Try that translate Spanish
16,429 parallel translation
Nope, let me try that one more time.
No, lo intentaré otra vez.
Yeah, I'll have to try that.
Sí, tendré que intentarlo.
You'd be the third pickers this week to try that.
Serían los terceros recogedores esta semana en intentarlo.
Let me try that again.
Déjame volverlo a intentar.
I was too terrified to try that.
Yo estaba demasiado aterrorizada para probar eso.
Try that shit out. Man : Thanks, man.
Try that cherry.
Prueba esa cereza.
What do you think? You want to try that with me?
¿ Quieres intentar hacerlo conmigo?
Well, I found a citrus one that looked good, so I thought I would try that.
Este de cítricos parecía bueno así que quise probarlo.
Maybe I ought to try that.
A lo mejor debería probarlo.
All right, we got to get up there and try that door again.
Tenemos que subir hasta ahí y probar esa puerta de nuevo.
They will try to persuade the court and the public that you are an unreliable witness.
Intentarán persuadir a la Corte y al público que eres un testigo poco confiable.
Yeah, man,'cause that's the story of my life... is I always, I always try my best, you know?
Sí, ¿ sabes? Porque esa es la historia de mi vida, siempre tratar de hacer lo mejor.
Now is usually a time that I choose something to talk about that interests me and I try to ignore some heads that may be nodding off while I talk.
Ahora es el momento que escojo por lo general... para hablar de algo que me interesa y que trato de ignorar... algunas personas que cabecean mientras hablo.
I never dreamed that somebody was gonna try to hurt me by hurting them.
Nunca pensé que alguien iba a intentar herirme hiriéndolos a ellos.
If Mr. Simpson chooses to testify, and we want to have him try on the actual gloves in evidence, that's one thing.
Si el señor Simpson elige testificar, y queremos que se pruebe... los guantes reales en la evidencia, eso es una cosa.
Your Honor, at this time, the People would ask... that Mr. Simpson step forward and try on the gloves... recovered from Bundy and Rockingham.
Su Señoría, en este momento, el Pueblo pide que el Sr. Simpson pase acá y se pruebe los guantes recuperados de Bundy y Rockingham.
Do you and each of you understand and agree that you will well and truly try the cause now pending before this court and a true verdict render according only to the evidence presented to you and to the instructions of the court, so help you God?
¿ Ud. y cada uno de ustedes entiende y acepta que van a tratar bien y verdaderamente la causa pendiente ante esta Corte y rendir un verdadero veredicto de acuerdo únicamente con la evidencia presentada ante Uds y bajo las instrucciones de la Corte, con Dios como su testigo?
And try to under... try to put ourselves in each other's shoes and understand why we see the world in different ways, uh, and keep trying to overcome that.
E intentar ponernos los unos en el lugar de los otros y entender por qué vemos el mundo de manera diferente, y seguir intentando superarlo.
I read that by law you are required to let a new student try out.
Leí que la ley lo obliga a permitir que un estudiante nuevo se pruebe.
Try not to screw that up.
Procura no joderlo.
Maybe try and do all the other things that you tried to do today, but, uh, you know... do them.
Podrías intentar hacer todas las otras cosas que intentaste hacer hoy, y podrías... ya sabes... hacerlas.
I need you to try to remember anything at all that can help us find her. Or her body if she's...
Necesito que intentes recordar lo que sea que nos ayude a encontrarla o su cuerpo si está...
Obviously, we're dealing with a madman, and once he realizes that we're not going to release his wife, he's going to come to us, try to get her, right?
Obviamente, estamos tratando con un loco, y una vez que se da cuenta de que no vamos a liberar a su esposa, que va a venir a nosotros, tratar de llegar a ella, ¿ verdad?
Try me, and that may change.
Ponme a prueba y puede que eso cambie.
- All right, what I am about to say will make you very horny, but you have to try and remember that we're still at work.
De acuerdo, lo que estoy a punto de decir te va a poner muy cachonda, pero tienes que tratar de recordar que estamos aún en el trabajo.
