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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You have a lovely home

You have a lovely home translate Spanish

154 parallel translation
You have a lovely home ( Hello!
Tiene una casa preciosa. ( Hola!
Jack told me you have a lovely home waiting for you.
Jack me dijo que tiene una casa maravillosa esperandola.
You have a lovely home, Lady Barker. It's in exquisite taste.
Tiene una casa preciosa, decorada con mucho gusto.
- And you have a lovely home.
- Y tienes una casa preciosa.
You have a lovely home, Mr. Graham.
Tiene Ud. una casa encantadora Sr. Graham.
- Oh, you have a lovely home. - I'm happy you like it.
Oh, tienes una casa maravillosa que bueno que te guste...
You have a lovely home.
Usted tiene una casa encantadora.
You have a lovely home here.
Tienen una casa muy bonita.
You have a lovely home, Mrs. Vishkower.
Tiene usted una casa preciosa, Sra. Vishkower.
You have a lovely home.
Tienen una casa hermosa.
- Oh, you have a lovely home here.
- Tienes una casa muy bonita.
Don't you have a lovely home in Sherman Oaks, sir?
¿ No tiene una hermosa casa en Sherman Oaks, señor?
You have a lovely home, Mrs. Robertson.
Tiene una casa preciosa, Sra. Robertson.
- You have a lovely home.
- Usted tiene una casa preciosa.
- You have a lovely home.
- Su casa es encantadora.
You have a lovely home.
Tiene un hogar precioso.
You have a lovely home here.
Tiene una casa encantadora.
You have a lovely home.
Su casa es encantadora.
First off, Kitty, I'd like to say you have a lovely home.
Primero que nada, Kitty, me gustaría decirte que tienes un hogar adorable.
In truth, Mr. Sanderson, you have a lovely home. Thank you.
Verdaderamente, Sr. Sanderson, tiene una hermosa casa.
I see you have a lovely home here, Cheryl
- Veo que tienes... -... una hermosa casa, Cheryl.
I mean, you have a lovely home.
Quiero decir que tienen una casa adorable.
- You have a lovely home.
- Tienes una casa preciosa.
You have a lovely home.
Tiene una hermosa casa.
You have a lovely home.
- Tiene una casa preciosa.
Ms. Miller, you have a lovely home.
Señora Miller, tiene un hermoso hogar.
You have youth, education, a lovely home.
Tienes juventud, educación, un preciosos hogar.
What a lovely home you have.
- Oh, qué casa tan bonita.
You and Steve have got a lovely home here.
Tú y Steve tenéis una bonita casa.
You know, people come to see me all the time, you know. And we have such a lovely time, and then they have to go home.
La gente viene a visitarme y nos divertimos mucho.
You have such a lovely voice Sita, you are wasted sitting at home.
Tienes una voz tan bonita Sita, la desperdicias sentada en casa.
You'll have a beautiful wife, great kids, lovely home, and i'll be your bachelor friend who you feel you have to invite to your dinner party.
Tendrás una preciosa mujer, hijos fantásticos... una casa encantadora... y yo seré tu amigo soltero al que tienes que invitar... porque no me has visto en años.
You have a really lovely home, sir.
Tiene una casa muy hermosa, señor.
You certainly have a lovely home here.
Usted tiene una casa muy hermosa.
Al, I'm telling you. This magazine says we can have a lovely home and it says it doesn't cost very much money.
Aquí dice que podemos tener una bonita casa sin gastar mucho dinero.
- What a lovely home you have.
- Que linda casa tienes.
You have a very lovely home and a very beautiful mademoiselle. Thank you.
tiene una casa preciosa y una mujer muy bonita.
You have such a lovely home.
Tienen un hermoso hogar.
- Sí, capitán Cerebro.
You and your sister have a lovely home, Ms. Spellman.
Usted y su hermana tiene una hermosa casa, Señorita Spellman.
What a lovely home you have.
- Qué casa más encantadora.
You must have a lovely home, Katie, with all the things you've stolen.
Usted debe tener una hermosa casa, Katie, con todas las cosas que has robado.
You have a lovely home.
- Tienen una casa muy bonita.
May I say what a lovely home you have here.
- Debo decirle que tiene un hogar encantador.
And what a lovely home you have.
Qué casa tan bella.
- What a lovely home you have, Dolly.
- Qué hermosa casa tienes, Dolly.
Listen to me, you're going to go home and you're going to have... some of those lovely meals your mom reheats.
Escúchame, vas a ir a casa, y vas a poder comer... esas comidas que tu madre recalienta tan bien.
You have such a lovely home.
Tiene una casa adorable.
I don't see why you have to move heaven and earth to spend a fortune at that fancy hotel restaurant when I could make a lovely lunch at home.
No veo por qué tienes que mover cielo y tierra para gastar una fortuna en ese restaurante de hotel de lujo cuando yo podría hacer un delicioso almuerzo en casa.
- And you have such a lovely home!
- ¡ Tu casa es hermosa!
You have a really lovely home.
Su casa es realmente encantadora.

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