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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / They're not responding

They're not responding translate Spanish

92 parallel translation
They're not responding.
No responden.
- They're not responding.
- They're not responding!
- ¡ No responden!
They're not responding, Chief.
Aún no responden jefe.
I'm trying to get them to handshake, but they're not responding.
Estoy tratando de enviarles un saludo, pero no responden.
- They're not responding, sir.
- No contestan, señor.
- They're not responding.
- No responden.
Commander Chakotay and Mr Tuvok's shuttlecraft is on sensors, but they're not responding to our hails.
El trasbordador del Comandante Chakotay y el Sr. Tuvok aparece en los sensores, pero no responden a nuestras llamadas.
They're not responding, Captain.
- No contestan, capitán.
They're not responding...
No responden.
Voyager's not there. And they're not responding to halls.
La Voyager no está ahí ni responden a las llamadas.
They're not responding to our halls.
- No responden. - ¿ Detecta señales de vida?
They're not responding.
- Llámelos. - No responden.
Controls to the reactors, they're not responding.
controles de los reactores, que no están respondiendo.
They're not responding.
No están respondiendo.
They're not responding.
- Sí, señor. - No responden.
They're not responding.
Ellos no responden.
They're not responding to hails.
No responden a nuestra llamada.
They're not responding, sir
No están respondiendo, señor.
They're not responding to hails.
No responden a las llamadas.
They're not responding to hails.
No están respondiendo a los llamados.
- They're not responding.
- No están respondiendo.
Oh, they're just not responding to logic anymore.
Ya no están respondiendo a la lógica.
We're at the rendezvous coordinates, but there's no sign of Voyager, and they're not responding to hails.
Estamos en las coordenadas de encuentro pero no hay señales de la Voyager y no responden a las llamadas.
They're still not responding.
Siguen sin responder.
They're not responding to hails.
No responden a nuestras llamadas.
Yes, but they're not responding.
Si, pero ellos no responden
They're not responding to our signal.
¡ No responden a nuestra señal!
They're not responding.
Comuníquese. No responden.
I mean, that young one said I was responding better to treatment than they'd expected, but they're not allowed to say much more than that.
Verás, el médico joven dice que respondo mejor de lo que esperaban, pero no pueden decir mucho más.
Dylan, they're not responding...
Dylan, no están respondiendo...
They're still not responding.
Todavía no responden.
- They're not responding.
No responden.
Apollo, they're not responding.
Apollo, no responden.
Galactica, they're still not responding... and continue to head towards the fleet.
Galactica, aún no responden, y continúan yendo hacia la flota.
And they're not responding to acyclovir or ribavirin.
Y no responde al acyclovir ni a la ribavirina.
The fact that they're not responding to any of our radio calls has me concerned.
Ya hemos tenido apagones antes pero el hecho de que no respondan a ninguna de nuestras llamadas por radio me tiene preocupado.
They're not responding to our hail, sir.
No responden a nuestras llamadas, señor.
Langley's trying to reestablish a connection, but so far they're not responding.
Langley intenta reestablecer una conexión, pero hasta ahora no han respondido.
- And they're not responding.
- No responden. - Recibido.
- They're not responding to any treatment.
- No responden a ningún tratamiento.
They're not responding to any treatment.
He recibido más noticias antes de que llegases.
And you know, they're going to see in my reports that you're not responding, and... you know, they may take me off the case.
Y verán en mis informes que no estás respondiendo y quizá me quiten del caso.
Comm system is operating, sir. They're just not responding.
El sistema de comunicaciones funciona, señor, simplemente no responden.
There's got to be a reason that they're not interested in responding to that.
Tiene que haber una razón para responder que no les interesa.
They're not responding.
¡ No responden!
They're not responding to the phone.
No están respondiendo al teléfono.
They're not responding.
No están respondiendo
I had a retrieval team en route, But they stopped here, And they're not responding.
Tenía un equipo de recuperación en camino, pero se detuvieron aquí, y no están respondiendo.
They're not responding to my halls.
No responde a nuestras señales.
I tried contacting the agents transporting Gruber, but they're not responding.
Intenté contactar con los agentes de transporte Gruber, pero ellos no responden.

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