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We both know it translate Spanish

1,253 parallel translation
- We both know it, the head is flooded.
- Ambos lo sabemos, la cabeza esta inundada.
It's a good quote. I'm happy we both know it.
Me alegra que ambos la conozcamos.
We both know it isn't.
Ambos sabemos que no lo es.
We both know it.
Ambos lo sabemos.
We both know it's open to personal interpretation, and rests on fuzzy rules and controls.
Sabemos que eso queda abierto a interpretaciones personales, y descansa sobre reglas y controles no claros.
Since we both know it?
¿ Dado que los dos lo sabemos?
We both know it's possible.
Sabemos que es posible.
We both know it's from the future.
Ambos sabemos que es del futuro.
We both know it had nothing to do with going face-first through a glass door.
Pero ambas sabemos que no tuvo nada que ver con que atravesaras la cristalera.
We both know it's not in your character to choose an immoral traitor.
Ambos sabemos que no está en ti escoger a un traidor inmoral.
We both know it's more than that.
Los dos sabemos que es algo más.
I mean, we have a great time together and obviously we both know it's an open relationship.
La pasamos bien juntos, pero ambos sabemos que es una relación abierta.
please, you stalled and stalled, miles, and we both Know it.
Por favor, los dos sabemos que alargaste el proceso.
So you didn't have a bruise yesterday, so we both know it didn't happen in school.
Que ayer no tenías moretón, así que ambos sabemos que no ocurrió en la escuela.
We both know it was your fucking fault either way.
Sabemos que la culpa es suya de todos modos.
We both know it's true... and now you're the only one who's going to get your son out of this alive.
Los dos sabemos que es verdad y ahora eres el único que puede sacar a tu hijo vivo de esto.
We both know it's true... and now you're the only one who's going to get your son out of this alive.
Ambos sabemos que es verdad... y ahora tu eres quien va a hacer que su hijo salga de esto vivo
We both know it, and there's no use in pretending otherwise.
Los dos lo sabemos, y no tiene sentido pretender lo contrario.
We both keep our mouths shut, they may never know it was us.
Ambos debemos tener la boca cerrada. Nadie debe saber nunca lo que hicimos.
We both know that it wasn't about that.
Los dos sabemos por qué pasó.
We both know that it was a lot more than that.
Ambos sabemos que fue mucho más que eso.
Look, Steve, I know we both like her and you're angry and embarrassed, but leave her out of it.
Oye, Steve. Sé que nos gusta a los dos y que estás enojado y avergonzado, pero no la metas en esto.
We both know it.
Lo sabemos.
If it wasn't for that freak crashing the party we both know that the winner of todays duel would have been me.
Si no fuera por ese loco, los todos sabemos que... el ganador del duelo hubiera sido yo.
Oh, it was such a wonderful time that we spent there... in terms of getting to know them both. It was again to be, you know, in Deri's company.
Y la verdad que fue un tiempo maravilloso el que pasamos ahí... los conocí a los dos mucho mejor.... la verdad es que estar en compañía de Deri...
And it was Michael's way of thanking... you know, me and Jerry both... and, boy, you know, it's so amazing how the fates work... because this was the last time we were all together... and, you know, they could not have been luminous as a pair... we could not have all been happier.
Y fue la forma de Michael de dar las gracias... tanto a mí como a Jerry... y es increíble como funciona esto del destino... porque fue la última vez que estuvimos todos juntos... y sabes, no podíamos estar más felices o contentos de estar todos juntos allí...
And we both know, now it is going to happen for real
Y ahora sabemos, que va a pasar de verdad.
If we are looking for the new age, the goddess which is basically just a rebaptized Jehovah, a ms. Jehovah, you know, then we are not going to find that there, but we are going to find the feminine both at the metaphysical level going clear up to the divine and right down at the practical level being held in a much higher regard and in a position of equality and so forth and this was present in the... you can see it is present in the alternative tradition.
