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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We have to leave now

We have to leave now translate Spanish

307 parallel translation
Why do we have to leave now?
¿ Por qué tenemos que irnos ahora?
Sir, we have to leave now.
Señor. Tenemos que irnos ahora.
We have to leave now if we wish to reach it before dark.
Si quieres llegar antes de la noche, tendrás que partir enseguida.
If we are to go, we have to leave now.
Debemos ir ahora.
We have to leave now.
Tenemos que irnos.
Children, we have to leave now.
Niños, debemos irnos ahora.
Sorry, but we have to leave now.
Lo siento, debemos irnos.
We have to leave now, the troops are arriving!
Tenemos que salir ahora, las tropas estan llegando!
If you want me to drive, we have to leave now.
Tenemos que irnos ahora.
We have to leave now.
Tienes que ir ahora, sin embargo!
We have to leave now.
Tenemos que irnos ahora mismo.
We have to leave now.
Nos tenemos que ir.
We have to leave now!
¡ Tenemos que irnos ahora!
We have to leave now.
Tenemos que irnos ahora.
We have to leave now.
Debemos irnos ya.
We have to leave now, with or without you!
Debemos irnos ahora, con o sin usted.
My guess is he's still there. We have to leave now sir.
Sospecho que sigue allí.
We have to leave now, with or without you.
Tenemos que irnos ya, con o sin Vd.
We have to leave now.
Tenemos que marcharnos ahora.
, entra al auto... si quieres llegar al aeropuerto y tomar ese avión tenemos que irnos ahora. ¿ Cierto?
Hey, if we're gonna get out of this alive, we have to leave now.
Si queremos salir de aquí con vida, debemos irnos ya.
We're just here to have a good time, so you please to leave us alone. - Come on now, Matt.
¡ Hemos venido a pasarlo bien, así que, por favor, déjenos en paz!
I'm afraid we have to leave you now, Miss Prescott.
Me temo que tenemos que dejarla ir, Srta. Prescott.
Now, I have one or two commissions for you to perform after we leave.
Quisiera un par de favores antes de irme.
Now, Miss Durant, whether you like it or not, we have to pack up and leave.
Ahora, Srta. Durant, le guste o no, tenemos que hacer el equipaje e irnos.
We have to leave right now.
Tenemos que irnos ahora.
We'll have to leave the old man here for now.
Vamos a tener que dejar al viejo aquí por un rato.
Now get dressed - we have to leave.
Ahora vistelo - tenemos que irnos.
Anyway, we have to leave the house now. R, go on!
En cualquier caso, ahora tenemos que dejar la casa. ¡ Vamos, R!
Why do we have to leave right now?
¿ GPor qué tenemos que irnos ahora mismo?
We'll have to leave it for now.
Tendremos que parar.
To have him for my very own now if we were only left alone now if they would leave him here with me
Para tenerlo para mí sola, ahora... si nos quedáramos ahora solas... si ellas lo dejaran aquí conmigo....
I'm going to say good-bye to you now... because we have to leave so early in the morning.
Me despido ahora... porque tenemos que irnos muy temprano.
we have to leave right now.
Tenemos que irnos ahora.
We really have to leave now, my dear.
Realmente tenemos que salir ahora, querida.
- We'll all have to leave now.
- Todos tenemos que irnos ya.
But we're gonna have to leave now if you're gonna make your plane.
Pero vamos a tener que salir ahora si vas a hacer que su avión.
We have just now reached here We are planning to leave for Sitanagar today
Nos acaba de llegar. Vamos a Sitanagar.
I have to get up early, can we leave now?
Tengo que levantarme temprano. ¿ Podemos irnos ya?
Well, the problem is that we kind of have to leave now because it's starting.
El problema es que nos tenemos que ir ahora porque ya está comenzando.
- We will now have to leave.
Ahora debemos irnos.
- I have to leave now. - Look, I understand. This is important to you, but we have a mission to...
Puede que no esté de acuerdo con Io que hizo, pero puedo entender que desee regresar a casa.
Now, are you people gonna leave, or do we have to throw you off?
¿ Y ahora se irán o tendré que echarles del tren?
If you don't all leave right now, we're gonna have to start making arrests!
Si no se marchan todos ahora mismo, ¡ vamos a tener que comenzar a arrestarles!
We have got to leave now. Trust me.
Necesitamos irnos ahora.
Now you have to decide how many others you will bring with you when we leave.
Ahora tienes que decidir a cuantos más llevarás contigo cuanto te vayas.
We'd have to leave now.
Tendríamos que irnos ahorita.
There is a way, but we have to leave right now... before...
Hay una manera, pero tenemos que irnos ahora... Antes de...
We'll have to ask Mrs. Beechum to leave now.
La Sra. Beechum debe salir.
I do know, it's your friend Augello who doesn't, he bought them. And now, please eat them, or we'll have to throw them away. Do you really have to leave today, Livia?
Y ahora, por favor, come o vamos a tener que tirarlos a la basura.
All right? Now, we have to leave here in a couple of days.
Yo tengo el temporizador.

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