You and your wife translate Spanish
4,571 parallel translation
You and your wife aren't still in Durant, are you?
Tú y tu mujer no estáis todavía en Durant, ¿ no?
No, privilege means that you and your wife cannot be forced to testify against each other or to reveal private conversations.
No, el privilegio significa que su mujer y usted no pueden ser obligados a testificar uno en contra del otro o a revelar conversaciones privadas.
I heard you and your wife, you got some good news recently.
Te oí a ti y a tu esposa, has tenido buenas noticias recientemente.
least bit of difference makes you and your wife Laoyanfenfei the she was about to leave and you want a man here
Menos de un metro te separa de tu mujer, pero ella está a punto de irse y tú estarás aquí solo.
You and your wife are going to Paris for a few months.
Usted y su esposa se van a París por unos meses.
You and your wife are our priority, Jeff, so whatever you need.
Tu mujer y tú sois nuestra prioridad, Jeff, así que, lo que necesites.
You and your wife got a great place.
Tú y tu esposa tenéis una casa bonita. Me encanta esa casa.
Have you and your wife seen a therapist together?
¿ Tú y tu esposa han visto a un terapeuta juntos?
You and your wife.
A usted y a su esposa.
Turns out we really could use your help down here at the precinct, so, if you and your wife could come down here right away and answer a few questions for us, well, that'd be just swell.
Resulta que nos podrían ser de ayuda en la comisaría, así que, si su mujer y usted pudieran venir inmediatamente y contestarnos unas preguntas, bueno, sería perfecto.
I'm sorry, but we need to talk to you about the night that you and your wife were attacked.
Lo siento, pero tenemos que hablar con usted sobre la noche en que usted y su mujer fueron atacados.
Did you see the person who hurt you and your wife?
¿ Vio a la persona que les hirió a usted y a su mujer?
You and your wife watch a lot of TV together?
¿ Usted y su mujer veían mucho la tele juntos?
That Sean Nolan promised you and your wife a life, and he didn't deliver.
Que Sean Nolan les prometió una vida a Ud. y a su mujer, y no cumplió.
( Woman over intercom ) Senator Coto, there's a reporter from "The Star" out here waiting to talk to you, a guy from "The Chicago Tribune," and your wife on line one.
Senador Coto, hay una reportera de "La Estrella" fuera esperando para hablar con usted, un chico del "Tribunal de Chicago", y tu mujer en la línea uno.
Brother Cullen, do you receive this woman to be your wedded wife, observing all the legal rights belonging to this condition for time and all eternity?
Hermano Cullen, ¿ aceptas a esta mujer pertenecientes a esta condición por toda la eternidad?
In as much as the two of you have made known your mutual desire and your consent to be married, by virtue of the authority invested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife.
Y dado que ambos os habéis hecho saber vuestro mutuo deseo y consentimiento de estar casados, por la autoridad que se me concede, os declaro marido y mujer.
Explain something to me. How long did you wait till after your brother and his wife were dead to buy your first eight ball?
Explícame algo. ¿ Cuánto tiempo esperaste desde que murieron tu hermano y su mujer para comprar tu primera papelina?
And you, you didn't tell me your lovely wife worked for the auction house.
Y no me dijiste que tu encantadora mujer trabajaba para la casa de subastas.
Okay, I've gone through all of your wife's business receipts, and I need to discuss something with you.
He revisado todos los recibos del negocio de tu esposa, y necesito discutir algo contigo.
You can't tell everyone in the canteen that your wife's mentally ill and you're scared to go home.
No puedes decir a todo el mundo en el bar que tu mujer es enferma mental y tienes miedo de volver a casa.
And I will be proud to stand beside you as your wife, and I will not be ashamed.
Y estaré orgullosa de estar a tu lado como tu esposa, y no me avergonzaré.
Doing every fucking thing they ask you to do and then all of the sudden one day, your wife wakes up and decides,
Haciendo cada cosa que te pidan hacer y entonces, de repente un día, tu esposa despierta y decide,
[Coin clattering] Why don't you use this to call your mom and tell her to get the tissues ready, because you're 0-2 against me, and the 0 isn't the number that's going to change. ♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪ ♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
¿ Por qué no lo usas para llamar a tu madre y decirle que prepare los pañuelos, porque vas 0-2 contra mí, y el 0 no es el número que va a cambiar? Suits 3x10 Quédate
Get me to play the good wife, control me, and by extension, the nation, because... and here's the best part... You still somehow believe the country will eventually embrace you bringing your whore into the White House as first lady.
Hacer que jugara a ser la buena esposa, controlarme, y de paso controlar a la nación, porque, y esta es la mejor parte, de algún modo sigues creyendo que eventualmente el país aceptará que traigas a esa zorra como primera dama a la Casa Blanca.
And you were afraid Isobel had told Vera so you killed your own wife, too.
Y tenías miedo de que Isobel se lo hubiese contado a Vera así que mataste también a tu propia esposa.
Uh, Gabriel, Paul and I would like you to give us money not to tell your wife you're banging Christy.
