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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / Yell at me

Yell at me translate Spanish

1,205 parallel translation
Please don't yell at me.
- Por favor, no grites.
You didn't have to yell at me.
No quería que me riñeras.
Don't yell at me.
- No me grites.
I mean, go ahead, yell at me, dump me, make me feel bad.
Quiero decir, adelante, grítame, dejarme, hazme sentir mal.
Did you come over to yell at me some more?
¿ Vienes a gritarme un poco más?
I understand. But don't yell at me now.
Pero ahora no me grites.
No, she'll yell at me again.
No, me gritará de nuevo.
All he ever did was yell at me.
Siempre me gritaba. Se burlaba de mí.
- You can yell at me for a while.
- Grítame un rato.
Um, you can yell at me through the wall anytime.
Puedes gritarme a través de la pared cuando quieras.
I gotta get it washed before I take it down or he'll yell at me.
Debo lavarlo antes de llevarlo por miedo a que me grite.
Why did the policeman have to yell at me like that?
¿ Por qué me gritó así el policía?
I gotta get it washed before I take it down or he'll yell at me.
Tengo que lavarlo antes de llevárselo o me gritará.
- You could've gotten killed! - Gabrielle... Yell at me later.
- Gabrielle grítame luego.
My boss is looking to yell at me.
Mi jefe tiene busca una bronca.
Don't yell at me!
¡ No me grites!
I'd love to congratulate you but I'm scared you might yell at me.
Me encantaría felicitarte, pero tengo miedo de que me grites.
Don't yell at me.
- No me grite.
- Don't yell at me.
- ¡ Yo te ganaré!
You push the car back seven blocks just to yell at me?
¿ Empujaste el coche de vuelta siete cuadras sólo para gritarme?
Don't yell at me, damn it!
¡ No me grites, maldita sea!
Don't yell at me in public.
No me chille en público.
Don't yell at me, okay?
No me grites.
The owner of Allesandro's came to yell at me.
- El dueño de Allesandro's vino.
- Don't yell at me, please.
- No me grites, por favor.
Dad, you're not supposed to yell at me anymore.
Papá, ya no puedes gritarme.
No me grites.
And you're not very nice to me, and I don't know if I wanna be friends with you, if you're gonna yell at me.
Y no eres muy amable, y no sé si quiero que seamos amigos, si me vas a gritar.
- Don't yell at me!
- ¡ No me grites!
Don't yell at me. Don't yell.
No me grites.
Don't yell at me,
¡ No me grites!
Go ahead, yell at me.
Adelante, grítame.
Look, shouldn't you just yell at me here or something?
Mira, ¿ no deberías gritarme o algo?
- - Then why won't anybody yell at me?
- Entonces, ¿ por qué nadie me gritará?
Why do you always yell at me like this?
¿ Por qué siempre me gritas así?
Don't yell at me, Kevin.
No me grites, Kevin.
You getting ready to yell at me?
¿ Me vas a gritar?
My boss is gonna yell at me.
Mi jefe va a volver a gritarme.
And if I screamed to stop him, Nonny Barone would come in and yell at me for the screaming.
Y si gritaba para detenerlo Nonny Barone vendría y me gritaría por gritar.
Frasier, you wanna yell at me for that last call?
Frasier, ¿ quieres gritarme en mi última llamada?
Sí que es mi problema porque papá me reñirá por saberlo y no contarle.
I said, "yeah", and when I got pregnant I had this big picture painted in my mind, Damien's gonna be there, and I get to yell at him when I have the baby.
Cuando me quedé embarazada, me imaginaba que Damien me acompañaría y que le gritaría al tener al bebé.
Please don't yell at me.
Por favor, no me grites
So do not yell at me. I do not have a problem.
No tengo ningún problema.
I'm sure they already heard me yell at you.
Ya me escucharon gritarles a ustedes.
But since I don't wanna be cremated somebody should at least yell, "Look out below."
Pero como no quiero que me incineren alguien debería gritar :
When people yell it at me, I just, uh, I just ignore'em.
Cuando la gente me grita algo así como eso :
I still think you're going to look at me and yell for a cop. Oh, Marty... shut up.
Oh, Marty... callate.
Heather, Heather, if you make me yell at this point, I'm going to have to yell at you, man.
Heather, si a esta altura me haces gritar tendré que gritarles a ustedes.
When you yell at people, it reminds me of a snake staring down a frog.
Cuando le gritas a la gente, me recuerda a un a serpiente mirando a una rana.
"You started to yell out dirty words at me."
"Te volviste muy grosera conmigo."

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