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It's a mineral-rich country, but with that mineral wealth has also come great corruption, rebels, civilians, militia.
Es un país rico en minerales pero con esa riqueza mineral ha llegado también mucha corrupción, rebeliones con civiles, militares.
I enable him to laugh. Do you have a problem with that?
Le incité a reírse. ¿ Tienes algún problema con eso?
It should really start like almost with that bar, like if you drop it down about a sixteenth of an inch and then, when you put "Pier" on the end of it, it's really nice.
Debería empezar casi con esa barra. Bájala un milímetro y medio y, cuando le pongas "Pier" al final, quedará muy bien.
You gonna burn me with that thing now?
¿ Ahora me vas a quemar con eso?
I'm done with that now.
Ahora me harte de eso.
I'm not sure I agree with that.
No estoy seguro de estar de acuerdo.
Their, uh, contracts certainly reinforce the impression that they are an evil squid with their arms wrapped tightly around the globe, but alas, no ties to Caracas.
Sus contratos ciertamente refuerzan la impresión de que son un calamar malvado con sus tentáculos sujetando firmemente todo el planeta, pero desgraciadamente, no hay vínculos con Caracas.
I suppose it's interesting that an American president had an affair with a Chinese opera singer, but is it startling?
Supongo que es interesante que un presidente estadounidense tuviera una aventura con un cantante de ópera chino, ¿ pero es alarmante?
Anyone with half a brain is gonna be able to tell that Gephardt made that tape himself in his mother's basement.
Cualquiera con medio cerebro podrá decirle que Gephardt hizo ese video él mismo en el sótano de su madre.
This is unusual for me, because often I'm working with a magazine and that's the vehicle.
Es algo inusual para mí porque suelo trabajar para una revista, y ese es el vehículo.
I spent most of my adult life in the dark with a small red light on, trying to find that visual language.
Pasé la mayor parte de mi vida adulta en la oscuridad con una luz roja tratando de encontrar ese lenguaje visual.
That I can't cope with complication.
No puedo lidiar con la complicación.
After that, I went back to New York and I spent a year working on the material with my team and then The New Yorker heard about it.
Después de eso, volví a Nueva York y pasé un año trabajando en el material con mi equipo. Entonces, El New Yorker se enteró.
I met a man who told me that if I didn't have sex with him, he promised he'd kill me with a knife.
Y conocí a un hombre que me dijo que, si no tenía sexo con él juraba matarme con una navaja.
It does something beautiful to the grain that you just can't get with other scanners.
Logra algo hermoso con el grano que no puede lograr ningún otro escáner.
That's a stone floor... [Ilse] All our projects start with a strategy.
- Solo agregué los pisos de piedra...
Everything that surrounds us is really done with this care, with this love that makes you kind of feel good.
Todo lo que nos rodea está hecho con dedicación y con amor.
[Rawsthorn] Ilse has always treated interior design, both as a designer and magazine editor originally, with a seriousness and a complexity that was arguably lacking before.
Ilse siempre ha tratado el diseño de interiores con una seriedad y complejidad que antes no existía.
It's a conversation, essentially, that you have with your reader.
En esencia, es una conversación que tienes con tu lector.
That combination of interrogation and empathy is something that's been with me from the very beginning.
Esa combinación de interrogación y empatía es algo que ha estado conmigo desde el comienzo.
Materials are much more compelling and convincing once you see them in context, or at least in the character of light that will hit it, and ideally in association with the other materials that will be with it.
Los materiales son más atractivos y convincentes en el contexto o, al menos, en la calidad de la luz que les llegará e idealmente junto con los otros materiales que los acompañarán.
The lounge needed to have minimal maintenance, to be somewhere that could withstand many, many people per day going through with wheelie suitcases which bash the walls.
La sala debía necesitar un mantenimiento mínimo y estar en un lugar que pudiera albergar a mucha gente por día caminando con su equipaje que golpea contra las paredes.
It's not the cheapest material you could find, so we needed to balance it with something more down-to-earth that offset it.
No es el material más económico así que lo equilibramos con algo más sensato que lo contrastara.
Our senses are wired in such a way that we understand that rough feels rougher by contrast with smooth.
Nuestros sentidos están conectados de modo que entendamos que lo áspero se siente más áspero contra lo suave.
The basis of our relationship was to bring emotional values into that system and come out with products that are sustainable, but people really love.
La base de nuestra relación era traer valores emocionales a ese sistema y crear algunos productos que sean sostenibles pero que a la gente le encante.
We wanted a development of an experience, and since StudioIlse is working with both products and interior design, that's like a perfect fit.
Quisimos desarrollar una experiencia. Y ya que Studioilse trabaja con productos y diseño de interiores la combinación es perfecta.
