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Vocals translate Spanish

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You could handle all the vocals.
Podrías encargarte de cantar.
"Says You, Says I," starring the Musical Knights the five Heiser Highlights, the four turbulent trombones. Vocals by Baby Beth Barton, and of course, Jigger Pine discovery of the year, at the piano.
Con los músicos de la orquesta, los'Cinco Highlights Heiser', los cuatro arrolladores trombones, Baby Beth Barton cantando, y por supuesto, Jigger Pine, la revelación del año, al piano.
"I love your hokey vocals, it's teamwork!"
Me encanta esa voz impostada tuya, eso es trabajo en equipo
Am I...? Am I doing this all in one take or am I doing my vocals again?
¿ Voy a hacerlo todo en una toma o lo cantaré de nuevo?
No, we're not gonna do the vocals again.
No repetiremos las voces de nuevo.
I can't get over the sibilance ofthe vocals on Obscured By Clouds.
No puedo olvidarme de la semejanza en las voces de "Obscured By CIouds",
And he would never, ever let anybody watch him putting vocals on.
Nunca dejaba que alguno lo observara cuando cantaba.
Jean Harlow's musical talents were somewhat limited and the studio usually used someone else's voice for her vocals.
Los talentos musicales de Jean Harlow eran un tanto limitados... y los estudios usaban generalmente la voz de otra persona para sus canciones.
Not TH, it's not two vocals.
No "th", no son dos vocales. Es una.
It has a lot of "fuzz" as musicians call it, cranked into the music, it's high volume, high speed, usually monotone volumes, vocals, uh, characterized by protest type lyrics.
Tiene mucho "fuzz" como dicen los musicos, en si es musica rapida, ruidosa, voces monotonas usualmente, y letras protesta.
Who does your vocals?
¿ Quién se encarga de las letras?
- She'd like to hear the vocals.
Le gustaría oír las letras.
- We're not missing the vocals.
- No vamos a irnos sin cantar.
And spend some vocals. Nothing heavy.
Tocar unos solos, seguir con algunas canciones, nada pesado.
[Vavra] Sometimes during recording sessions, especially the vocals, he was having some particular problem with rhythm or he couldn't fit the words with the rhythm so I kind of went over it with him like this.
A veces, en las grabaciones sobretodo de la voz, tenía ciertos problemas con el ritmo y no podía coordinar las palabras con el ritmo, así estaba cuando me acerqué a él.
I told Howard we didn't do vocals and he said :
Dije a Howard que no cantábamos. Y dijo :
Deco "Deep Throat" Cuffe on vocals!
Deco "Garganta Profunda" Cuffe, voz.
Your vocals are incredible.
Tu voz es increíble.
Your percussion and vocals are panned from left to right on eight... and then I filled in the other 16 tracks with some prefab Brahms samples.
Su percusión y voces están paneados de izquierda a derecha en 8... y luego llené los otros 16 tracks con algunos samples Brahms prefabricados.
And the slant was, with the Arab drum loops that we'd cut and the cross rhythm playing that Jimmy was applying and my vocals on the top, we'd already got completed songs.
Con los bucles del tambor árabe que habíamos grabado, el ritmo cruzado que Jimmy creaba y mi voz, ya teníamos canciones acabadas.
It has that quality because it's the follow on and we were just starting to really find ourselves in the studio You know, what we could do, which was... over just being four of us playing our instruments and the vocals
Tiene esa cualidad porque es la continuación y estábamos empezando a encontrar nuestro estilo en el estudio, a descubrir qué podiamos hacer, es decir... ir más allá de simplemente cantar y tocar.
Good vocals, if you're frustrated. You schmuck!
Buena acústica, y si estás frustrada gritas, ¡ idiota!
Make the vocals high so we can really hear the lyric.
Que la voz esté alta para poder oír la letra.
John... John Oxenberger, songwriter, bassist, backup vocals.
John Oxenberger, compositor, bajista, coros.
Is not from me It's loud music with heavy vocals.
Is not from me es musica fuerte con voces pesadas.
Ronnie and I had done some backing vocals for a demo for the Stones, and we started to talk about...
Ronnie y yo habíamos hecho los coros para una maqueta de los Stones y nos pusimos a hablar de...
Backing vocals were done by me and Dave Mason of all people.
Las voces de fondo somos Dave Mason y yo.
Joining us on vocals, the apple of my orchard, the fire of my heart, the woman who makes it all worthwhile, my beautiful wife, Juliette.
Acompañándonos con su voz, la manzana de mi huerto, El fuego de mi corazón La mujer que hace que todo valga la pena,
George Stitzer's gonna take over on lead vocals... so take it away, George.
George va a cantar ahora. Es tu turno, George.
I did most of the lead vocals too.
Hice la mayoría de los estribillos.
No instruments, no vocals, no levels, everything silent.
Sin instrumentos ni vocalización. Todo en silencio.
I am clearly lead guitar and vocals.
Está claro que soy el guitarra principal y el cantante.
And everything sounds really good... or I see myself on television doin something and it sounds good... until words and vocals come out of my mouth, and then I cringe.
Aún hago eso. Todo suena bien... o me veo en TV haciendo algo que suena bien... antes de palabras y tonos salen de mi boca, entonces soy adulador.
Over there, we have jazz, jazz vocals, classical, country... rockabilly, Sinatra, The Capitol Years.
Alla tenemos jazz, cantos de jazz, musica clasica, country... rockabilly, Sinatra, The Capitol Years.
So am I. He got busted and fired, and then jazz vocals was discontinued.
Sí, lo arrestaron, lo despidieron y discontinuaron el jazz.
I'm just laying down some vocals for my new album.
estaba vocalizando para mi nuevo albúm.
When are the vocals gonna kick in on it?
¿ cuando entran las voces?
There's no fuckin'vocals on it, is there?
No hay voces, ¿ verdad?
You'll hear the vocals, Roger, when we hear the offer.
Oirás las letras, Roger, cuando oigamos la oferta.
Marcus Brewer on vocals and tambourine.
Marcus Brewer como vocalista y en la pandereta...
Lead guitar and vocals.
Guitarra y voz.
I need more vocals, I can't hear myself.
Necesito más de la parte cantada, No puedo oírme.
You know lead vocals.
Cantas en solitario.
Yeah, I remixed the vocals. Then I laid a few samples in underneath. It's a little rough around the edges, but you get the point.
Sí, volví a mezclar la voz... luego inserté debajo unas cuantas muestras y... todavía hay que pulirla, pero ésa es la idea.
Lead vocals by 1 0-year-old Joanna Anderson, backing vocals coordinated by her mother, the great Mrs. Jean Anderson.
Va a cantar Joanna Anderson, de 10 años, con coros coordinados por su madre, la gran Jean Anderson.
He was interested in the power of the band and in Joey's vocals.
Estaba interesado en el poder de la banda y en la voz de Joey.
He spent a long time with Joey on the vocals.
Pasó mucho tiempo con la voz de Joey.
Dave was brilliant at double tracking vocals.
Dave es experto en cantar a doble pista.
Who among the director's friends sings the first vocals?
¿ Qué amigo del director cantará en el primer acto?
[vocals and a harmonica] Pepan, have you ever had a woman?
Pepan, ¿ sales con alguna?
Why'd you drop jazz vocals sophomore year?
¿ Por qué dejaste el jazz en segundo año?

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