You and your family translate Spanish
4,084 parallel translation
Listen, I know that you and your family passed everything.
Escucha, Se que usted y su familia han pasado de todo.
Because of the threat of radiation, you and your family may need to live in the fallout room for 14 days after an attack.
Debido a la amenaza por radiación, usted y su familia quizá deban vivir en el refugio nuclear durante 14 días después del ataque.
We're here to help you and your family make the best decision
Estamos aquí para ayudarles a usted y a su familia a tomar la mejor decisión
If you simply point to where you relocated your bank's golden stockpile, you and your family will be allowed to live out the rest of your days on a small plot of land.
Si simplemente dijeras a dónde trasladaste las existencias de oro de tu Banco, se os permitiría a ti y a tu familia subsistir el resto de vuestros días en una pequeña parcela de tierra.
They're the ones who have been targeting you and your family.
Son los que os han estado observando a ti y a tu familia.
They'll hold you and your family accountable.
Es tu obligación y una responsabilidad familiar.
Like why you and your family were crossing the Causeway Bridge from the south.
Como por qué usted y su familia cruzaban la calzada Puente del sur.
I know that without his help that you and your family would still be targeted by the Trags.
Sé que sin su ayuda tú y tu familia... aún serían objetivos de los trags.
And if that's the case, you and your family will be taken care of.
En ese caso, nos ocuparemos de tu familia y de ti.
You gave the order to move your family to a safe house based on a threat to your daughter. Any idea why a threat to you and your family would murder a cop and a priest?
Dio órdenes de trasladar a su familia a una casa segura basado en la amenaza a su hija. ¿ Alguna idea de por qué una amenaza a usted y su hija mataría a un policía y un sacerdote?
And remember that the next time you raise your voice to me like this, or it'll be you and your family strung up there.
Y recuerda una cosa, la próxima vez que me levantes la voz como has hecho ahora, serás tú o alguien de tu familia quien aparezca colgando.
Schaefer, you've insulted a prolific and proficient serial killer who knows where you and your family live.
Schaeffer, has insultado a un prolífico y competente asesino en serie que sabe dónde vivís tú y tu familia.
We need to get you and your family out of that house.
Tenemos que sacaros a todos de esa casa.
You and your family are gonna leave here in a few days, and you're gonna take some time to become informed... Let your mouth catch up with your mind.
Usted y su familia van a marcharse en unos días, y usted va a tomarse un tiempo para informarse, deje que su boca alcance a su cerebro.
The Secretary sends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in this tragic loss.
El Secretario envía su más sentido pésame para usted y su familia en esta trágica pérdida.
In return, you will accept my family into your coven... And me as your leader.
A cambio, aceptarán a mi familia en su aquelarre... y a mí como su líder.
And I also thought if you two got married, then you and your mother wouldn't be like family anymore.
Y también supe que si os casabais, entonces tú y tu madre no seríais como familia.
And as soon as we find your family, I will call you, okay?
Y apenas encontremos a su familia, yo lo llamaré, ¿ de acuerdo?
He said you were 16 and Angus was 35 when you ran off to Paris and tore your family apart.
Dijo que eras 16 y Angus fue de 35 cuando ejecutó a París y rasgó su familia aparte.
Alfonso married into your family, and you are the pope.
Alfonso se casó con su familia, y usted es el Papa.
You know, when we were talking about me meeting your family and how you wanted it all to go.
Ya sabes, cuando estábamos hablado sobre que conociera a tu familia y cómo querías que fuera.
Your brother dehumanized you, and your family unfortunately fosters that climate of disrespect.
Tu hermano te deshumanizó, y tu familia desgraciadamente fomenta ese clima de falta de respeto.
And it's up to you to decide if you're any different from the men who killed your family.
Y le toca a usted decidir si es diferente de los hombres que mataron a su familia.
You leave your jobs, give up your careers, look after the family, the house, the children, and all the rest...
Usted deja sus trabajos, renunciar a sus carreras, cuidar de la familia, la casa, los niños, y todo lo demás...
Klaus was gonna kill you in a blood sacrifice, and you, being you, ran for the hills, only to come back and find your entire family had been massacred.
Ah, claro. Klaus iba a matarte en un sacrificio de sangre, y tú, siendo tú, huiste despavorida, solo para volver y enterarte de que toda tu familia había sido masacrada.
Since you and I last spoke, I've done a bit of soul-searching, had a trip to the barber, and did a little research, which revealed to me that you killed almost every member of the Whitmore family in the years since your escape,
Desde que hablamos por última vez, he hecho un poco de examen de conciencia, fui a la peluquería e hice una pequeña investigación, que me reveló que mataste casi a cada miembro de la familia Whitmore durante los años desde que escapaste,
You have 60 seconds to open this door or I'm gonna go down to Ramble Hills Drive and introduce myself to your family.
