque a ellos no les importa quién sea que resulte muerto, siempre que haya una simbología en lo que hacen.
They're still doing it, but the result will be the same.
Aún lo siguen haciendo, pero el resultado será el mismo.
They're not doing it.
No lo van a hacer.
They're over doing it.
Están exagerando.
If someone already has a job and they're doing it well... ... you shouldn't be able to fire them because of age. That's ageism.
A quien hace ese trabajo perfectamente no le puede despedir por edad, es discriminación.
They're fighting for Earth, the same as we are. They just don't know they're doing it.
Están luchando por la Tierra, como nosotros, solo que no saben que lo hacen.
They're really doing it.
Realmente lo están haciendo.
But you said, "They're already doing it."
Eso te pone a la par de Denny.
It seems they're doing a good job.
Me parece que están haciendo un buen trabajo.
Whatever else they tell you, for a man, it's when you're doing it.
Te digan lo que te digan... lo mejor para un hombre es cuando lo estás haciendo.
Tell them that we'll ignore what they're doing from now on as long as they make it worth our while.
Diles que ignoraremos lo que hacen a partir de ahora mientras hagan que nos valga la pena.

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