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They had a lot of things that they could do.
Podían hacer muchas cosas.
They could move him, they could give him little sabbaticals.
Podían trasladarlo. Podían darle sabáticos breves.
I'm totally innocent of anything That's... that they're accusing me of.
- Soy inocente de todo lo que me acusan.
When I went to the gynecologist and I got on the table, they had the stirrups.
DE LA SECUNDARIA ARZOBISPO KEOUGH... Cuando fui al ginecólogo y me subí a la camilla, tenían los estribos.
I'm totally innocent of anything they're accusing me of. That's it.
Soy totalmente inocente de todo lo que me acusan.
They just talked about Jane Doe and Jane Roe and the abuse at Keough that had happened in the early'70s.
Solo hablaban sobre la estudiante y la alumna desconocidas y el abuso que había ocurrido en Keough a principios de los 70.
I used to read the articles in the paper when they first came out.
Solía leer los artículos del periódico cuando salieron por primera vez.
Did they have a worse experience than me?
PROMOCIÓN DEL 70 ¿ Tuvo una experiencia peor que la mía?
I mean, there's a lot of people that... That go berserk when they feel like they're being attacked.
Hay mucha gente que se vuelve loca cuando siente que la atacan.
And a lot of people thought that they were being attacked personally by this priest being brought out to the open.
Y muchos pensaban que los atacaban personalmente al sacar a la luz a este sacerdote.
They were ridiculed, they were not believed.
Las ridiculizaban, no les creían.
Before the case in'94... we had depositions, and the Church lawyers, they asked me questions for six days.
Antes del caso en 1994, tuvimos declaraciones, y los abogados eclesiásticos me hicieron preguntas durante seis días.
They were questions designed to beat me down.
¿ Pensó en acudir a su padre? Eran preguntas diseñadas para abatirme.
And here I am, sitting in this room, with a wall of lawyers, and I can't seem to give them what they were pressing me for.
REPRESENTA AL PADRE MASKELL Y aquí estaba, sentada frente a una muralla de abogados, y no podía darles eso por lo que me presionaban. REPRESENTA A LA EHNS
They agreed to let Mike sit in... but he had to sit behind me.
REPRESENTA A LA ARQUIDIÓCESIS Dejaron que Mike estuviera presente, pero debía sentarse detrás de mí.
I think at the time we filed our suit in'94, 28 states had ruled they were gonna allow recovered memory cases to go forward and only three states or something in that neighborhood had said no.
Tribunal respeta recuerdo de abuso infantil Cuando iniciamos nuestra demanda en 1994, ya 28 estados habían dictaminado que permitirían los casos de recuerdos recuperados... PERMITIDOS... y solo tres estados o algo así se habían negado.
The only problem is they never really happened.
El único problema es que nunca pasó.
They'll go, "Maybe you were abused,"
RECUERDO CORROMPIDO Le dice : "Quizá hubo abuso".
And that hurt those people who really did have a memory that they had repressed and then recovered.
Y eso perjudicó a aquellas personas que sí tenían un recuerdo que habían reprimido y luego recuperado.
There are things that have the ring of truth, even if they're hard to believe.
PSIQUIATRÍA JOHNS HOPKINS ( 1972-1997 ) Hay cosas que suenan ciertas, aunque sean difíciles de creer.
The defense, they brought in Paul McHugh, who is a heavy hitter to bring into a courtroom.
La defensa citó a Paul McHugh, que es un peso pesado para llevar a un tribunal.
The major systems for protection of the self, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal fight-flight response, the vagal response, to play dead, to dissociate, to be, um... unaware of something, they'll come right into play.
Los principales sistemas de protección del yo, la reacción de lucha o huida del eje hipotalámico-hipofisiario, la respuesta vaga, de hacerse el muerto, de disociar, de no estar consciente de algo, todo eso entra en juego
The defense, they never had an expert actually examine our clients.
