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We'll see you there translate Spanish

388 parallel translation
There, now, you see, we'll have to start all over again.
Ahora tendremos que comenzar de nuevo.
Nos veremos allí.
Now you sit right there and we'll see that you get home alright.
Ahora siéntese aquí y cuidaremos de que vuelva bien a casa.
Of course, you won't see us, but we'll be there.
Claro, no nos verás, pero ahí estaremos.
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Entonces también llevaremos todo esto allí y lo entablaremos... para que no tengas que volver a verlo ni pensar en ello.
- You'll see when we get there.
Ya verás.
We'll call if there's a fire. See you.
Ya te avisaremos si hay algún incendio.
We'll see how eager you are to fight there!
Veremos lo impacientes que estáis por luchar.
You stay up there where l can see you and we'll get along just fine.
Quedate donde te pueda ver y no habra problemas.
Well, we'll see when you get there.
Bueno, ya lo veremos cuando llegue el momento.
We get to Las Palmas, if that ship captain ain't there, you'll really see a fuss.
Al llegar a Las Palmas, si ese capitán no está, verá lo que es alborotar.
You'll see, when we.. When you get to go there too.
Verás cuando nosotros cuando tú vayas allí.
You'll see when we get there.
Lo verás cuando lleguemos.
The shepherds over there are watching and if they see us do what you're asking,... instead of thanking us, they'll say we're cowards. - I said to take it!
Que nos están viendo los pastores, y si les llevamos la res como la señorita quiere,... más que agradecerlo nos van a tomar por cobardes. - ¡ He dicho que la llevéis!
We'll see you there.
Ahí nos vimos.
I'll meet you there and then we'll go see about having that drink.
Las encuentro allí y vamos a ver como conseguir esa bebida.
You'll see when we get there.
Ya lo verás cuando lleguemos.
Now, you sit down there, and we'll stick this out and sort of see what happens.
Siéntese allí... y esperaremos a ver qué ocurre.
We'll see you guys up there.
Vamos a ver a los chicos.
We'll be there soon enough, you'll see.
Estaremos allí pronto. Ya verás.
We'll see you after this trip, then we decide where we go from there.
Lee veremos tras este viaje y luego decidiremos cómo seguimos.
We'll see you there. Come along, roger.
Vamos Roger.
If we see her there, we'll tell her... that you were worried.
Si la vemos allí, le diremos... que Ud. estaba preocupada.
See you up there, then. Aye, we'll see you.
- Nos veremos allí, entonces.
We want the public- - and our potential enemies- - to know about this facility. Naturally, you won't see anything that's classified, but I can promise there'll be plenty for you to write about.
Queremos que el público y nuestros enemigos sepan de esta instalación.
- We'll see if we can't show you there's more to boxing than you think there is.
Te enseñaremos que el boxeo es más complejo de lo que crees.
No, see, I moved it because, um, well, it's best there because we'll have to put the crib somewhere, you see. What crib?
Soy yo quien la movió es para cuando pongamos la cuna.
We'll see you there.
Nos vemos allí.
You'll see when we get there.
Lo veréis cuando lleguemos allí.
And we're gonna drive to Sutton, and draw money from the bank there. You'll see.
Primero nos iremos a Satton Allí sacaremos dinero del banco.
- Sure, we'll see you there.
- Claro, nos vemos.
You see, Your Excellency, down there we'll build the houses for the tehnicians and workers.
Ve Excelencia, ahí construiremos las habitaciones... para los técnicos y los obreros.
We'll be starting in just a couple of moments from now And there you can see the two competitors- -
Estamos a punto de empezar, vean a los dos participantes...
We'll get there, see you soon.
Tenemos a quien nos lleve. Hasta ahora mismo.
We're headed for the station, we'll see you there.
Vamos a la estación. Los veré allí.
Let me work and you'll see. We're almost there.
ejad que la ponga a tono y vereís. ya casi estamos.
When we'll all be union and we'll all be free there's a better world a-comin'can't you see?
Todos estaremos unidos y seremos libres.
You'll see when we get out there.
Ya verás cuando sea mi turno.
There you go, send it, we'll see.
Adelante, envíelo, veremos qué pasa.
As a matter of fact, Sheba and I are shuttling them over there, so we'll see you two later.
En realidad, Sheba y yo usaremos el transbordador para trasladarlos allá, así que los veré a ustedes dos más tarde.
- We'll see you down there, then.
- Nos vemos allí.
Yeah, we'll see you there.
¡ Todo el mundo va a estar ahí!
Yes, we'll be there on time, and you'll see how well we'll wash the dishes - -- ah!
Sí, y ahí estaremos, y va a ver cómo lavamos los platos - - ¡ ah!
We'll go to the promontory today. There's something you should see.
Iremos a la pradera el dia de hoy hay algo que debes ver
I'll see if there's somebody floating around in the typing pool... we can use as a clerk pro tem. You just take it easy.
- Descansa.
We'll see you there.
Bien, nos vemos después.
You know, we'll see each other there.
Sábes que nos veremos allí.
So you see, the next three days is very important. We've got to prevent her head from joining her body. Otherwise, she'll become invincible then there'll be nothing we can do about it.
por eso creo que los tres próximos días, es importante separar bien el cuerpo de otra manera se hará invencible y nadie podrá salvarnos
Well, we'll see you out there.
Bueno, nos veremos fuera.
So anyway, we'll see you there.
Pues eso, nos veremos entonces.
- We'll see you there.
- Allí estaremos.

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