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Who wants it translate Spanish

1,226 parallel translation
You certainly ask a lot of questions for a guy who wants it dark, dirty and anonymous.
Haces demasiadas preguntas para un tipo que quiere sexo perverso, obsceno y anónimo.
Who wants it?
¿ Quién lo quiere?
- It is not me who wants it.
No deseo eso.
Yeah, um... if you know anyone who wants it...
Si sabe de alguien que lo quiera...
Do you give your stuff to anybody who wants it?
¿ Facilitas tu material a cualquiera que lo desee?
For any mother, son or daughter who wants it, it's here tonight.
Para cualquier madre, hijo o hija que lo desee, Él está aquí esta noche.
Who wants it now?
¿ Quien lo quiere ahora?
Who wants it?
¿ Quien lo quiere?
I've titled this one "Please Take Me With You." Who wants it?
Lo he titulado : "Por favor, llévame contigo". ¿ Quién lo quiere?
I've warned you that you're not the only one who wants it,
No eres el único que la quiere, ya lo sabes.
No. It's just a guy who wants money.
No, el tipo quiere dinero.
It's been said that anyone who wants to live in a dormitory... must either be a mental defective or a freshman.
Se dice que cualquiera que quiera vivir en un dormitorio... debería ser retrasado mental o estudiante de primer año.
It is primitive instinct for a woman like Dawn to choose a mate who can best provide for her needs, for her wants.
El instinto primitivo de mujeres como Dawn... dicta que escojan la pareja... que mejor satisfaga sus necesidades, sus deseos.
Wait a minute, I don't get you. Is it me who wants to kill them?
Espera un minuto, no te entiendo. ¿ Soy yo el que los quiere matar a ellos?
Who the hell wants you to suck their dick? Goddamn it!
¿ Quién quiere que se la chupes?
And when you tell this kind of story... everybody who comes to hear it wants to own it'cause it's gay.
Cuando cuentas una historia así todo el mundo se la quiere apropiar, porque es de "gays".
It's about a woman who is alone in a very, very cold world, and all she wants more than anything is to have someone hold her close. And to tell her that everything's gonna be all right.
Es sobre una mujer que está sola en un mundo muy frío, y lo que desea más que nada es tener a alguien que la abrace, que la tranquilice con sus palabras.
It will sell to residents, tourists, visiting VIPs... anyone who wants a gift for themselves or for the folks back home.
Venderá a los residentes, turistas, personajes importantes de visita... cualquiera que quiera un regalo para sí o para llevarle a su familia.
But who wants to get up and find it?
Pero, ¿ quién quiere levantarse y buscarlo?
It's not supposed to be, but they always go with who the resident wants.
No debería ser así, pero siempre se hace.
He wants the library, and he doesn't care who gives it to him.
Él quiere la biblioteca y no le importa quien se la dé.
It is difficult to understand someone who is entirely incapable of simply asking for what he most wants in the world.
Es difícil entender a alguien totalmente incapaz de pedir lo que más desea en el mundo.
And let's just get our hands right into it. Who wants to start us off?
- ¿ Quién empieza?
It's like, "Hello. Who wants one of my phallic-shaped man-cakes?"
Es como : "¿ Quién quiere uno de mis buñuelos terrestres con forma fálica?"
It's for a poor little girl who wants to go to Space Camp more than anything in the world.
Es para una pobre niña que quiere ir al campo espacial más que nada.
Mr. Rockafeller wants to wash my car. Y'know the only problem is I've found a fifteen year old who'll do it for two bucks cheaper.
El Sr. Importante quiere lavar mi auto, el único problema que encontré... un chico de 15 años lo lava por 2 dólares menos
( gunshot ) I got one shell left. Who wants it?
Me queda un cartucho.
Who wants to start it off?
¿ Quién quiere empezar?
With a certain dignity, it should be said, he beats a retreat, playing as protest a few measures of "La Marseillaise" before walking head-on into the door. The worse blind man is the one who wants to see.
Allá vamos cantando y riendo, llevados, llevados, si, por la voz de son tremendo de las tubas, clamor sin fin.
- She knows it's you who wants her.
- Sabe que eres tú quien la quiere. - Vamos.
Who wants to hold it? - Me!
- ¿ Quién quiere agarrarla?
It's Jenny who wants every man she sees.
Es ella la que quiere a todos los tíos que ve.
It's you who wants out.
Quien quiere escaparse es usted.
It's the victim who wants to be scanned.
Es la víctima la que quiere que la leas.
Sir, it-it's just that I think that your profile of the perp... is exactly who he wants us to think he is.
Señor, creo que su perfil del perpetrador se ajusta exactamente a quien él quiere que pensemos que es.
It's kind of a relief. Who wants to wave a white flag?
Es un alivio. ¿ Quién quiere ondear una bandera blanca?
It's about this girl, Katherine- - moi- - who is slated for a lobotomy because the mother of her cousin wants to keep her mouth shut... about certain goings-on involving the old lady's son Sebastian.
Trata de una chica, Katherine "yo"... afectada por una lobotomía porque la madre de su primo quiere silenciarla... por ciertas cosas que involucran a su hijo, Sebastián.
It's you who wants to put wanted me out
Eres tú quien me buscaba
I believe in the bell ringing when it's your landlord who wants the rent on the first day of the month.
Creo en los dos toques de puerta del dueño de la casa que quiere la renta cada primero del mes.
Never mind, if that's what God wants. Who can defy it?
Déjalo así, Raju, si eso es lo que Dios quiere, ¿ quién puede desafiarlo?
Why don't you wait till you get a star who wants to be in it?
¿ Porque no esperas hasta tener una estrella que esté interesada?
It's like when sometimes someone who wants to stop smoking... wears perhaps a rubber band on their wrist.
Esto es exactamente igual a cuando uno quiere dejar de fumar y se pone... una gomita en la muñeca.
I have to please our brother, who wants to turn the world upside down, and our father, who wants to keep the world exactly as it is!
A nuestro hermano, que pretende cambiar el mundo, a nuestro padre, que quiere dejar el mundo como está.
It's you who wants to kill him, so you can get back to your lover!
¡ Quieres matarle para volver con tu amante!
Just stay open to it if some cute guy shows up... who wants to lick you all over.
Simplemente mantente abierta por si se presenta algún hombre listo... que quiera chuparte viva.
... who draws the world the way he wants it to be...
... que pinta el mundo de sus sueños...
Who wants to steal what's left from his legitimate heir? Who is it? Must I tell you?
Si queréis pelear con el Juez, hacéis mal.
I'm an independent girl who wears lipstick because she wants to, not because men find it more attractive.
Soy una chica independiente, que usa pintalabios porque quiere, no porque los hombres lo prefieran.
It's her who wants him.
Es ella la que lo quiere.
I've never been so embarrassed... for how you treat your son... who loves you... and wants your attention... and you won't give it to him.
Nunca he sentido más verguenza... por tu forma de tratar a tu hijo... que te quiere... y quiere tu atención... y tú no se la das.
Who wants to read it, that is another tale.
Quién quiera leerlo, ese es otro tema.

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