LA DEFENSA La defensa nunca hizo que un experto examinara a nuestros clientes.
My husband Randy had one arm and my brother Mark had the other arm, and they would escort me into the courthouse to... To make me feel safe.
Mi esposo Randy me sostenía un brazo y mi hermano Mark el otro, y me acompañaban al tribunal para hacerme sentir segura.
And my lawyers decided that I would just look at the judge and not look at the lawyers as they questioned me.
REPRESENTA A LA ARQUIDIÓCESIS Y mis abogados decidieron que debía mirar al juez y no a los abogados cuando me interrogaran.
It was, like, so many thoughts going through my head... but I just took the stand and... And they questioned me.
Me pasaban tantos pensamientos por la cabeza, pero solo miraba al estrado mientras ellos me interrogaban.
They asked about the actual sexual acts.
Me preguntaron sobre los actos sexuales.
Now, police did interview that woman about the murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik and they believe that she is not connected in any way to the murder.
La policía entrevistó a esa mujer sobre el homicidio de Cesnik y creen que no está conectada con el homicidio.
They do not believe that what she saw really was the body.
No creen que en realidad haya visto el cadáver.
In our society, they go for the deep pockets.
En nuestra sociedad, van por el dinero.
They had some beers, went out and fished.
Tomaban cervezas, salían y pescaban.
They're talking some explosive issues like pedophile priests.
Hablan sobre temas explosivos como los sacerdotes pedófilos.
The judge at the time said, "Let the chips fall where they may, but the statute holds and these women came too late."
En ese momento la jueza dijo : "Que pase lo que deba pasar, pero la prescripción sigue vigente y estas mujeres aparecieron demasiado tarde".
They're still down on Cathedral Street.
Siguen en la calle Cathedral.
And my family, it was like they were excommunicated.
Y fue como si hubieran excomulgado a mi familia.
That you knew or they...?
- ¿ De las que conocías?
They're more likely to talk of it as they get older...
Es más probable que hablen de ello al pasar los años.
But they are still coming forward.
Pero todavía están dándose a conocer.
They're not looking at this through a child's eyes anymore.
Ya no lo ven con los ojos de una niña.
They have wisdom, experience, families...
- Tienen sabiduría, experiencia, familia.
... grandchildren, and they're like...
Tienen nietos y quieren...
They... They want their life back.
Quieren recuperar sus vidas.
I saw how they were shut down by everybody of authority.
Vi cómo las rechazaban todas las autoridades.
Gemma and Abbie, they started that Facebook page and I think they got, uh...
Gemma y Abbie iniciaron esa página de Facebook y creo que consiguieron...
They got more than they bargained for, I think.
Consiguieron más de lo que esperaban.
Where... Where everyone else has failed us, they failed Sister Cathy.
Cuando todos los demás nos han fallado, le han fallado a la hermana Cathy.
When the Facebook group started, when the two ladies decided they were just going to start a conversation about the death of Cathy Cesnik... I waited.
Cuando se inició el grupo de Facebook, cuando las dos mujeres decidieron que simplemente iban a iniciar una conversación sobre la muerte de Cathy Cesnik... esperé.
And instead, they silenced it.
En cambio, la silenciaron.
When you tell a child not to speak of something and they do, it makes it easier not to speak of other things.
Si dices a un niño que no diga algo y lo hace... ESPOSO DE DEBBIE... hace más fácil no hablar de otras cosas.
And, um, in October, the twins were born, and the little girl was four-seven, so, they kept her in the preemie ward.
Y en octubre, nacieron los gemelos, y mi pequeñita pesaba dos kilos, así que la mantuvieron en la sala de prematuros.
He said, " By the time they find her body, it's gonna be wintertime.
Dijo : " Para cuando encuentren su cadáver, va a ser invierno.
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they come 53
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they're 1306
they said 545
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they come 53
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they're 1306
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they don't like me 19
they told me 111
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they don't like me 19
they told me 111