Waiting for translate Spanish
48,700 parallel translation
I am waiting for a ding.
Estoy esperando un pitido.
You're waiting for a ding.
Estás esperando un pitido.
We're waiting for the maintenance man.
Esperamos al hombre de mantenimiento.
15 buses will be waiting for you outside Kinoaula cinema.
Habrá 15 buses esperando fuera del cine Kinoaula.
Future challenges will be waiting for us tomorrow.
Futuros desafíos nos esperan en el mañana.
She's at the station, waiting for you.
Estará en la estación, esperándote.
We're waiting for a confirmation, but I think we can be pretty certain.
Esperamos una confirmación, pero estamos bastante seguros.
Kotka Police have just been waiting for us to take the case.
La policía de Kotka esperaba que nosotros nos ocupemos de este caso.
Are you waiting for them to kill me?
¿ Quieres que me maten?
He's been waiting for his father for a long, long while
Lleva mucho, mucho tiempo esperando por su padre.
He is the human Molotov cocktail that they've been waiting for.
Él es el cóctel Molotov humano Que han estado esperando.
A whole bunch of the rest of us have been waiting for that glorious moment when the other gender, the majority gender, has a chance to run this world, to have real power, and kick some righteous ass.
Un montón de los demás De nosotros hemos estado esperando Para ese momento glorioso Cuando el otro género, El género mayoritario, tiene un Oportunidad de ejecutar este mundo,
Someone broke in and was waiting for him inside.
Alguien entró y estaba esperándolo adentro.
What are you waiting for?
¿ Qué esperas?
Well, she just opened the shop a few minutes ago, so we're waiting for a good opportunity to plant that bug.
Bueno, acaba de abrir la tienda, así que estamos esperando una buena oportunidad para plantar el micrófono.
She's waiting for you, Detective.
Te está esperando, detective.
I've had my eye on your for months... just waiting for you to figure out that bomb.
Llevo meses vigilándote... solo esperando a que averiguaras lo de esa bomba.
The box of hair products we pre-shipped has arrived And is waiting for us at the resort.
La caja de productos capilares que pre-encargamos ha llegado y nos está esperando en el resort.
What are you gonna do, stand there, on the road, in the cold, waiting for a tow truck.
¿ Esperar aquí en el camino, en el frio, a que llegue una grúa?
I got something better waiting for me at home.
Tengo algo mejor esperándome en casa.
It's very romantic, waiting for his body to heal before I destroy his soul.
Es muy romántico, esperar a que sane su cuerpo antes de destrozar su alma.
Waiting for you.
Te esperaba.
What, are you just waiting for me in the parking lot?
¿ Acaso me estabas esperando en el estacionamiento?
I know you're still on the bench, waiting for a call that's never gonna come.
Sé que aún sigues en el banquillo, esperando una llamada que nunca llegará.
I'm waiting for you. "
Los estoy esperando. "
My family's waiting for me.
Mi familia me espera.
I was waiting for you to be someone who you're not, but...
Estaba esperando que fueras alguien que no eres, pero...
You were always waiting for them to show their true face, and when they didn't, you forced them to see it.
Siempre estuviste esperando que ellos mostraran su auténtica cara y cuando no lo hacían les obligabas a verla.
Everybody's waiting for you.
Todo el mundo te está esperando.
We're waiting for Agent Bishop.
Estamos esperando a la agente Bishop.
Instead of waiting for an overthrow, the Empress plans to leave her city... immediately.
En vez de esperar un derrocamiento, la emperatriz planea dejar la ciudad de inmediato.
Commodus begins to distance himself from the throne... and Cleander sees the opportunity he's been waiting for.
Cómodo comienza a distanciarse del trono y Cleandro ve la oportunidad que esperaba.
You're waiting for the one person to tell you, " The mass has ended.
Esperas que te digan : " Terminó la misa.
I have a private plane waiting for me, Bradley.
Tengo un avión privado esperándome, Bradley.
They were probably waiting for a car to show so they could disappear the body.
Es probable que esperaran que apareciera un auto para poder desaparecer el cadáver.
I've spent years looking over my shoulder, waiting for this thing to come home.
He pasado años mirando a mis espaldas, esperando que esto se volviera en mi contra.
You do not because he is at home, confined to his wheelchair, just waiting for the one thing that helps him get through his lonely, handicapped day : beer.
No, porque está en casa, confinado a su silla de ruedas, esperando la única cosa que lo ayuda a superar su solitario y discapacitado día : la cerveza.
Let's get going. What are you waiting for?
¡ Vámonos!
We're waiting for the repair team.
Hemos estado esperándolos.
I've been waiting for one since Back to the Future.
Los espero desde Volver al futuro.
They are still waiting for FDA approval, so they're still a few years off.
Están esperando la aprobación oficial, así que faltan unos años.
You're not the first one to try to hide in the corner of his mind, waiting for him to make a mistake.
No eres el primero en esconderse en un rincón de su mente esperando que cometa un error.
- Waiting for you to go back.
- Esperamos que des la vuelta.
They're not just sitting in a room waiting for us.
No están sentados en una habitación esperando por nosotras.
Mr. Gregorian, there's paparazzi waiting downstairs for you.
Señor Gregorian, hay un fotógrafo esperándote abajo.
Well, I don't know about you, but I've been waiting all week for this.
- Bueno, no sé nada de ti, pero llevo esperando toda la semana por esto.
Gentlemen... My apologies for keeping you waiting.
Caballeros, mis disculpas por hacerles esperar.
My apologies for keeping you waiting, Emperor.
Mis disculpas por hacerle esperar.
So he was always standing outside, waiting... for somebody.
Siempre estaba afuera, esperando a alguien.
It's lucky for you two we're both really good at waiting.
Por suerte para vosotros se nos da muy bien esperar.
We are waiting for those who can save their families and neighbors.
Estaremos esperándolos.
waiting for you 189
waiting for me 66
waiting for us 32
waiting for someone 27
waiting for what 38
fortune 78
formula 39
for her 243
force 120
fort 29
waiting for me 66
waiting for us 32
waiting for someone 27
waiting for what 38
fortune 78
formula 39
for her 243
force 120
fort 29
forrest gump 32
for everyone 132
forget it 5039
forever 1407
forte 32
forced 28
ford 386
formal 25
forces 21
forest 44
for everyone 132
forget it 5039
forever 1407
forte 32
forced 28
ford 386
formal 25
forces 21
forest 44