Tienes 60 segundos para abrir esta puerta o iré a Ramble Hills Drive y me presentaré a tu familia.
You just lost the girl, the girl you never made a move on because you were so desperate to save your family, and now your family lies in ruins.
Acabas de perder a la chica, la chica con la que nunca hiciste un movimiento porque estabas tan desesperado por salvar a tu familia, y ahora tu familia está en ruinas.
He's too broken to find it himself, but I do believe there is hope for him in the baby that you carry, and speaking of your child, our family has no shortage of enemies.
Está demasiado roto para darse cuenta por sí solo, pero creo que hay esperanza para él en el bebé que llevas, y hablando de tu hija, nuestra familia no tiene pocos enemigos.
You lost him, and you needed an outlet, and that's what this company is to you now- - your family.
Lo perdiste, y necesitabas una salida, y eso es lo esta compañía es para ti ahora... tu familia.
And if you're lucky, your family is right there with you.
Si tienes suerte tu familia estará ahí contigo.
You're family, and we love you, but your food experiments are sometimes just... a little hoity-toilety.
Eres de la familia y te queremos, pero tus experimentos culinarios a veces son... un poco pijos.
You and your obsession with family.
Tú y tu obsesión con la familia.
So your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment.
Así que tu aquelarre intentó destruir a mi familia y tú misma retuviste a mis hermanos en un tormento inenarrable.
Ippolito d'Este, with our family's fine lineage and your high rank within the Church, we would expect you to behave not as a criminal, but as a model of purity.
Ippolito d'Este, con el fino linaje de nuestra familia y con tu alto rango en la Iglesia, esperaría que te comportaras no como un criminal, sino como un modelo de pureza.
I'll let your girl and the family go. You live your new life with her.
liberare a tu chica y a tu familia viviras con ellas una vida nueva
Do you mean for screwing over your family or for turning me and Cynthia in?
¿ Te refieres a joder a tu familia y entregarnos a Cynthia y a mí?
I saw how passionate you could be about your work, and I... all I could see was how passionate you would be about me and our family.
Vi cuánta pasión ponías en tu trabajo, y.... solo pude ver la pasión que pondrías en mí y en nuestra familia.
I won't tell your family and friends what happened to you.
No les contaré ni a vuestra familia ni a vuestros amigos lo que os ha pasado.
But Jack is a man of principle, and I would think that he would want you to know the truth, given your long-standing history with my family.
Pero Jack es un hombre de principios, y pienso que querrá que conozcas la verdad. dada tu antigua historia con la familia.
Sólo tú y yo, y empezaremos una nueva familia, y criaré tus hijos como si fueran míos.
Okay, so you're putting your life in danger to protect your family and your job?
Así que pones tu vida en peligro... para proteger tu empleo y familia.
And I'm sorry that you came all the way down here for me to tell you that I want nothing to do with you. Or your family.
Y siento mucho que hayas hecho el viaje... solo para enterarte de que no necesito nada de ti... ni de tu familia.
All your mom and I ever wanted was for you to have a family.
Todo lo que queriamos con tu mamá es que tu tuvieras una familia.
What my husband did to you and to your family.
Lo que mi esposo les hizo a ti y a tu familia.
You deal with your family shit your way, and I will deal with mine my way, which is not dealing with it at all.
Usted trata con su familia mierda a tu manera, y voy a tratar con la mía a mi manera, que es no tratar con él en absoluto.
And every time you do, your family suffers.
Y cada vez que lo haces, tu familia sufre.
Ragnar Lothbrok, my friend and ally, and all your family gathered, let me properly present to you my wife, Gunnhild, and my children.
Ragnar Lothbrok, mi amigo y aliado, y toda tu familia reunida, permítanme presentarles debidamente a mi esposa, Gunnhild, y a mis hijas.
You have a lot of shit going on, your whole family's dead and I think the best thing for you would be to just shift gears and do something completely different with yourself.
Usted tiene un montón de mierda pasando, su conjunto de muertos familia y creo que la Lo mejor para ti sería simplemente cambiar de marcha y hacer algo completamente diferente con uno mismo.
Look, Quincy, I am sorry for you and for your family, for...
Mira, Quincy, lo siento por usted y para su familia, para...
From the very beginning, you could have docked at Norfolk and gone back for your family.
Desde el principio, que podría haber atracado en Norfolk y ha vuelto a su familia.
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you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and your family 44
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and your family 44