Si estamos buscando "a la diosa"... que bбsicamente es un Jehovб vuelto a bautizar... una Srta. Jehovб, sabe... entonces no encontraremos eso allн... pero encontraremos lo femenino al nivel metafнsico... yendo hasta lo divino... y bajando al nivel prбctico... considerado a un nivel mucho mбs respetado... y en una posiciуn de igualdad... y con lo que estб presente... se puede ver que estб presente histуricamente... en la tradiciуn alternativa.
I understand your suspicion, but we both know whatever was taken, I probably have access to it.
Entiendo sus sospechas, pero ambos sabemos que sea lo que sea lo que se han llevado, probablemente tenga acceso a ello.
We both know what it feel like to lose a son.
Al segundo de verte a ti y a J.J. lo supe.
Edie. We both know you did it. Now hand it over!
Ambas sabemos que lo hiciste, así que devuélvemelos.
We both realize we were wrong and we were on the way to apologize to each other so now we're all made up and you tell me why you were so pissed off,'cause I know it's not just about me any more.
Creo que hemos comprendido que estábamos mal y ahora nos hemos disculpado el uno con el otro y creo que ya esta todo arreglado Me cuentas que es lo que te esta pasando ahora el motivo es mas o menos no es solo por mi
I know we both feel it.
Sé que ambos lo sentimos.
We both know I owe it to you.
Ambos sabemos que estoy en deuda contigo.
You and I have been down this road before, and we both know where it ends.
Ya hemos pasado por esto antes, y los dos sabemos dónde acaba.
We both know Jaffa intelligence is not always as reliable as it should be.
Ambos sabemos que la Inteligencia de los Jaffa... no siempre es tan fiable como debería ser.
- We can determine that... for both our people. - We don't even know if it's safe.
Ni siquiera sabemos si es seguro.
I know we were both looking forward to tonight... but it doesn't look like I'm getting home before dawn.
Mira, sé que queríamos pasar la noche juntos, pero no voy a llegar a casa hasta el amanecer.
Do your parents- - both sets of parents- - I don't know if we saw it- - just got up and hugged.
he estado cambiando de opinión al menos 50 veces al día.
We both know you haven't got it in you.
Ambos sabemos que no tenes el valor.
# I know it seems askew, # # and relatively new to me, you'll say I do # # because we're both in love, love, love. #
# I know it seems askew, # # and relatively new to me, you'll say I do # # because we're both in love, love, love. #
I think we both know where it ain't.
- Creo que ambos sabemos donde no es.
We both know that someday we're going to look at - this as brothers and laugh about it..
Los dos sabemos que algún día recordaremos esto como hermanos y nos reiremos.
Well, my sweet cupcake, I know we both love Max... but it seems to me you have two choices.
Ay, corazoncito, sé que los dos queremos a Max pero me parece que tienes dos opciones.
Well, now that you do know, would you think it's possible that Emily, in her psychotic state might have activated both sets of vocal cords so as to achieve the amazing effect we heard captured on your audiotape? Her state was not psychotic.
Bueno, ahora que lo sabe ¿ cree que es posible que Emily, en su estado psicótico pudiera haber activado ambos juegos de cuerdas vocales para lograr el impresionante efecto que escuchamos en la cinta?
And that evening we went out for dinner... and you know, knowing that we both knew it.
And esa noche salimos a cenar... Ya sabes, Sabiamos lo que pasaría.
I mean, you know, both of us, speaking for both of us, yo, it's like, when we see Lauryn, you know what I'm saying?
Bueno, los dos hablando por los dos... es como cuando vemos a Lauryn, ¿ entiendes lo que digo?
That s okay I didn t report it We both know what would happen if I did
Calma. No lo denuncié. Sabemos qué pasaría si lo hiciera.
- I got it. I mean, we're-we're both professionally compatible... you in TV, and - and me in, uh-you know, in newspapers.
Son las señoras del Destino en la mitología nórdica.
But we both know you'll do whatever it takes to save your daughter.
Pero ambos sabemos que hará, lo que haga falta, para salvar a su hija.
It's not something we both didn't, you know, expect.
Bueno no es algo que los dos... Ya sabes, esperaramos.

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