They're not real translate Spanish
532 parallel translation
We need to make sure that eye lines are correct, and they are actually looking at a drone that is somewhere that we're not seeing in real life.
Tenemos que asegurarnos de que las líneas de los ojos son correctos, y en realidad están buscando en un avión no tripulado es decir en alguna parte que no estamos viendo en la vida real.
- They're not real officers. They're phonies!
- ¡ No eran policías de verdad!
They're all real musicians. Too bad they're not better known.
Son todos verdaderos músicos, lástima que no sean conocidos.
They're not your real aunt and uncle.
No son sus verdaderos tíos.
They're not there, George.
Pero no es real, George. ¿ Qué tal Lucy?
They're not real sisters.
No son hermanas de verdad.
They're not only royal, they're armed.
No solo real, también armada.
They're not real.
No son verdaderas.
They're more interested you're a real build kid not how old a real build kid.
A ellos les interesa que tengas buen tipo... -... y no la edad que tienes.
Well, they're not real jade, but they look molto elegante.
No son de jade verdadero, pero lucen molto elegante.
Maybe we could give those vets a good licking... but they're not the real enemy.
Quizás pudiéramos darles una buena paliza a esos veteranos... pero ellos no son el verdadero enemigo,
Oh, but they're not real pearls.
- No son perolas verdaderas.
And if they're afraid of horses, they're certainly not going to let them use real rocks on them.
Y si tienen miedo de los caballos, desde luego no dejarán que les tiren rocas de verdad encima.
They're not real for me, not in the least.
Sé que he estado enferma y que la enfermedad era como un sueño.
- They're not real for me.
Debe ser real.
What does it matter if they're not real houses.
Qué importa si no son casas reales.
They're still not grouping where the real planes are.
Todavía no se están agrupando donde están los aviones reales.
Yeah, they're not for real, anyway.
Sí, esos músculos no son de verdad.
No-one around here knows you're not a real Marshal, do they?
Aquí nadie sabe que usted no es un verdadero marshall, ¿ no?
They know you're not a real Marshal.
Saben que no es un auténtico marshall.
Yeah, you dress them, undress them, buy them clothes... and you wind them up and their little hearts go lub-a-dub... but they're not real.
Sí, los vistes, los desvistes, les compras ropa... les das cuerda y sus corazoncitos comienzan a hacer pum-pum... pero no son reales.
If they're not real, how can you lose your temper with them?
Si no son reales, cómo puedes perder la compostura con ellos?
They've taken over the lodge. They look, act and talk like real people but they're not.
Se ven, hablan y actúan como personas normales, pero no lo son.
If you go in real quiet, they may not know you're there.
Si entráis en silencio, puede que no se enteren.
This is not an academy training test. This is for real. They're taking you to die.
Esta no es una prueba de la Academia.
They're not real.
No son reales.
They're not real firemen.
- Nos son bomberos de verdad.
But they're not real.
Pero no son reales.
They're just gonna think that I'm not too nice a guy, which I'm not... and that you're a real hell of a good person for puttin'up with me.
Van a pensar que no soy tan buen chico, que no lo soy... y que tú eres una buena persona por soportarme.
In real life, they're not all that brilliant.
En la vida real no son tan brillantes.
They're real people, not painting and still, but... moving and motorcars in all seasons.
Son personas de verdad, no dibujadas. Andan y todo. Hay automóviles, caballos, incluso el rey.
They're not real dresses!
¡ No son vestidos de verdad!
They're not real Indians.
No son Indios de verdad.
It's hard to believe they're not real.
Es difícil creer que no son reales.
There are a lot of things that seem real... that... in time, turn out to be not so important. Or they're forgotten.
Hay muchas cosas que parecen reales... y que con el tiempo... resultan carecer de importancia... o se olvidan.
They're not real, thank God.
No son de verdad, gracias a Dios.
Well, the real reason that you've been sent over here is because they wanted you to be evaluated. To determine whether or not you're mentally ill.
Se le ha enviado aquí para evaluarlo y determinar si es un enfermo mental.
They're not real, they're paste.
No son reales, son de pasta.
Real canes, they're not sticks!
¡ Cañas, cañas, y no barañas!
They're false nails, not real fingernails.
Son uñas postizas.
If anyone says you're not a real lieutenant, they'll have to answer to me.
Si alguien dice que no eres teniente, se las verá conmigo.
They're not real, the people here. They're dead. They could never be like me.
Las personas aquí no son reales, están muertas.
They're not real pills.
No son pastillas reales.
Because they're not real binoclears!
Porque no son de verdad.
Not really. As long as they're convinced it's the real thing!
Mientras se les pueda engañar.
Wouldn't make any difference. They're not real.
No funcionaría, no son reales.
They're a bigger than real players, like the Houston Oilers, and a little bit slower, but not much, all right?
Son mas grandes que jugadores reales, como los petroleros de Houston, y un poquito más lentos, pero no mucho, ¿ bien?
You've gotta remember, they will skin you if you're not real good.
Recuerda, ellos te desollarán, si no eres bueno.
It's because when you talk about him, your eyes, they're not real.
Al hablar de él, tu mirada no es sincera.
They're probably not real police.
Probablemente no eran policías de verdad.
They're not real whistles.
No son silbatos de verdad.
they're not happy 17
they're not going anywhere 43
they're not yours 24
they're not here 176
they're not mine 63
they're not so bad 28
they're not stupid 24
they're not the same 18
they're not 686
they're not bad 26
they're not going anywhere 43
they're not yours 24
they're not here 176
they're not mine 63
they're not so bad 28
they're not stupid 24
they're not the same 18
they're not 686
they're not bad 26