You decided translate Spanish
9,918 parallel translation
Glad you decided to come.
Me alegro que te hayas decidido a venir.
Seriously, I want to know what was going through your fucking head when you decided to run prostitutes and sell drugs for Mickey.
De verdad, quiero saber qué se te pasó por la puta cabeza cuando decidiste explotar prostitutas y vender drogas para Mickey.
Have you decided on a terminus?
¿ Ya ha decidido el destino?
- you decided to be a medical examiner.
- decidiste hacerte médico forense.
Stephen, I'm really glad you decided to come back.
Stephen, estoy muy contento de que decidió volver.
And thats when you decided on separating from Anjana.
y ahí es cuando decidiste separarte de Anjana.
It was the biggest day of my life and you weren't there cos you'd had an argument with him about God knows what, but I certainly wasn't part of the equation when you decided not to come.
Fue el día más importante de mi vida... y no estabas ahí porque discutiste con él acerca de Dios sabe qué, pero, ciertamente, yo no era parte de la ecuación... cuando decidiste no ir.
Why have you decided to tell the truth about Alison's alibi?
¿ Por qué ha decidido decir la verdad sobre la coartada de Alison?
And why have you decided to share this card with us now, Lesli?
¿ Y por qué has decidido compartir esta carta con nosotros ahora, Lesli?
I'm so glad you decided to come here today to honour him.
Estoy complacido de que haya decidido venir a honrarlo.
Have you decided, Miss Grimke?
¿ Se ha decidido, Srta. Grimke? Sí.
Have you decided on a name?
¿ Habéis decidido un nombre?
Coincidence. I reckon he'd had enough and wanted out, so you decided to punish him by framing him for murder.
Considero que él había tenido suficiente y quiere terminar,... así que usted decidió castigarlo tendiéndole una trampa para incriminarlo por asesinato.
Have you decided?
¿ Has decidido?
Have you decided what to do about Eve?
¿ Has decidido algo sobre Eva?
So you decided to spy on me, a cyborg with the same model?
Así que decidió espiar a mí, un cyborg con el mismo modelo?
So you decided to run back towards the buildings you bombed?
Así que, ¿ decidiste correr de regreso a los edificios que bombardeaste?
Just because you decided to "occupy" my mother.
Solo porque decidiste "ocupar" a mi madre.
And since we're all banned from the ceremony, we decided to bring graduation to you.
Usted necesita imaginación algo que grita su nombre. Tomemos, por ejemplo Irvin Presman. ¿ Conoce su arte?
- You know, what I decided to do was...
- Lo que decidí hacer fue...
And t-that's why we've decided that you can do whatever you want.
Por eso decidimos que puedes hacer lo que tú quieras.
And you just decided to send me to Italy alone without even talking to me first?
¿ Y solo dedicieron enviarme solo a Italia sin siquiera hablarlo conmigo primero?
Do you remember when you were little and we used to walk to Prospect Park, and you and Alex decided that your favorite horses on that carousel were brother and sister?
¿ Recuerdas cuando eran chicos y solíamos caminar al Parque Prospect, y tú y Alex decidieron que sus caballos favoritos en ese carrusel eran hermano y hermana?
Once the irs has decided that you are a religion,
Una vez que el IRS ha decidido que son una religión,
- I've decided that what would be best for me, and for Eric- - would be best for both of us, - Uh-huh. - Is if we were to have... a little break from you and whatever effect that you may be having on our lives.
He decidido que lo que mejor sería para Eric y para mí... que sería lo mejor para ambos, que nos tomáramos un pequeño descanso de ti y de cualquier efecto que puedas tener en nuestras vidas.
Was that possibly the night you were all dressed up and decided to go knock down the bypass sign?
¿ Acaso fue la noche en que estabas elegante y decidiste derribar el letrero de la circunvalación?
I've decided I'm gonna leave tomorrow. Oh. - Where are you going?
Decidí marcharme mañana. - ¿ Dónde vas a ir?
- You've decided?
- ¿ Has decidido?
You haven't decided on the wedding band.
No te has decidido por la banda del la boda.
And Mom has decided that she should move in with me so that you can live with Maura.
Y mamá ha decidido que debería mudarse conmigo para que puedas quedarte con Maura.
They decided that you were expendable.
Decidieron que podían prescindir de ti.
You know what, my... My stupid sinus was whistling again, so I decided to just sleep on the couch.
Sabes qué, mi... estúpida sinusitis estaba sonando otra vez, así que decidí dormir en el sofá.
That's why I've decided to sue you, too.
Por eso he decidido demandarla a usted también.
I decided Abraham was worthy of saving without consulting you.
Decidí que merecía la pena salvar a Abraham sin consultarle.
Not disinclined, and even if they were, that doesn't mean that you should jump in and offer up research that we both decided to postpone for the foreseeable future.
No estaban reacios, e incluso si lo estuviesen, eso no significa que te tengas que lanzar a ello y ofrecer una investigación que ambos decidimos posponer por ahora.
So this is yet another thing you've just decided, Bill, that our work with Dan is over?
O sea, ¿ que esto es otra cosa que tú acabas de decidir, Bill, que nuestro trabajo con Dan se ha acabado?
You see, Tahni remembered, and for the first time in his miserable life, he decided to do something good.
Verás, Tahni sí se acordaba, y por primera vez en su miserable vida, decidió hacer lo correcto.
The gods decided that long ago, long before you were born, long before your grandfather was born.
Los dioses se decidieron tanto tiempo atrás, mucho antes de que nacieras, mucho antes de que tu abuelo naciera.
You're decided, 100 percent?
¿ Estás decidida, cien por cien?
You unilaterally decided I was better off a bitter alcoholic failure who can only hang out with a baby.
Decidiste unilateralmente que yo estaba mejor... Oye.
Yeah, I thought about hitting an eight, but then I decided just to, you know, choke down to seven iron.
Sí, pensé en darle con uno del ocho pero decidí darle con un hierro del siete.
And I've decided to let you produce the concert, And it'll say Cookie Lyon presents...
y he decidido dejarte producir el concierto y este pondrá ¨ Cookie Lyon presenta ¨...
I mean, what, you just suddenly decided...
Quiero decir, de repente decides que...
As the show's producer, you screened the calls, decided
A medida que el productor del espectáculo, te llama rastreado,
But neither you nor your husband decided not to drink that day so that at least one of you could adequately supervise your child.
Pero ni usted ni su marido decidieron no beber ese día así que al menos uno de los dos podría adecuadamente supervisar a su hijo.
Bonnie decided to save herself, and from what you told me, I think she wants you to do the same.
Bonnie decidió salvarse, y por lo que me dijiste, creo que quiere que hagas lo mismo.
Also, we've decided to be our most Oprah selves, and we're gonna give you all of our fund-raiser money.
Además, hemos decidido ser lo más Oprah posible y darle el dinero de nuestra recaudación de fondos.
As you all know, Mrs. Masztalerz had to retire... and that's why I decided to pass on those students to Mr. Bielik.
Como todos saben, la señora Masztalerz tuvo que retirarse... y es por eso que decidí dar los estudiantes al Sr. Bielik.
I decided to give you a chance to show I'm wrong.
Decidí darte una oportunidad de probar que me equivoco.
I understand Guy Redmayne's PAC has decided to support you.
Entiendo que el PAC de Guy Redmayne ha decidido apoyarte.
Oh, I guess you decided not to celebrate with Devin?
decided 31
you don't want to talk to me 24
you did 4907
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you did it 1578
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't want to talk to me 24
you did 4907
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you did it 1578
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't have to be sorry 41