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Unconditionally translate Spanish

323 parallel translation
"Do you trust me... unconditionally?"
"¿ Confía Ud. en mí... sin condiciones?"
"¡ Sin condiciones!"
A civil manner from the administration is recommended only if the workers submit unconditionally.
Se dará un trato más cortés por parte de la Administración sólo si los obreros se someten incondicionalmente.
I want to know whether there's really an eternal law that we husbands must unconditionally surrender to all pirates on this earth. Professor!
Quiero saber si es una ley eterna que todo marido sea víctima de los piratas de esta tierra.
- ¿ Sin condiciones?
I forbid this marriage, absolutely and unconditionally.
Prohíbo terminantemente este matrimonio.
Promise me... that you follow my decision unconditionally.
Prometedme... que seguiréis mi decisión incondicionalmente.
Every article is unconditionally guaranteed.
Cada artículo tiene garantía.
Germany has concluded a Non - aggression Pact With Poland. We shall adhere to it unconditionally "
Alemanla aslgno un Pacto de No Agreslón con Polonla.
You can count on me, unconditionally.
Puede usté contar conmigo, incondicionalmente.
I feel sorry for you. I will give you time to finish your research... - unconditionally
Te voy a dar el tiempo para completar tu trabajo,... y sin restricciones.
You must yield to Him unconditionally.
Debe rendirse sin condiciones.
The end came in Tunis when the Axis forces were caught... between the British, the Free French... and the Americans under Eisenhower... and surrendered unconditionally.
En Túnez llegó el final. Las fuerzas enemigas, atrapadas entre británicos, franceses y americanos, bajo Eisenhower, se rindieron incondicionalmente.
- Unconditionally.
- Definitivamente.
You love her unconditionally?
- ¿ La ama incondicionalmente?
- And unconditionally... 600 divided by 40, that's how much?
- Sin condiciones... ¿ Cuánto es 600 dividido por 14?
Germany has surrendered unconditionally to the Allied Armies.
Alemania se rindió incondicionalmente a los ejércitos aliados.
You believe unconditionally that true freedom can be found over there?
¿ Estás plenamente convencido de encontrar la verdadera libertad allí?
Like you, I'll try to open them to all, unconditionally.
"... intentaré abrirlos, extenderlos incluso hacia aquel que no me sea útil. "
He was ideal creature for her, that has to have everything unconditionally.
Una criatura ideal que debía tenerlo todo sin condiciones.
I defended unconditionally when she was accused of theft.
Y te defendí cuando nos sisabas.
Silky. As it says here, it is unconditionally guaranteed to make your hair... Softer than that of your own darling child.
Como dice ahí, garantiza que deja tu cabello... más suave y sedoso que el de una criatura.
Rest assure that we trust you unconditionally.
Solo nos queda decirte que depositamos en ti toda la confianza.
First, obey the Boss'orders unconditionally.
Primera regla, obedecer sin dudar las órdenes de la Jefa.
Till they so damn played out, they surrender to me... unconditionally, on the spot.
Hasta que queden tan golpeados que se rindan ante mí... sin condiciones, al instante.
- ( Eisenhower ) The Italian government has surrendered its armed forces unconditionally.
- El gobierno italiano ha rendido a sus fuerzas armadas incondicionalmente.
His Excellency forgives you your past sins and orders you to surrender unconditionally.
Su Excelencia te perdona tus pecados anteriores y te ordena que te rindas incondicionalmente.
The witness is released unconditionally, without bail.
La testigo queda en libertad incondicional, sin cargos.
I advise you to release immediately the hostage... And to surrender unconditionally!
¡ Le aconsejo que libere al rehén inmediatamente y que dé la orden... de rendirse sin condiciones!
I surrender unconditionally!
¡ Yo me rindo sin condiciones!
One is real fans, they can unconditionally support their idols.
Uno son los fans reales, ellos pueden apoyar incondicionalmente a sus idolos
I'll support you unconditionally.
Yo te apoyaré incondicionalmente.
If he's sleeping, he doesn't need his father unconditionally.
Si está durmiendo, no necesariamente tiene que estar su padre.
loves us unconditionally, to the point where He became one of us, and suffered and died like us.
Nos ama sin condiciones y nos amó hasta hacerse hombre como nosotros, sufrir, morir como nosotros.
You let'em in the first time. You've been had unconditionally.
Ustedes los hicieron pasar por primera vez.
We get half of your incomes, from the casinos and banks, unconditionally.
A cambio obtendremos la mitad de los ingresos de tus casinos.
Then you must unconditionally surrender.
Entonces deben rendirse incondicionalmente.
You know, Deanna, the first man I loved unconditionally was named Stefan.
¿ Sabes, Deanna? El primer hombre al que amé incondicionalmente se llamaba Stefan.
Daens has to leave unconditionally.
Daens debe abandonar su mandato, sin exigencias.
I learned to give love and get love unconditionally.
Aprendí a dar y recibir amor en forma incondicional.
There is a vision of the Orient that I have of slender women in cheongsams and kimonos who die for the love of unwon'thy foreign devils who are born and raised to be perfect women who take whatever punishment we give them and spring back strengthened by love unconditionally.
Tengo una visión de Oriente... ... de mujeres esbeltas con cheongsams y kimonos... ... que mueren por el amor de demonios extranjeros que no lo merecen...
My heart belongs unconditionally to my work.
Mi corazón pertenece incondicionalmente a mi trabajo.
" He is her property unconditionally
" Él es propiedad de ella incondicionalmente
The Narn and Centauri were at each other's throats... the Vorlons had some kind of an agenda that no one can understand... the Minbari leadership hated me immediately and unconditionally... and Ambassador Delenn was hibernating in some kind of a cocoon.
Los narn y los centauri se quieren rebanar las gargantas... los vorlon tienen algún tipo de agenda que nadie puede comprender... los lideres minbari me odiaron inmediata e incondicionalmente... y la Embajadora Delenn estaba hibernando en algún tipo de capullo.
I want someone to love unconditionally.
Saber lo que es amar incondicionalmente.
She distrusts anything that loves her unconditionally.
No confía en nada que la ame incondicionalmente.
Talax surrendered unconditionally to the Haakonian Order.
Talax se rindió sin condiciones a la Orden haakoniana.
Fort Springfield, we surrender unconditionally!
¡ Fuerte Springfield, nos rendimos sin condiciones!
Loves me unconditionally.
Me ama sin reservas.
Not unconditionally.
Plenamente es mucho decir.

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