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Was i wrong translate Spanish

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I was wrong to trust someone who we know, now, was not worthy of it.
Me equivoqué al mantener la confianza en alguien que, ahora sabemos que no la merecía.
Not owning any assets, I had to resort to my landlord's furniture, fully aware that I was in the wrong.
Sin tener ningún tipo de bienes, tuve que recurrir a los muebles de mi casero, totalmente consciente de que estaba mal.
I ordered the theft of the cattle, and if things went wrong I was to deny it all and blame the deaf woman.
Ordene el robo de las vacas, y si las cosas iban mal iba a negarlo todo y culpar a la sordomuda.
Of course I was. I'm never wrong.
Pues claro que la tenía, yo nunca me equivoco.
I didn't say anything was wrong.
No he dicho que haya algo de malo.
And if I did, I was wrong to do so, but you got to talk to me, G.
Y si lo he hecho, me equivoqué al hacerlo pero tienes que hablar conmigo, G.
Look, I know what I did was wrong.
Mira, sé que lo que hice estuvo mal.
I completely dismissed everything that you did here, but I was so wrong, and I know that now.
Desestimé por completo todo lo que has hecho aquí, pero estaba equivocado, lo sé ahora.
I mean, Clarissa would call if there was anything wrong.
O sea, Clarissa llamaría si algo fuese mal.
I should have sensed something was wrong.
Debí percibir que algo estaba mal.
Quami, I am afraid that somehow I've given you the wrong impression when I was treating you as a patient.
Quami, me temo que de alguna manera te he dado la impresión equivocada cuando te estaba tratando como paciente.
Oh, because I didn't know if I was subscribing, and I didn't want to give it the wrong idea.
Porque no sabía si me iba a inscribir, y no quería darle una idea equivocada.
And I was wrong to make out like it was.
Y me equivoqué al tomármelo como me lo tomé.
- But I was wrong about Juliette.
- Pero estaba equivocado acerca de Juliette.
Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with that guy, but obviously, that dude was the wrong choice.
Sí, yo no sé qué está mal con ese tipo... pero obviamente, ese tipo era la elección equivocada.
I just want to say, there's nothing wrong with being a songwriter, but... my dream was always to perform.
Solo quiero decir, que no hay nada malo en ser compositor... pero... mi sueño siempre fue actuar.
Look, I don't know how to say it, um... but I was wrong, and I'm sorry.
No sé cómo decirlo... pero estaba equivocado, y lo siento.
And not because you did anything wrong or because I thought Markus was gonna take you away from me.
Y no porque hicieras algo mal o porque pensase que Markus iba a alejarte de mí.
I wanted to teach you a lesson, but I was wrong.
Quería darte una lección pero me equivoqué.
God, I was so wrong.
Dios, estaba tan equivocada.
But I knew it was wrong.
Pero yo sabía que estaba mal.
Your mother said I was wrong to doubt you.
Tu madre dijo que estaba equivocado al dudar de ti.
Your dad might think what I did was wrong.
Tu padre pudo pensar que lo que hice estuvo mal.
You know, I was wrong to use the nanny cam.
Estaba equivocado respecto a lo de la cámara en casa.
I know. I know what I did was bad, but their relationship is wrong.
Sé que lo que hice estuvo mal, pero su relación está mal.
When I was your age, I thought that I was gonna be married by the time I was 25, but it took a lot longer than that, and unfortunately, your body does not care if you are dating the wrong guy
Cuando yo tenía vuestra edad, creía que iba a estar casada sobre los 25, pero llevó más tiempo, y desafortunadamente, a tu cuerpo no le importa si estás saliendo con el tío equivocado o si el tío con el que estás también se acuesta
Tam, I was wrong last night.
Tam, estaba equivocado anoche.
If there was anything seriously wrong, I'd know.
- Si ocurriera algo serio, lo sabría. ¿ Por percepción extrasensorial porque sois una madre e hija muy unidas? - ¿ Cómo?
I just didn't want to get your hopes up in case I was wrong.
Tan solo no quería que te ilusionases en caso de que estuviese equivocado.
I think I was wrong about you.
Creo que estaba equivocada contigo.
I was maybe wrong with
Es posible que estuviera equivocada con
I guess I was wrong when I told you not to worry about me.
Supongo que me equivoqué cuando te dije que no te preocuparas por mí.
Still, maybe I was wrong.
Aún así, tal vez me equivoqué.
Aah! Yeah, he's no Daniel Day-Lewis, of course, but you see, I was right and he was wrong.
Sí, no es Daniel Day-Lewis, por supuesto, pero verás, yo tenía razón y él no.
And I was wrong.
Y me equivoqué.
I was wrong, to blame you for what you did.
Estaba equivocado, culparte por lo que hiciste.
As hard as it is to admit, I was wrong, Hulk.
Aunque sea difícil admitirlo, estaba equivocado, Hulk.
I should have sensed something was wrong.
Si hubieses sentido que algo estaba mal.
But I was wrong.
- Me equivocaba.
Darius and I, we feel horrible that Avery died, but that was because of something that went wrong at the hospital.
Darius y yo, nos sentimos terribles por la muerte de Avery, pero eso fue debido a algo que hicieron mal en el hospital.
I was wrong.
Estaba equivocado.
Because you were right and I was wrong, and as crazy as it seems, you and I actually make a pretty good team.
Porque tenías razón y yo estaba equivocado. Y aunque parezca una locura, tú y yo hacemos un buen equipo.
I spent too much of my life enabling your father, standing by his side, even when I knew he was wrong...
He pasado mucho tiempo de mi vida permitiéndole todo a tu padre, estando a su lado, incluso sabiendo que estaba equivocado.
I thought I understood what it meant, but maybe I was wrong.
Creí que sabía lo que significaba, pero quizás me equivocaba.
But I was wrong.
Pero estaba equivocada.
And I was absolutely wrong before.
Y estaba completamente equivocado antes.
I gave up, and I was wrong.
Me rendí, y estaba equivocado.
But maybe I was wrong.
Pero tal vez me equivoqué.
I was wrong to come to you.
Me equivoqué al venir a ti.
No, I just knew something was wrong.
No, yo solo sabía que algo no encajaba.
It was your kåthet for money Who killed your brother. If i wrong? What?
Fue tu calentura por el dinero lo que mató a tu hermano. ¿ Me equivoco?

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