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Written all over it translate Spanish

467 parallel translation
This room a name written all over it...
Su nombre está impreso en esto. Brown...
That chart has "escape" written all over it.
Ese mapa es la llave para la fuga.
It's got ambush written all over it.
Tiene escrita por todas partes la palabra emboscada.
It'd have'inside job'written all over it.
Suena a "trabajo desde dentro".
And that a symptom is a red flag with danger written all over it.
Y un síntoma es una bandera roja que advierte de un peligro.
This little dinner you have planned for tonight has got fiasco written all over it.
La cena que tienes preparada está destinada al fracaso. ¿ Por qué?
It's got mob written all over it.
No estaba deprimido.
Had your name written all over it.
Vi tu nombre escrito por todos lados.
- This has got accident written all over it.
No cabe duda de que ha sido un accidente.
Well, one thing's for sure. This has got accident written all over it. Frayed cord, bathroom door locked from the inside - [Chuckles]
No cabe duda de que ha sido un accidente ;... el cable pelado, el cerrojo echado...
- I can see it written all over your face.
- Puedo verlo escrito por toda tu cara.
I can see it written all over your face.
Puedo verlo escrito por toda tu cara.
Sure, I saw it written all over that grinning mug of yours.
Estaba marcado por toda tu cabecita sonriente.
Class, it's written all over him.
Clase, lo lleva escrito.
It's written all over him.
Por supuesto. Está claro.
It's written all over you.
Lo llevas escrito.
You got it written all over both of you.
Lo lleváis escrito en la frente.
It's written all over you.
Es obvio.
It's written all over you, the clothes, the look in your eyes.
No hay más que mirar tus ropas, tu cara.
It must be written all over me.
Debo llevarlo escrito en la cara.
I thought it was written all over me in neon lights.
Creí que Io llevaba escrito con luces de neón.
I thought it was written all over my face when I left Berlin in'02.
Pensé que lo llevaba escrito en la cara cuando me fui de Berlín en 1902.
It's written all over you.
Lo lleva escrito en la cara.
It's written all over her.
Es una cazafortunas.
It's written all over your face.
Está escrito en tu cara.
It's written all over you.
Lo llevas escrito en la cara.
You knew it in the courtroom. It's been written all over your face every time since then.
Desde el juicio, se veía en tu cara.
It's written all over his face.
Lo tiene escrito en la cara.
It's written all over your face!
¡ Si lo llevas en la cara!
It's written all over your face, Susan, pull yourself together.
Se te nota demasiado Susan, recomponte.
It was written all over that kid.
Estaba escrito en la cara de ese chico.
It's written all over your bright and shining face.
Está escrito sobre tu rostro brillante y resplandeciente.
It's written all over your face.
Lo llevas escrito en la cara.
It was written all over your face.
Se te ve en la cara.
You are the one who's crazy and it's written all over your face.
La loca es usted y se le ve en la cara.
It's written all over your face. And hers too.
Esta escrito en tu cara, | y en la suya.
I know what's on your mind. It's written all over you. You'd like to go back home, wouldn't you?
Sé lo que piensas, se te nota.
I can see she's delighted. It's written all over her face.
Creo que está muy contenta, lo refleja su cara.
And you don't need to say anything, it's written all over your face.
No necesitas decir nada.
It's written all over your face.
Tu cara te delata.
What, is it written all over my face?
¿ Qué? ¿ Lo tengo escrito en la cara?
I don't have to read your palm, it's written all over your face.
No hay que mirarte la mano. Lo llevas en la cara.
It's written all over your face.
Lo lleva escrito en la cara.
It's written all over your face.
Se te ve a leguas.
It's written all over your face!
¡ Se te nota en la cara!
Tell me, isn't it written all over her face?
Dígame, ¿ no se evidencia en su rostro?
By the time I get it written up, it'll all be over with.
Para cuando lo tenga escrito, ya todo habrá acabado.
Others, it's written all over their face.
Otras lo llevan escrito en el rostro.
She said it was written all over my face
Dijo que mi aspecto lo decía todo
But you know I didn't need to be told that because it was written all over your face what you suffered, what you went through and what you lost.
Pero tu sabes yo no necesitaba que me lo dijeran porque todo estaba escrito en tu cara lo que sufriste, lo que pasaste y lo que perdiste
It's written all over your underwear.
Lo llevas escrito en la ropa interior.

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