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We'll be there soon translate Spanish

246 parallel translation
We'll be there soon.
Llegaremos pronto.
Don't worry, miss, we'll soon be there.
No se preocupe, Srta. Pronto estaremos allí.
We'll be walking there soon.
Pronto saldremos a pasear.
As soon as we get out in the ocean, there'll be plenty of room.
En cuanto estemos en alta mar, habrá mucho sitio.
We'll be there soon.
Levad el ancla, todo está listo a bordo.
We'll be there soon, darling.
Ya casi estamos, cariño.
- Don't worry, we'll be out there soon.
- No te preocupes, estaremos ahí pronto.
Soon there'll be the Allies offensive and we want to wait somewhere else.
Pronto habrá una ofensiva aliada y somos nosotros que queremos esperar en otro lugar.
"Every day there are 100 more Christians among our servants, soon there won't be one slave left to light the sacred fire before Jupiter's statue, and we'll have to light it ourselves, Fabiola."
"Cada día aumenta el número de cristianos en nuestra casa, muy pronto no tendremos un esclavo para encender el fuego sagrado ante la estatua de Júpiter, y deberemos encenderlo nosotros".
We'll be there pretty soon now, Pat.
Llegaremos pronto, Pat.
We'll be there very soon.
Llegaremos rápido.
- We'll soon be there.
- Pronto estaremos allí.
Tell Schribman we'll be there as soon as we can.
Dile a Schribman que llegaremos cuanto antes.
We'll be there soon.
Te llevaré allí.
- We'll be there soon enough.
- No te apures, ya llegaremos.
"We'll be sent there soon, but you mustn't worry..."
"Seremos enviados allí pronto, pero no debéis preocuparos..."
We'll be there soon, boy.
Llegaremos pronto.
You'll commence operations as soon as we reach open water, which will be just about there.
Ud. comenzará las operaciones ni bien alcancemos las aguas abiertas,... lo cual será por aquí.
Well, see, I figure if we just laugh with them why, pretty soon they'll get tired of carrying on, there won't be no ruckus.
Bueno, verás, supongo que si nos reímos con ellos pronto se cansarán de hacerlo, y ya no habrá jaleo.
- We'll be there soon enough.
Bueno pronto llegaremos allí.
We'll be there soon.
Casi hemos llegado.
Gabriela, come on. We'll be there soon.
Gabriela, anda, pronto llegaremos.
We'll be there as soon as we can.
Iremos allí tan pronto como podamos.
We'll be there soon enough, you'll see.
Estaremos allí pronto. Ya verás.
Wake up, soon we'll be there.
Oye, despierta, llegaremos dentro de poco.
We'll soon be there now, Sasha.
Ya llegamos, Sasha.
- We'll be there soon.
- Llegamos enseguida.
- It's all dropping to powder. Soon, there'll be nothing to prove we ever saw it.
En breve sólo habrá polvo y no quedarán pruebas.
As soon as we land, Max, there'll be a car waiting for you to take you to the record shop for your rendezvous.
Al aterrizar, un auto te llevará... -... a la cita en la disquería.
Anyway, daddy says there's gonna be a war in Europe soon and the price of beef will go up and so we'll be very rich.
De todas formas, papá dice que habrá guerra en Europa pronto, y el precio de la carne subirá, así que seremos muy ricos.
Uncle Jiang, we'll be there soon
Tío Jiang, ya casi estamos.
We'll be there soon.
Ya casi llegamos.
We'll be there soon.
Llegaremos dentro de nada.
we'll be there soon.
Ya estamos.
I want to know if there are any planes we can fly, how soon we can get replacements, and when we'll be able to land on the field next.
Quiero saber si hay aviones que puedan volar, cuándo podremos contar con reposiciones... y cuándo podremos aterrizar en la pista de al lado.
Well, we'll be taking you back there As soon as there are any developments.
Volveremos a conectar cuando haya novedades.
- We'll be there soon.
- Llegaremos pronto.
We'll soon be there for dinner.
Pronto cenaremos.
We'll be there as soon as we can.
Iremos lo antes posible.
As soon as we finish our chili and beer, We'll be there.
Apenas terminemos el chili y la cerveza, estaremos allá.
- Let's keep going. - We'll be there soon.
- Ahorita venimos...
When it's dried out below, we'll conquer Milan for a medal or so Tralee, trala, tralee, tralair! We're advancing Soon be there Oh, the joys of being a soldier "
Cuando abajo se haya secado, conquistaremos Milán, y tendréis medallas, estamos avanzando, pronto estaremos allí, qué placer ser soldado.
We'll soon be there.
Pronto estaremos allí.
I am yours. Comel We'll soon be there. I am yours.
Yo no soy tuya, ven, estamos llegando, soy tuya.
We'll soon be going there
Pronto estaremos yendo allí
We'll soon be there.
Pronto llegaremos.
All it means is cooperation, and that's what's important, cos I'll tell you if we don't sort out something - and soon-all that all that bloody mess up there will be the only options left.
Sólo significa cooperación, y eso es lo que importa debemos cooperar, porque te digo si no arreglamos algo y pronto todo ese desastre allá afuera será la única opción posible.
We'll be there soon.
Pronto llegaremos.
- we'll be there soon.
- Vamos a estar allí pronto.
If it's leR to those down there, we'll soon be back there too.
Y si les hacemos caso a los del valle, pronto volveremos a estarlo.
- We'll be there soon.
- Ya vamos a llegar.

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