Looking at materials that we could work with, we came to love cork.
Viendo materiales que podíamos utilizar, el corcho terminó encantándonos.
[Ilse] I grew up in a part of London that was filled with derelict houses, which were being smashed down, but had beautiful 19th-century tiles.
Crecí en una parte de Londres llena de casas abandonadas que estaban siendo destruidas y tenían cerámicas del siglo XIX.
[Mix] Collaborating with Ilse, first of all, it's complete trust, you really feel that.
Trabajar con Ilse es, ante todo, la absoluta confianza. Realmente lo sientes.
So that's allowed me to combine my love of working with the next generation with running my own studio.
Eso me ha permitido combinar mi amor por trabajar con la próxima generación y manejar mi propio estudio.
What I think was probably quite challenging with the project was the collaboration and how that really involves a craft of a relationship.
Lo que creo que probablemente fue un desafío en el proyecto fue la colaboración y cómo eso implica un arte en las relaciones.
Someone with a schedule that leaves demonstrably less time to hit the gym than you.
Alguien cuya agenda le deja manifiestamente menos tiempo para ir al gimnasio que a ti.
I do if it interferes with the work that he does here.
Lo tengo si eso interfiere con el trabajo que hace.
With everything that's going on in China right now... cultural revolution... we're certain that we're lucky we're here.
Con todo lo que está pasando en China ahora... la revolución cultural... estamos seguros que somos afortunados de estar aquí.
I think that you have to make "Girls" and "Boys" the same weight, with the exception of the pointy things.
Creo que tienes que hacerlos del mismo peso a excepción de las cosas puntiagudas.
You don't have to do that work with the whole name.
No tienes por qué hacerlo con el nombre completo.
You're working with things that create character.
Trabajas con cosas que dan carácter.
And that, if you combine that with a meaning, then that's spectacular.
Y si lo combinas con un significado es espectacular.
There's something wrong with you if you do that.
Y tienes un problema si haces eso.
I'd combine the illustration with typography that related to the illustration or contrasted it.
Combinaba la ilustración con una tipografía que se asimilaba o contrastaba con ella.
They wanted it to be something futuristic, so we came up with this half-baked idea that the Earth was blowing up and all these spaceships were escaping.
Querían que fuera futurista así que tuvimos esta idea de que la Tierra explotaba y estas eran naves espaciales escapando.
We started working with these fives and some of the fives are just made up of geometric shapes that come from the park itself.
Empezamos a trabajar con estos cincos y algunos están conformados por formas geométricas que vienen del mismo parque.
We created these large standing posters with photographs that would help orient people once they reached the beach.
Creamos pósteres grandes con fotografías que orientaban a la gente cuando llegaban a la playa.
If I'm sitting with a new client, I can see in the first glance that he's wondering why he's got this old lady.
Si me siento con un cliente nuevo, lo veo enseguida se pregunta por qué le tocó esta vieja.
That's what we did with The Public and Atlantic.
Eso hicimos con el Public y el Atlantic.
Yeah, that this is the most important day of my son's life, and I'm here bleeding out with you.
Sí, este es el día más importante de la vida de mi hijo y yo estoy aquí sangrando contigo.
She takes piano lessons with the $ 2.00 checks that her dad makes working in prison, but when you hear her, Bobby said it gave him a little bit of light.
Ella toma clases de piano con los cheques de 2 dolares que su papa hace trabajando en la prision, pero cuando la escuchas, Bobby dijo que le dio un poco de luz.
Well, she and the Huntleys confirmed that she was cut off a year ago, which financially checks out, but they sent Sarah to live with her mother's distant cousin, so she hasn't lived with the family since she was a kid.
Bueno, ella y los Huntleys confirmaron que fue separada hace un año, lo que financieramente concuerda, pero enviaron a Sarah a vivir con el primo lejano de su madre, asi que ella no ha vivido con la familia desde que era una niña.
Thursday night, I was with my wife, and my friend Miles, a junkyard dog, will confirm that.
La noche del jueves, estaba con mi esposa y mi amigo Miles, un perro guardian, lo confirmaran.
Even if Sarah gave you a statement for the rape, which would've been necessary for a charge, the abuse occurred 22 years ago in a state with a statute of limitations that's 20.
Incluso si Sarah hubiera declarado por la violacion, lo que habria sido necesario para una acusacion, el abuso ocurrio hace 22 años en un estado con una ley de prescripcion de 20.
I was thinking today was so long that maybe I'd just... I'd stay in and hang with Zoe.
Estaba pensando que hoy fue un dia tan largo que quiza solo... me quedaria aqui y pasaria el rato con Zoe.
with that in mind 45
with that said 19
with that attitude 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
with that said 19
with that attitude 21
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334