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Worthington translate Spanish

301 parallel translation
Mrs. E. Worthington Manville.
Sra. E. Worthington Manville.
- Mrs. E. Worthington Manville?
- ¿ Sra. E. Worthington Manville?
E. Worthington Manville
Sra. E. Worthington Manville.
"Mrs. E. Worthington Manville passed away last week."
La Sra. E. Worthington Manville expiró la semana pasada.
Folks, meet Mrs. E. Worthington Manville.
Muchachos, la Sra. E. Worthington Manville.
Worthington Manville, Who's gonna dig him up?
El honorable E. Worthington Manville, ¿ de dónde va a salir?
I want to get a story on Mrs. E. Worthington Manville.
Se trata de la Sra. E. Worthington Manville.
But to Count Romero, I am E. Worthington Manville,
Pero para el Conde Romero soy el honorable E. Worthington Manville,
Elizabeth Ann and Roger Smith Worthington, sir.
- Elizabeth Ann y Roger Smith Worthington.
A Worthington, sir.
Un Worthington, señor.
A Georgia Worthington.
Un Worthington de Georgia.
The oil tanker Good Hope reports by radio... they have rescued the crew of the palatial yacht Doris, which was owned by Miss Doris Worthington, heiress of the Worthington millions.
El petrolero Buena Esperanza... rescató a la tripulación del lujoso yate Doris... de la Srta. Doris Worthington, heredera de la fortuna Worthington.
Our camp- - I'm Miss Doris Worthington.
- Nuestro campamento - - Soy la Srta. Doris Worthington.
Miss Worthington!
¡ Srta. Worthington!
Do you know where Miss Worthington is?
¿ Saben dónde está la Sra. Worthington?
This is Miss Worthington herself.
Ella es la Srta. Worthington.
Miss Worthington isn't going.
La Srta. Worthington no irá. - Se quedará aquí.
Ready, Miss Worthington.
Listo, Srta. Worthington. ¿ Sabes...?
This is Worthington James.
Este es Worthington James.
Well? Charlie said you beat him to the Worthington payroll job.
Dice que Ud. dio el golpe antes que él.
Won't you sit down, Miss Worthington?
¿ Por qué no se sienta, Srta. Worthington?
Worthington can drive me home later, can't he?
¿ Worthington puede llevarme a casa luego?
And now Mike Wallace interviews Senator Worthington Fuller.
Ahora Mike Wallace entrevista al senador Worthington Fuller.
General, my papers have supported Worthington Fuller from the first day he ran for office.
General, mis periódicos apoyaron a Worthington Fuller desde el día que se postuló.
We've got to find 35 million buyers for the product we call Worthington Fuller.
Debo hallar 35 millones de compradores para el producto Worthington Fuller.
Senator Worthington Fuller.
El senador Worthington Fuller.
I should say, Senator Worthington Fuller.
Debería decir, al senador Worthington Fuller.
Don't put your daughter on the stage, Mrs. Worthington.
No suba a su hija al escenario, Sra. Worthington.
- Mrs. E Worthington Manville.
- Sra. de E. Worthington Manville.
Mrs. E Worthington Manville?
¿ Sra. de E. Worthington Manville?
Mrs. E Worthington Manville.
Sra. de E. Worthington Manville.
- Mrs. E Worthington Manville.
- La Sra. de E. Worthington Manville.
- E Worthington...
- E. Worthington...
Gentlemen, may I present Mrs. E Worthington Manville.
Caballeros, les presento a la Sra. de E. Worthington Manville.
The Honorable E Worthington Shmerthington!
¡ El Honorable E. Worthington Shmerthington!
I wanna do a feature on Mrs. E Worthington Manville.
Quiero hacer un artículo sobre la Sra. de E. Worthington Manville.
See for yourself, Mrs. E Worthington Manville.
Véalo usted misma, Sra. de E. Worthington Manville.
- Dr. Worthington says she's doing fine.
- El Dr. Worthington dice que está bien.
I'm placing Larrabee under arrest for the murder of Carruthers, the attempted murder of the Chief, and 99, Harrington, Worthington, Sloan, Carvellas, Vash, Duffeld- - ( snores )
Estoy arrestando a Larabee por matar a Carruthers, intentar matar al jefe a la 99, a Harrington Worthington, Sloan, Carvellas Vash, Duffeld...
You know, I gave everybody I knew Worthington Oil... and it was only at three, and I didn't take any myself.
Recomendé a todo el mundo invertir en petróleos Worthington... cuando estaba a tres dólares, y yo no lo hice.
Jamal Worthingtors gonna be here.
También vieneJamal Worthington.
Worthington, W,
Worthington, W,
The Worthington Bank Gang?
¿ La banda del banco Worthington?
You may have heard of the great Worthington bank affair?
¿ Puede que haya oído hablar del gran caso del banco Worthington?
Here's Cal Worthington and his dog, Spot.
Aquí está Cal Worthington y su perro Spot.
Here is Cal Worthington and his dog, Spot.
Aquí está Cal Worthington y su perro Spot.
I moved up to field bombs when I was 14, running around the fields... between the streets, then Big Daddy Worthington bought me a Shelby 500... the day I got my driver's license.
A los 14 manejaba bombas de campo, corriendo. Hasta que Gran Papá Worthington me compró un Shelby 500 cuando obtuve mi licencia.
You know, I was considering driving the Worthington Porsche myself.
Estaba pensando en conducir un Worthington Porsche.
Why don't you get yourself some complimentary dip... and use a Worthington cocktail napkin?
¿ Por qué no eres un poco más cortés y te bebes un coctel Worthington?
Aren't you Marty Worthington?
¿ No eres Marty Worthington?
Worthington's bartender said he was with the crew at Bayfront.
El camarero de Worthington dijo que estaba con el equipo en Bayfront.

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