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Time to go to bed translate Spanish

396 parallel translation
Time to go to bed, youngster.
Es hora de ir a la cama, jovencito.
Enough of that brooding, Mayor now it's time to go to bed.
Basta de darle vueltas, Sr. Alcalde, ahora hay que irse a dormir.
It's time to go to bed, dear.
- Ya debes irte a dormir, cariño.
Time to go to bed.
- Sí. Me he retrasado.
- It's time to go to bed.
- Es hora de irse a la cama.
It's time to go to bed. Yes, it's time to go to bed.
Después de tantos años que no ha visto, déjele que abrase todo lo que quiera.
Es hora de ir a la cama, señorita Fiona.
It's time to go to bed.
Es hora de irse a la cama.
I know when it's time to go to bed.
No soy un niño. Sé cuándo es hora de ir a la cama.
Well, would you mind telling my dog it's time to go to bed?
Bueno, ¿ te importaría decirle a mi perro que es hora de irse a la cama?
It's time to go to bed.
Ya es hora de dormir.
I get up in the morning, then suddenly it's time to go to bed.
Me levanto en la mañana y de pronto es hora de dormir.
Time to go to bed.
Hora de irse a la cama.
Time to go to bed. Go on.
Es hora de ir a dormir.
There's plenty of time to go to bed.
¿ Para qué? Tengo tiempo de sobra para acostarme.
Come on, Cecily, time to go to bed.
Vamos, Cecily, es hora de ir a dormir.
- I think I know where he is, Father. - Tell him it is time to go to bed. Yes, Father.
- creo que ya se donde esta, padre - ya es hora de que el niño entre si padre.
- What time did you go to bed? - About half past ten, sir.
- ¿ A qué hora se fue a la cama?
Time for little boys to go to bed.
Los pequeños deben ir a la cama.
go to bed in time, so you are on duty tomorrow!
¡ Acostarse pronto, para estar mañana en sus puestos!
Madam, at what time did you go to bed?
¿ A qué hora se fue a la cama la señora?
What time did you go to bed?
¿ A qué hora se acostó?
I was reading, mother. I forgot the time. I'll go to bed right now.
Se me ha pasado el tiempo leyendo.
Time to close up and go to bed.
Es hora de cerrar e ir a dormir - Señores, vamos a cerrar
[Yawning] Hey, don't you think it's about time we ought to go to bed?
¿ No crees que es hora de que nos vayamos a la cama?
She says it's time for you to go to bed.
Dice que es hora de que te acuestes.
¿ A qué hora te acostaste anoche?
I think it's time for you to go to bed.
Creo que es hora de que te vayas a dormir.
It's time for Miss Pamela to go to bed.
Es hora de que la Srta. Pamela se vaya a la cama.
It's time for you to go to bed.
Ya es hora de que se vaya a la cama.
I'll be back a little later on when it's time for you to go to bed.
Volveré luego, cuando sea hora de acostarte.
Time for you to go to bed, isn't it?
Hora de irse a la cama, ¿ no?
Time for you to go to bed, Judy.
Es la hora de acostarse, Judy.
Hey, why don't you go to your bed to sleep? At this time? It's a poor example for my son.
¿ Crees que yo le puedo dar ese mal ejemplo a m'ijo?
For the first time in 17 years... we'll be able to go to bed without setting the alarm for a 2 : 00 feeding.
Por primera vez en 17 años podremos acostarnos... sin tener que poner el despertador para las 2 : 00.
Next time be reasonable and go to bed. I blame my witch of a mother-in-law.
Ha sido culpa de la bruja de mi suegra.
All right, now. It's time for you children to go to bed.
Niños, es hora de ir a la cama.
Roberta, this is the last time! You go to bed right this minute! - But, Daddy...
Roberta, es la última vez que te lo digo vete a la cama inmediatamente.
- Joey, for the last time, go to bed.
- Joey, por última vez, a la cama.
I think it's time for the children to go to bed now.
Creo que ya es hora de que los niños vayan a la cama.
My lord, forgive me for disturbing you, but it is time for the boy to go to bed.
Mi señor, perdona que te moleste, pero es hora de que el niño se retire.
Xenon, it is time for you to go to bed.
Xenon, es ahora de acostarte.
Now I'm very sleepy. What time should we go to bed?
Ya tengo mucho sueño. ¿ A qué hora nos vamos a acostar?
What time do you usually go to bed?
¿ A qué hora sueles acostarte?
He's going to stay in bed all day every day till it's time to go home.
No se levantará hasta el momento de irse.
I'm afraid it is time for you to go to bed.
Me temo que es la hora de que te vayas a la cama.
What time do they go to bed in that neighborhood?
¿ A qué hora se van a la cama en ese vecindario?
Time to go home to bed.
En la cama entrarás en calor.
It's time for you to go to bed, Arliss.
Es hora de que te vayas a la cama, Arliss.
There's nothing but work from the time we get up in the morning... until the time we go to bed at night.
Trabajamos desde que amanecemos... hasta que nos dormimos.
It's also time for us to go to bed.
Quiere quitarme la muñeca.

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