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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We're not finished

We're not finished translate Spanish

334 parallel translation
Eh, we're not finished yet.
Todavía no hemos terminado.
We're not finished with it yet.
Nosotros no hemos acabado con él todavía.
But we're not finished.
Pero nosotros no estamos acabados ;
Well, if we're all finished, why not take our coffee in the other room?
Bueno, hemos terminado ¿ Tomamos café en la otra sala?
Got a warrant here for Herman Schmidt. We're not finished yet.
Traigo una orden de detención para Herman Schmidt.
We're not finished.
No estamos acabados.
The other two are for Jorge, and they're not any longer, we finished.
Las otras dos son paquete de Jorge, Y asteso eran, porque ya las cortamos.
But Sir, we're not yet finished.
¡ Señor, aún no hemos terminado!
Mark, we're not finished here yet.
- Aún no hemos terminado.
Mark, we're not going anywhere until we've finished our work.
- No nos vamos hasta terminar el estudio.
I'm all finished. Oh, well, that means that we're not going to see you again until next spring.
Eso significa que no nos veremos hasta la próxima primavera.
Harry. We're not quite finished with him yet.
- Harry, aún no hemos terminado con él.
We're not finished, Chandley.
Aún no hemos terminado, Chandley.
- We're not finished.
- Aún no hemos terminado.
We're not finished till we get Those animals to Mombasa aboard ship.
No habremos terminado hasta que los llevemos a Mombasa al barco.
If not, we're the ones who're finished.
Si no es así, seremos nosotros los acabados.
The terrace's almost finished. We're not that far with the canteen.
La terraza ya está casi lista, pero la cantina está en riesgo.
Hey, we're not finished yet.
Oye, tú, aún no terminaste.
Now, we're not running any Sunday school but nobody takes another drink from now until we're finished.
No es que estemos en catecismo pero nadie va a tomarse ni un solo trago hasta que hayamos terminado.
- But we're not finished.
Pero. no he terminado
- We're not finished yet!
- Todavía no.
At least not till long after we're finished here.
Al menos, hasta mucho después de que hayamos terminado.
Well, we're finished here, aren't we? That's not the point.
- Hemos terminado, ¿ no?
Listen, we're not quite finished yet.
Escucha, no hemos terminado aún.
After our last simulation run, we decided to add two more substations per level, but they're not finished.
Íbamos a tener... dos más por piso, pero no están terminadas.
We're not finished till it's finished Constable, besides I get lonely.
No, pero no terminamos hasta muy tarde. No terminamos hasta que no terminamos, Agente.
Well, we're not finished yet.
Aún no hemos terminado.
We're not finished yet!
Aún no hemos acabado.
( MESSALINA ) Come back, you whore! We're not finished.
¡ Vuelve aquí, puta, aún no hemos terminado!
Franco, you gotta help me out if not we're all finished.
Franco, tienes que echarme una mano si no se irá todo al garete.
No, we're not finished.
No, aún no hemos terminado.
- We're not finished yet.
Aún no terminamos.
Listen, we're not finished yet, not by a long shot.
Oye, todavía no terminamos. No completamente.
We're not finished yet.
Aún no he terminado.
Tell'em it's a rough cut, we're not finished...
Diles que es parcial, que no terminamos.
Then I guess we're not finished.
Entonces, lo nuestro no terminó.
We're not finished.
No hemos terminado.
Not yet, we're not finished
Todavía no. No hemos terminado.
We're not finished.
No terminamos.
Jade, we're not finished.
Jade, no terminamos.
We're not finished yet.
Aún no hemos terminado.
I swear to you, we're not finished yet.
Les juro que todavía no hemos terminado.
We're not finished yet!
¡ No hemos terminado!
We're not finished yet.
Olvida lo principal.
We're not finished yet.
Aún no hemos acabado.
We're not finished yet.
Aún no terminamos.
We're Not Finished Yet.
Sí, pero no hemos terminado.
But, Green Team, we're not finished with you yet.
Pero, equipo verde, aún no hemos terminado.
But we're not finished, Dr. Carmen, and they will not be finished until they make her feel as miserable and pathetic and confused as they are.
No terminarán, Dr. Karmen, hasta que ella no se sienta... tan miserable, patética y confundida como ellos.
We're not finished yet.
Aún no acabamos.
We're not finished with you yet.
- Nada pasará con ella...

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