Try telling that to Alan Greenspan.
Trate de decirle eso a Alan Greenspan.
Yeah, try and spread the word that you've got a connect on the outside that gives you access to contrabands : cigarettes, burner phones...
Sí, intenta que se difunda que tienes una conexión en el exterior que te da acceso a contrabando, cigarros, teléfonos desechables...
As doctors, we realize pretty soon that we can't save everyone, but we have to try.
Como doctores, nos damos cuenta muy pronto... que no podemos salvar a todos, pero tenemos que intentarlo.
Try and remember that next time you stick your finger in my ass.
Intenta recordarlo cuando vuelvas a meterme el dedo...
Look, I know what's hot, but try telling that to Maury.
Yo sé lo que vende. Habla con Maury.
- would understand that. - Try me.
Deme la oportunidad.
I think I need to just be by myself for maybe, like, a year and try and figure this shit out, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry to you because you were a great guy and I really had such a good time with you and maybe in a year, if you're willing,
Creo que necesito estar sola por un año e intentar resolver esto, pero quería pedirte perdón a ti porque fuiste un gran tipo y la pasé muy bien contigo y, quizá en un año, si tienes ganas,
We can try things on together, would you like that?
Podemos probarnos algunas cosas, ¿ eso le agradaría?
I know it's impossible, but you gotta try to take away the emotion because that's what it is to him.
Sé que es imposible, Pero tienes que tratar de llevar la emoción porque eso es lo que es para él.
See, I don't know about that,'cause the thing about dead people is, they don't try to kill you.
Ves, eso no lo sé, porque el tema con las personas muertas es que, no intentan matarte.
He ever try to do that to you?
¿ Alguna vez trato de hacerle eso a Ud.?
Try to learn things that aren't taught. Thank people. Congratulate those who work well.
Recuerda la cosas que no enseñan... dar las gracias a la gente, alabar el buen trabajo, y recordar los cumpleaños.
Please don't try to tell me that you're ending up in the middle of Rebecca
- Yo... - no me digas que terminar... - No...
changing the future, stopping the rebellion... and right now, all of it, it falls on you, but I will try and help you in any way that I can.
cambiar el futuro, detener la rebelión... y en este momento, toda ella, le cae encima, pero voy a tratar de ayudarle en todo lo que pueda.
I'm not sure that you'll grasp the meaning of this either, but I'll try my damnedest.
No estoy segura de si captarás el significado de esto tampoco, pero lo intentaré.
All we ask is that you try to keep an open mind.
Todo lo que pedimos es que mantengas tu mente abierta.
He said that he would arrange for me to appeal directly to the queen, try and convince her that we are worthy allies, and that given the fall of Nassau, we are partners well matched.
Ha dicho que podría organizar el que yo pudiera apelar a la reina directamente, e intentar convencerla de que somos aliados fiables, y que debido a la caída de Nassau, somos socios que encajan bien.
Well, I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordar eso.
Try to be happy about that.
Intenta alegrarte por eso.
I'll try to just understand that person better.
Intentaré entender mejor a esa persona.
Please try "Stephanie's tight ass." Give that a whirl.
Inténtalo con "las nalgas duras de Stephanie".
I'm saying that if you really love him, you should give what he wants a try.
Digo que si lo amas... deberías intentar lo que él quiere.
Folks in Eufala don't take kindly to having their business known, but you just got to try and remember that sometimes the folks that seem to need help the least are the ones that need it the most.
A la gente de Eufala no le agrada que sus asuntos se sepan... pero debes recordar que a veces las personas... que parecen necesitar menos son los que más necesitan.
But Phil, until that happens... try not to write the deal like lighting a wet match.
Pero Phil, que ocurra ésto es como encender una cerilla mojada.
And don't forget you got to constantly be aware of the fact that somebody's going to try and rape you, or murder you, or just the general unsanitary conditions of the place.
Y no olvides que siempre tendrás que estar atenta para que nadie entre y te viole, o te mate, o solo las condiciones antihigiénicas generales del lugar.
try that again 27
try that one 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
try that one 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19