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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Would you look at that

Would you look at that translate Spanish

780 parallel translation
Oh, would you look at that?
Oh, que coincidencía?
Would you look at that!
¡ Mira eso!
- Would you, would you look at that!
- mirarías, mirarías eso!
My, would you look at that.
Vaya, qué te parece.
- Would you look at that knife, and tell this court whether it was the one you examined.
- ¿ Querría observar este cuchillo,... y decirle a la sala si se trata del que usted examinó?
- I'm terribly sorry. Mrs. Lampert, would you look at that photograph and tell me if you recognize anyone?
Sra. Lampert ¿ quiere hacer el favor de mirar esta fotografía y decirme si reconoce a alguno de estos hombres?
Would you look at that?
Mira eso, ¿ quieres?
Hey, now would you look at that!
Hey, ahora nos fijamos en eso!
Would you look at that!
¡ Pero mira esto!
Doctor, would you look at that one!
Doctor, mira este!
Hey, would you look at that!
Hey, mira eso!
would you look at that!
¡ Mira eso!
Hey. Hey, would you look at that?
Oiga, mire eso.
Would you look at that! He's unbelievable.
Mira lo que esta pasando ahí abajo.
Would you look at that?
No te pierdas eso.
Would you look at that!
¡ Mira esto!
Would you look at that smile?
- Miren esa sonrisa.
'Course I know that would be pretty hard for you to have to look at my face that long.
Aunque sé lo duro que sería para ti ver el mío durante tanto tiempo...
It would give you a bad minute, wouldn't it to know that there are a lot of men that don't look at things the way you do.
¿ Te haría sufrir un instante saber que hay muchos hombres que no ven las cosas como tú?
To look at you now, no one would ever believe... that you can be a regular little demon.
Aun que si alguien te viera pensaria que no. y que eres el demonio de la ciudad.
You wouldn't think, would you, to look at her, that she was a mother of five children?
Viéndola, no creería que es madre de cinco hijos.
Would you care to have a look at that? Hmm?
¿ Quiere echar un vistazo a eso?
Do you think after knowing one real man like Jack Stuart, just one... that a girl would even look at a namby-pamby popinjay like you?
¿ Crees que después de conocer a un hombre como Jack Stuart... una muchacha siquiera miraría a un cretino como tú?
Uh... would you mind letting me look at that. 45 now?
¿ Puedo ver ese 45 ahora?
I only did it so that you would look at me in a despising way.
Era para que me mirarais un poco menos mecánicamente.
You wouldn't think to look at me that I had ever played a trumpet, would you?
No sería atractiva de haber sido trompetista, ¿ verdad?
Look at that. Would you believe it?
Mira eso. ¿ Lo has visto?
Would you look at that?
¡ Ah, qué es esto!
Not only things to look at and hold in your hand, but things to happen to you, things so nice that if they ever did happen to you, your heart would quit beating.
No sólo cosas para mirar o para tomar con la mano... sino cosas que suceden... cosas tan lindas que, si no nos pasaran, se nos pararía el corazón.
I would pray that I were ugly so that you would never look at me again.
Rezaría para ser fea para que no volvieras a mirarme.
If I had known what that would mean... If I had known how a man's eyes can look when he feels like this or that anyone could look at me as you have...
Si hubiera sabido lo que esto suponía, cómo miran los ojos de un hombre que siente así, o que alguien me miraría como Ud. me miró.
Why, to look at you, anyone would say that you were a man of means.
Si Ie ven así, pensarán que tiene dinero.
I did not! Let me look at that. You mean these doodles would show it?
- A ver. ¿ Estos garabatos lo demuestran?
Tell her that she should take a look at the rugs, I would ask you to show her but I don't trust you.
Ten cuidado con las alfombras, porque las he contado, ya que no me fío de ti.
No manager would look at them, you know that.
Ningún empresario les haría caso, lo sabes.
Well, look, would you mind telling Sheila that if Blake Richards calls, I'm here at the yacht club having dinner and that he's to pick me up here.
¿ Podría decirle a Sheila que si llama Blake Richard le diga que estoy en el Yacht Club y que venga a recogerme?
The murder, so that you would then be free to marry Emma the letter, so that people would think the dead woman was Martine and look among the family for the killer never at you.
El asesinato, para poder ser libre de casarse con Emma la carta, para que se pensara que la mujer muerta era Martine y se buscara al asesino en la familia y nunca en usted.
You would not dare to look him in the eyes, in the way that you look at me now!
No te atrevías a mirarle a los ojos, de la forma en que me miras a mí, ahora!
Would you look at that now?
Would you like to look at that graph for a moment?
¿ Quieres ver estos gráficos por un momento? - Sí.
Look at that. Would you believe I made all-city guard in high school?
¿ Puede creer que fui el mejor escolta en la secundaria?
Would you mind taking a look at that?
¿ Te importaría mirar eso?
I mean look at him. Would you walk up to a creature like that with just a screwdriver in your hand?
Quiero decir, míralo. ¿ Quieres subir a una criatura así, con solo un destornillador en la mano?
well now, would you mind if I took a look at that ring?
¿ Le importaría que echara una mirada a ese anillo?
Look at that, would you?
Mira eso, ¿ quieres?
Do you think that a pretty, young woman would even look at me?
¿ Crees que una mujer joven y guapa podría tenerme en consideración?
Would you, uh, would you bring in that ombre chiffon? I'd love to look at it.
¿ Me traes la gasa de colores para verla?
Look at that mug, would you? Is that beautiful, Lion?
Lion, mira esta cara. ¿ No es hermosa?
I walk every morning in the middle of the confusion of a great people with the same freedom and peace that you can find in a country town, and I look at the men I meet as I would look at trees and animals in a forest.
Camino cada mañana en medio de la confusión de un gran pueblo con la misma libertad y paz que podeís encontrar en un pueblo de campo, y miró a los hombres que encuentro como miraría a los árboles y animales en el bosque.
wide, empty streets, cold lights, faces without mouths that you would look at without seeing.
calles anchas y vacías, luces frías, rostros mudos sobre los cuales se posaría tu mirada.
Would you look at that!
Mira eso.

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