Gabriel, a Paul y a mí nos gustaría que nos dieras dinero no decirle a tu esposa que te estás acostando con Christy.
I don't ever expect you to forgive me, but I need you to know I never stopped being your wife, not for one moment in seven years, and the longer it went on, the more I realized
Yo no nunca espero que me perdones, pero necesito que sepas Yo nunca dejé de ser tu esposa, ni por un momento en siete años y cuanto más tiempo Y proseguía :
Because you're leaving the study to support your wife, and I'm doing it to forget mine?
¿ Porque tú dejas el estudio para apoyar a tu mujer, y yo lo hago para olvidar a la mía?
And I'm sorry your Beyonce loving wife went to Luke's game without you.
Y siento que tu amada esposa Beyonce fuese al partido de Luke sin ti.
And if it had been you, or your wife,
Y si hubieras sido tú, o tu esposa,
Maybe it's because, when you were dying, you didn't think about your wife and kids.
Puede que fuera porque, cuando ibas a morir no viste ni tu mujer ni hijos.
And when they're safe you can have your wife back.
Y cuando estén a salvo... Puedes tener a tu esposa de vuelta.
And a couple of hours after your wife put herself in the box and mailed herself, I guess you got online and tracked the package on your home computer?
Y un par de horas después de que su mujer se metiera en la caja y se enviara, imagino que usted ¿ entró en la página web y rastreó el paquete - en el ordenador de su casa?
Arturo, do you take Carmen as your lawful wedded wife, and promise to be true in sickness and in health, and love her and respect her for the rest of your life?
Arturo, ¿ quieres a Carmen como legítima esposa y prometes serle fiel en la salud y en la enfermedad y amarle y respetarle todos los días de tu vida?
And I am going to serve dinner to your wife and you are gonna tip me 40 percent.
Y yo voy a servirle la cena a su esposa y usted me va a dar el 40 por ciento de propina.
Because she's your wife and because she has a right to weigh in on- - on decisions that affect both of your lives, you know?
Porque es tu mujer y porque tiene derecho a sopesar decisiones que afectan a vuestras vidas, ¿ sabes?
You started as the Canadian minister of health, and three months later, your wife queefed in your face.
Comenzaste como el ministro de salud de Canadá, y tres meses después, tu esposa se pedorreó en tu cara.
Don't you see, Terry, that health care integration system has made you defensive and hostile, and your wife's been putting up with it.
¿ No ve usted, Terry, que la integración de sistemas de salud te ha hecho defensivo y hostil, y tu mujer ha sido puesto con ello.
You started as the Canadian Minister of Health, and three months later, your wife queefed in your face.
Te nombraron Ministro de Salud de Canadá, y tres meses después, tu mujer se tiró un pedo vaginal en tu cara.
So we're gonna take off soon, so you better take your cell phone out and call your wife or girlfriend and tell them you love them.
Vamos a despegar pronto, así que será mejor que cojas el móvil y llames a tu mujer o a tu novia y le digas que la quieres.
Well, she had a client file. Of you and your soon-to-be ex-wife Monica...
Bueno, tenía un expediente de cliente sobre usted y su futura exmujer Monica...
A note was sent to your wife, sir, to say that you were detained overnight by Mr Moray, and there was nothing for her to worry about.
Una nota fué enviada a su esposa, señor, para decirle que fué retenido durante la noche por Moray, y que no tenía nada por lo que preocuparse.
You know what you can do with your black wife and your black friend?
¿ Sabes qué puedes hacer con tu mujer negra y con tu amigo negro?
But I wonder how your medici wife And, more important to you, your french mistress Will react when they find out
Pero me pregunto cómo tu esposa Médici y, más importante para ti, tu amante francesa reaccionarán cuando se enteren de que has pasado a una nueva chica.
And as my son will soon learn, your wife not only dictates the games you play and the rules, but somehow she always wins.
Y como pronto aprenderá mi hijo, tu esposa no solo ordena los juegos a los que juegas y las normas, sino que, no se sabe cómo, siempre gana.
um... let's begin by talking about your baby girls and your wife, and what would happen to them if you died... in the line of duty.
Suena divertido. Empecemos hablando de sus hijitas y su esposa y de lo que pasaría si usted muriera... en el cumplimiento del deber.
Well, I... I came'cause I wanted you to know that we arrested the man responsible for what happened to you and to your wife.
Bueno, he... he venido porque quería que supiera que hemos detenido al hombre responsable de lo que les pasó a usted y a su esposa.
That night, when your wife went to sleep, you went into the bathroom and you snuck a cigarette.
Esa noche, cuando su esposa estaba dormida usted entró en el baño y encendió un cigarrillo.
If you do not make the quota every day for stamping enough people through, you don't get enough money to feed your wife and kids.
Si no haces la cuota necesaria cada dia pasando a suficientes personas, no consigues el dinero suficiente para alimentar a tu mujer e hijos.
Maybe it's because your best friend doesn't realize your wife and children need you.
Tal vez sea porque tu mejor amigo no se da cuenta de que tu esposa e hijos te necesitan.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and your wife 79
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and your wife 79