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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You heard what he said

You heard what he said translate Spanish

474 parallel translation
You heard what he said.
Ya ha oído lo que ha dicho.
You heard what he said.
Ya oyeron Io que dijo.
- You heard what he said to me.
- Ya has oído lo que me ha dicho.
You heard what he said.
Corran la voz.
You heard what he said.
Oíste lo que dijo.
But you heard what he said, didn't you?
¿ Ha oído lo que ha dicho?
You heard what he said.
Ya oyó lo que dijo.
You heard what he said. You gotta have a kid.
Tienes que venir con un niño.
- ¡ Ya oíste lo que dijo! - Guarda la pistola.
You heard what he said.
Escuchaste lo que dijo :
Let go of me. You heard what he said.
¡ Suélteme!
You heard what he said, didn't you, about the temple of God?
Has oído lo que ha dicho del templo.
You heard what he said.
Has oido lo que dijo.
You heard what he said about the cage?
Ya has oído lo que ha dicho sobre encerrar, ¿ no?
- You heard what he said.
- Ya lo oíste.
You heard what he said!
Ya oíste lo que dijo!
- You heard what he said.
- Oíste lo que dijo.
And now, you heard what he said.
Ya oíste lo que dijo.
Well, you heard what he said.
Ya oíste lo que dijo. Di adiós.
Well, you heard what he said, strictly speaking we can't.
Lo ha oído, casi no podemos.
You heard what he said.
Sabes lo que dijo.
You heard what he said.
Ya le oyeron.
You heard what he said.
No ha oído lo que le decía.
- You heard what he said?
- ¿ Oíste lo que dijo? - Si cree que lo escucho...
You heard what he said, boys.
Ya lo habéis oído.
You heard what he said!
Oiste lo que dijo.
You heard what he said, it's a fix all the way.
Ya has oído lo que dijo. Todo está previsto.
You heard what I said.
Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
You heard.. ... what I said.
Has oído lo que he dicho.
I heard what Jerry said about taking money from you, Father, and I feel just as he does.
Oí Io que dijo Jerry sobre el dinero, papá, y siento igual que él.
Did you hear what I said, old man? Yes, I heard.
- ¿ Has oído lo que te he dicho Philip?
- You heard what I said.
- Ya ha oído lo que he dicho.
- You heard what I said, didn't you? - Hey.
- Has entendido lo que he dicho.
You heard what I said!
- Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
You heard what I said.
Ya has oido lo que he dicho. Ven, Louie.
You heard what I said. Get up!
- ¿ No has oído lo que te he dicho?
You heard what I said, I think.
Ha oído lo que he dicho, creo.
You heard what he said, didn't you?
- Ya lo ha oido.
Te he dicho que debes obedecerme.
Su Reverencia ha olvidado... que él es un hombre con mucho éxito.
Yes, yes, i heard what you said, but i'm talking seriously.
Sí, sí, le he oido,... pero estoy hablando en serio.
You heard what I said!
Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
You heard what Righetto said, he did it because he thought they were beating me up.
¿ No oíste lo que dijo Righetto? Lo hizo para que dejaran de pegarme.
Let's say i heard nothing and you forgot what you've said to me.
No he oído nada, y tú has olvidado lo que me has dicho.
You heard a voice, you're willing to swear it was a man and you couldn't hear what he said.
Oyó una voz, jura que era un hombre pero no pudo oír lo que dijo.
- You heard what I said.
- Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
¿ Cómo escuchaste lo que dijo?
Look, I heard what you said, Mister.
Oiga, ya he oído lo que ha dicho.
I heard what you said to Tris.
He oído lo que le has dicho a Tris.
Gone for a year, I'm trying to bring you up to date you haven't heard half of what I've said.
No has leído los informes que te he enviado este año.
You heard what I said- - keep away from me.
- Ya te he dicho que no te acerques.

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