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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / They're not answering

They're not answering translate Spanish

103 parallel translation
- They're not answering the phone.
- No contestan el teléfono.
No, they're not answering.
No. No contestan.
They're not answering.
No contestan.
They're not answering!
No contestan!
They're not answering us.
No responden a nuestra señal.
The boys have just a few hours before their first briefing, they're not gonna wanna spend them answering questions.
Los chicos tienen poco tiempo y no lo pasarán contestando preguntas. ¿ Entendido?
Well, if someone is listening, they're not answering.
Si alguien me escucha, no responde.
Boss, they're not answering.
Jefe, no responden.
They're not answering!
No están respondiendo!
They're receiving, but they're not answering.
Reciben la senal, pero no responden.
They know how to ask the questions, but they're not very good at answering them.
Saben cómo hacer las preguntas, pero no son buenos contestándolas.
I'll bet you they're not the only ones ever called God and got his answering machine.
No serán los únicos que llamaron a Dios y los atendió el contestador.
They're not answering my calls
No responden a mis llamados.
- You must contact them. - They're not answering.
- Hay que hacer la transmisión.
They're just not answering.
Pero no responden.
They heard us, all right. They're just not answering.
Nos han oído, pero no han contestado.
They're not answering.
No responderán.
I'd guess it's Tom and B'Elanna, but they're not answering our hails.
Creo que se trata de Tom y B'Elanna. Pero no contestan nuestra llamada.
- They're not answering.
No responden.
They're not answering the phones.
No están respondiendo a los teléfonos.
- They're not answering the phone.
- Ya ni siquiera contestan el teléfono.
They're not answering.
Mierda, no responden
- Forget it, they're not answering.
- Olvídalo, no nos contestan.
They're not answering.
Nadie responde.
They're not answering the phone?
¿ No responden el teléfono?
They're not answering their phones.
No responden sus teléfonos y hay reportes de un tiroteo en la estación.
They're not answering.
No responden.
They're just not answering.
- No responden.
I tried ; they're not answering either.
Lo intenté, tampoco están contestando.
They're not answering.
No están respondiendo.
Not answering his phones. Called the Senator's office, Erickson never showed for work this morning- - they're looking for him, too.
No responde a sus teléfonos, llamé al despacho del senador, Erickson no se presentó al trabajo esta mañana, también lo están buscando.
They're not answering the room either.
No contestan.
I mean, they like doughnuts and all, but they're not really into, like, answering the phone or investigating.
Quiero decir, les gustan las rosquillas, pero como que... no les interesa contestar el teléfono o investigar...
If they're not answering, then they're probably Now are you telling me there is only one line on that boat?
- Si no responden, probable- - - ¿ Dices que sólo hay una línea en el barco?
They're still not answering.
Siguen sin responder.
They're not answering our calls and they're heading to New York and Philadelphia.
Van a Nueva York y Filadelfia.
They're not answering the door, man. Why ain't they answering the door?
No atiende la puerta porque no atiende la puerta.
They say you're not answering your cell.
Dicen que no contestas tu celular.
They're not answering the radio.
No contesten el radio.
They're not answering their phones.
- No contestan al teléfono.
Okay, they're not answering.
Bueno, no responden.
They're not answering. Did you tell them they are threatening to execute the hostages?
¿ Les dijo que amenazamos con matar a todos los rehenes?
I told you, they're not answering.
Ya les dije, pero no responden.
They're not answering.
- No están contestando.
They're not answering, Lieutenant.
No están contestando, teniente.
I don't know why they're not answering.
No sé por que no estan contestando.
They're not answering their phones.
No están respondiendo sus teléfonos.
They're not answering.
- No están respondiendo.
I'm not answering questions unless they're really questions.
No voy a contestar preguntas a menos que sean preguntas de verdad.
They're not answering.
Ellos no están contestando.
They're all playing silly buggers and not answering their radios.
Se están haciendo los tontos y no contestan los radios.

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