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We had a few drinks translate Spanish

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Invité a un par chicas a cenar, luego tomamos unas copas en el Mocambo.
Yeah, well, we had a few drinks and someone said "Let's go see the Temples."
Si... bueno tomamos unos pocos tragos y alguien dijo vayamos a ver los templos.
We had a few drinks.
Tomamos unos tragos.
That evening we had a few drinks, and Buck put a little surprise in mine.
Aquella noche tomamos algunas copas y Buck puso una pequeña sorpresa en una de las mías.
Maybe we had a few drinks.
Tal vez bebimos unas copas.
you know... We had a few drinks - I mean.
sabes... tomamos un poco... quiero decir.
Anyway, we had a few drinks, the lights were low, Sinatra on the jukebox.
De todos modos, teníamos unas copas, las luces bajas, Sinatra en el tocadiscos.
Look, I met some guys, we had a few drinks... one thing led to another... and next thing I knew... I woke up out of town.
Oye, me encontré a unos tíos, tomamos unas copas... una cosa llevó a otra... y cuando me di cuenta... me desperté lejos de aquí.
Well, we had a few drinks, danced a little, and, you know -
Bien, me tome algunos tragos, Baile un poco, y, tu sabes
Anyway, me and Eddie, we had a few drinks.
- Bueno yo y Eddie, - nos fuimos de copas...
But we had a few drinks.
Nos tomamos unos tragos.
We had a few drinks... and danced...
Tomamos algunas copas. Bailamos, y bailamos.
Well, we talked and we had a few drinks.
Bueno, hablamos y tomamos unos tragos.
We had a few drinks...
- Tomamos unos tragos...
I had some friends over, we had a few drinks.
Vinieron unos amigos, tomamos.
We had a few drinks.
Bebimos unas cuantas.
We had a few drinks.
Tomamos algunos tragos.
- And? And we came back here. We had a few drinks.
- Vinimos aquí por unos tragos.
I paid him, we had a few drinks, we had a few laughs, and he left.
Le pagué, tomamos algo, nos reímos un poco y se fue.
We had a few drinks and some weed, and played Drummer God on this giant plasma TV.
- Bebimos algo y fumamos marihuana, y jugamos a Dios baterista en una TV plasma gigante.
Yeah, we had a few drinks, got chatting and before long, we found ourselves back here, one thing led to another and, er, here she is...
Si, tomamos algunos tragos, conversamos. Y después de un rato, nos encontramos de vuelta aquí. Una cosa llevó a la otra y, aquí está ella...
W-we... we had a few drinks at Mantle's.
Nosotros... nosotros tomamos unas copas en el Mantle ´ s.
Yeah. And then we had a few drinks.
Y nos tomamos unas copas.
- We had a few drinks.
- También Íbamos muy bebidos.
We had a few drinks and to get down to cases...
- Espera a oír esto.
We all of us pay too much for drinks once we've had a few.
Todos pagamos mucho por las bebidas en cuanto hemos bebido un poco.
We went up to her place, had a few drinks.
Fuimos a su casa, tomamos unas copas.
And there was this plane and we had a few more drinks and uh, all of a sudden we were in the middle of the jungle.
... y había un avión, tomamos algunos tragos más, y de repente estábamos en el medio de la jungla...
Had a few drinks, you see, thought we'd have a bit of fun.
Tomamos unos tragos, y pensamos en divertirnos un poco.
We'd been to a party, and we'd had a few drinks.
Habíamos ido a una fiesta y tomamos algunos tragos.
We came here, saw your new flat, had a few drinks... We saw how moved you were at becoming a father...
hemos venido aquí... a ver su nueva vivienda, a compartir unos vasos de vodka... y a ser participes de su felicidad...
We had dinner a few times, drinks.
Cenamos juntos varias veces.
We both had a few drinks.
Los dos hemos tomado unas copas.
You never seem to want to get married, and so, one night we went out, had a few drinks... and started discussing art and literature and Freud and Nietzsche.
Me perseguía desde hace tiempo y tú no querías casarte. Una noche, empezamos a beber y a discutir de arte y literatura.
We had drinks together a few times after court.
Tenía mi edad, tomamos una copa juntas después de algún juicio.
We had some downtime and a few of us went out for drinks.
Tuvimos un rato libre y algunos salimos a tomar algo.
We just had a few drinks, and things just...
bebimos demasiado, y las cosas...
We've had a few drinks, nothing heavy.
Tomamos unos tragos, nada serio.
We met at a bar, shot some pool, had a few drinks.
Estuvimos en un bar, jugamos al pool, tomamos algunos tragos.
Oh, well, we'd just had a few drinks, that was all. Ha!
Oh, acababa de tomar unos tragos, eso fue todo.
We paid our $ 25, went inside, did a lap around the place, had a few drinks.
Pagamos los $ 25, entramos, recorrimos el lugar tomamos unos tragos.
Yeah, we all had a few drinks.
Sí, todos bebimos un poco.
We've had a good night, we've had a few drinks.
Tuvimos una buena noche, y tomamos unos cuantos tragos.
We just had a few drinks.
Sólo tomamos unas copas.
And when people are used to seeing us, when we've had a few drinks we can start doing some interviews.
Y cuando la gente se acostumbre a vernos... cuando bebimos unos tragos... podremos comenzar con las entrevistas.
I don't know. See, I had a few drinks last night. Maybe we could check the hotel.
Verás, anoche tomé varias copas, quizá... podríamos llamar al hotel.
Yeah, you know, we both had a few drinks.
Escucha, es que ambos habíamos bebido.
We had a lot of "few drinks together" and I know what Kevin was going for and he's right.
Nos bebimos "unas cuantas copas", y sé a qué apuntaba Kevin y tenía razón.
We just had a few drinks.
Bebimos unos tragos.
You know, I went out the night before with a couple of my buddies, and we had a few too many drinks, and I didn't wake up till after 2 : 00.
Sabes, salía la noche anterior con un par de colegas, y tomamos unas pocas demasiadas copas, y no me levanté hasta las 2 de la tarde.
We've already had a few drinks, so...
Ya nos tomamos unos tragos, así que...

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