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Windom translate Spanish

66 parallel translation
William Windom.
William Windom.
The guest stars in tonight's story : William Windom. Eduard Franz.
De algún modo, debe convencer a un mundo incrédulo de que la pesadilla ha comenzado...
With special guest star Michael Rennie and Diana Hyland as Ellie Markham.
Estrellas invitadas : William Windom Eduard Franz
Geoffrey Windom.
Geoffrey Wingham. Es abogado.
- Windom Earle.
- Windom Earle.
Windom Earle has vanished.
Windom Earle ha desaparecido.
It's an opening move from Windom Earle.
Es una jugada inicial de Windom Earle.
Windom Earle.
Windom Earle.
Windom Earle was his name.
Él se llamaba Windom Earle.
Pete, Windom Earle stole your truck.
Pete, Windom Earle robó tu camioneta.
I am Windom Earle.
Soy Windom Earle.
Windom Earle?
¿ Windom Earle?
I checked the personals columns in every national newspaper on the list, and I didn't see anything that looked like a chess deal or find any mention of the name Windom Earle.
Revisé los anuncios en cada periódico nacional de la lista y no vi nada parecido a una jugada de ajedrez ni que mencione el nombre Windom Earle.
Windom Earle's next move.
La siguiente jugada de Windom Earle.
Coop, are you sure Windom Earle's behind this?
Coop, ¿ estás seguro que detrás de esto está Windom Earle?
Windom Earle engineered the explosion that caused the power outage.
Windom Earle urdió la explosión que causó el apagón.
Windom Earle has been in this room.
Windom Earle estuvo en esta habitación.
Windom Earle is a genius.
Windom Earle es un genio.
Because Windom Earle and I played a game every day for three years.
Que jugué con Windom Earle todos los días durante tres años.
Windom Earle was my first partner.
Windom Earle fue mi primer socio.
My wound healed, Windom Earle went mad.
Mi herida se curó, y Windom Earle se volvió loco.
Caroline was Windom Earle's wife.
Caroline era la esposa de Windom Earle.
Harry, Windom Earle's mind is like a diamond.
Harry, la mente de Windom Earle es como un diamante.
You can call me Windom.
Puedes llamarme Windom.
Harry, considering their mutual connection to Project Blue Book, I believe that Windom Earle has targeted the major.
Por nuestra conexión con el Proyecto Libro Azul Earle convirtió al Mayor en objetivo.
Windom Earle has been seeking access to the Black Lodge as far back as 1965.
Earle ha estado intentado entrar a la Logia Negra desde 1965.
If Windom Earle is seeking access to that, it is imperative that we find our way in before he does.
Si Windom Earle está buscando entrar debemos encontrar el camino antes que él.
I am also convinced that Windom Earle is searching for exactly the same thing as we are for diametrically opposite reasons.
También estoy convencido que Windom Earle busca Io mismo que nosotros por motivos diametralmente opuestos.
Did Windom Earle do this to you?
¿ Windom Earle le hizo esto?
Was it Windom Earle?
¿ Fue Windom Earle?
- If Windom Earle takes the queen...
- Si Windom Earle se Ileva a la reina...
This bonsai's from Windom Earle.
El bonsái es de Windom Earle.
Harry, Windom Earle was at my house.
Harry, Windom Earle estuvo en mi casa.
Windom Earle. When?
Windom Earle. ¿ Cuándo?
But, Coop, I'm bringing you the classified portion of the Windom Earle dossier.
Coop, traigo la parte confidencial del expediente de Windom Earle.
With Windom Earle rolling around loose on the deck, we need you back on the team.
Con Windom Earle suelto te necesitamos en el equipo.
The deliveries were paid for by a phony credit card signed Windom Earle.
Pagaron los envíos con una tarjeta falsa, firmada Windom Earle.
- Windom Earle?
- ¿ Windom Earle?
My opening move, responding to Windom Earle's opening move, was printed in the personal columns per my instructions.
Mi primera jugada, en respuesta a la de Windom Earle fue publicada en la sección de anuncios según mis instrucciones.
Harry, if Windom wanted to kill me, I'd already be dead.
Si Windom quisiera matarme. Ya estaría muerto.
Windom Earle's playing off the board.
Windom Earle está jugando fuera del tablero.
Well, I spent the night obtaining and perusing the Project Blue Book files regarding Windom Earle.
Pasé la noche buscando los archivos del Libro Proyecto Azul relacionados con Windom Earle.
Gentlemen, when Windom Earle arrived in Twin Peaks, I assumed he had come for vengeance.
Caballeros, cuando Windom Earle llegó a Twin Peaks supuse que había venido para vengarse.
Windom Earle does, Harry.
Windom Earle la tiene, Harry.
Sent to Shelly Johnson, Audrey Horne and Donna Hayward from Windom Earle.
Enviado a Shelly Johnson, Audrey Horne y Donna Hayward por Windom Earle.
The appearance of my former partner and suspected murderer, Windom Earle.
La aparición de mi antiguo socio y sospechoso de asesinato, Windom Earle.
I need to know everything that there is to know about Windom Earle's work with Project Blue Book.
Necesito saber todo Io que se sabe sobre el trabajo de Windom Earle con el Proyecto Libro Azul.
This poem, sent by Windom Earle, was transcribed by Leo Johnson.
Este poema enviado por Windom Earle, fue trascripto por Leo Johnson.
Harry, there was a time when I could comprehend, with a high degree of clarity, Windom Earle's twisted logic.
Harry, hubo un momento cuando podía entender con gran claridad, la lógica retorcida de Windom Earle.
William Windom...
William Windom

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